Sometimes we find ourselves waiting for God to remove our obstacles when He in fact is actually waiting for us to take that vital step of faith. Read more…
The Humility of Faith – Andrew Murray
And now, soul, why do you not believe! Are you still too unworthy? The deeper your humility, the stronger your reason and right for believing. Read more…
Nobody Has This All Figured Out
I come from a Word of Faith background. Several of my friends come from a Reformed Calvinist background. I believe strongly that God has given man a will and …
The Sufferings of Christ – Rees Howells
by Rees Howells There are sufferings still left for the Church, to be fulfilled in us, but you cannot come to Christ’s sufferings until you have finished with your own. …
Humility isn’t Pretending to Be Worthless – J.I. Packer
By J.I. Packer “Being humble is not a matter of pretending to be worthless, but is a form of realism, not only regarding the real badness of one’s sins and …