Your past need not be your future. God has a bright future in store for you if you will accept it and believe it. Take His plans and make them your plans. Read more…
Mercy – Bending the Rules of God
Faith is not mentioned in all the Gospel miracles. In these, the individuals received the blessing by calling upon the mercy of God. Read more…
Costly Grace by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our Church. We are fighting today for costly grace. Cheap grace means grace sold on the market like (common) wares. The sacraments, the …
A Birth From Above – A. W. Tozer
by A.W. Tozer This may sound like heresy in some quarters, but I have come to this conclusion – that there are far too many among us who have thought …
The Injustice of Grace – Reconciliation
by Rex Rouis “I demand justice. I expect justice to be done!” “Dude, get real, you’re guilty too.” “Oh, yeah – Lord, please give me mercy.” What is God’s true …
He That Gives To the Poor Shall Not Lack – Rees Howells
by Rees Howells (1879 – 1950) The first big test on giving came with a man in very poor circumstances, the lowest of the low before he was converted. One …
Loving Them As He Does – Rees Howells
by Rees Howells When the Holy Spirit asked me to love every tramp on the road it was not I who really became responsible for them but God. He said, …
The Sufferings of Christ – Rees Howells
by Rees Howells There are sufferings still left for the Church, to be fulfilled in us, but you cannot come to Christ’s sufferings until you have finished with your own. …