Most everything in God comes down to hearing His still small voice. Hearing from Him is more of an art than a science, it must be valued and practiced. Read more…
Speak Your Future To Your Future
We may have inherited much of our past but we can create most of our future. We start in a world created by others, but we can change that world into one of our own creation. Overcome life’s adversity through faith in God and by the words of your mouth. Read more…
The World Will Not Understand Your Faith
A belief is either correct or it is not. It is based on whether you heard correctly or not. No one else can hear it or know it. You have to know yourself. Read more…
Jesus Is a Person – So Is the Holy Spirit
The more we realize that the Holy Spirit is a Person the more we will treat Him as a Person, and the more He will respond to us as a Person. Read more…
I Like God and I Want to Spend Eternity with Him
I like God. I like everything about Him. I want to go to Heaven in order to spend eternity with Him, and not because I don’t want to go to Hell. Read more…
Which Is Better – Jesus Next To Us Or the Holy Spirit Within Us?
The list of advantages of having the Holy Spirit within us goes on and on. Now, it is up to us to find out what it really means to be ‘in Him.’ Read more…
Does God Have Faith? – McIntyre
By Joe McIntyre One controversial aspect of the modern Faith movement is the idea that we can exercise the “God-kind of faith.” This phrase is taken from Mark 11:22 in …
The Baptism of the Holy Ghost – Charles G. Finney
In the following excerpt, Finney recounts his empowering by the Holy Spirit while alone in his law office after his conversion in the autumn of 1821. Read more…
365 Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus Christ
The following are scriptures and prophecies from the Old Testament that were correctly fulfilled in the first coming of Jesus Christ. Read more…
The Spirit’s Ministry in Prayer – Wuest
The Holy Spirit of God dwelling in us, knowing our wants better than we, Himself pleads in our prayers better than we could ever express in our own words. Read more…
The Birth of Jesus – The Full Nativity Story
The Nativity is the story of the birth of Jesus. It is one of the most beautiful stories in the Bible. The full story is far more involved than you may think. Read more…
The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement
The Pentecostal movement is the largest & most important religious movement to originate in the United States. It began in 1901 in a Bible School in Kansas.
Jesus Gave Up His Superpowers
Jesus gave up His superpower prerogatives when He came to earth, being born of a virgin. How then did He accomplish His miracles? Read more…
“Quit Acting Like I Am Dead.” – Jesus
Jesus would like to say to all of us – “Quit Acting Like I Am Dead.” Yes, He died on the Cross, but He was resurrected. He is alive and with us. Read more…
The Person Behind the Hearing of Faith is the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit has been given and He is inside of all Christians, to lead us and to speak to us. It is the great promise of the Father. Read more…
Jesus the Healer – Kenyon
It is just as wrong for a believer to bear his sickness when Jesus bore it, as it is for him to bear his sins when Christ bore them. Read more…
Underestimating Jesus – Kenyon
by E.W. Kenyon – Used by Permission One cannot conceive of anything that will cripple faith and put the believer in bondage more quickly and surely than underestimating what He …
God – So Far and Yet So Near
Look out at the stars above and search them. You will not find God in them for He is not found in creation. He is far from the eyes but close to the heart. Read more…