From The Imitation of Christ, c.1400 – “Speak, Lord, for Thy servant hears.” Read more…
God is a Spirit – Kenneth E. Hagin
Spiritual things are more real than material things. They have to be, because God, who is a Spirit, created all material things. Read more…
Choose Life and Not Death – Do It Now
Run to Jesus quickly while you can. The world is getting crazier every day. He is your refuge & eternal protection. He will receive you & heal you. Read more…
Jesus – The Gift of Salvation
Jesus gave the gift of redemption and eternal life to all who would believe. Jesus gifted us with a choice, and has allowed us to choose His life and a future with Him. Read more…
Praying in the Spirit: Tongues, the Holy Spirit, or Christ?
The strongest criticisms leveled at the charismatic renewal center on two theories: one, it is tongues-centered, and two, it is Spirit-centered. Read more…
Who Can Withstand God’s Power?
What if somebody was able to withstand God’s power? What if everybody was able to withstand God’s power? Like Paul, I ask the question, “Who can separate us from the …
Faith Is Anything But Blind
aith is not blind. Faith sees what the natural eyes cannot see. It sees the answer to life’s problems. Doubt sees what currently is and no more. Hope sees what …
Scriptures On the Blood of Jesus
We overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Psalm 103:8 Read more…
Jon M. Ruthven – Free Online Books
Jon M. Ruthven, Ph.D. has written numerous books to emphasize the biblical grounding for a ministry of healing, signs and wonders in the power of the Spirit. Read more…
A Story Of Faith and Hearing
This Biblical truth of hearing, believing, and receiving is a foundational principle of Christ through which we are allowed to see the glory of God in our lives. Read more…
Who Healed the People in the Gospels? It Was Jesus, Right?
Jesus ministered to people and they were healed, but according to the Bible Jesus wasn’t the one doing the healing. Look at what the Gospel of John has to say.. Read more…
Jesus Gave Up His Superpowers (Short Version)
f Jesus did empty Himself of His divine superpowers prior to being born of a virgin and becoming Man, by what means did He accomplish His mighty miracles? The answer …
Christ the God-Man – A.W. Tozer
Jesus our Lord qualified completely to be our great High Priest. He was ordained and appointed by God. He was the eternal Son of whom the Father said, “You are a Priest forever” (Psalm 110:4). Read more…
Everyone Responds to the Word of God
There is no way around it. You can agree with it, disagree with it, or try to ignore it, but it is still there. God’s word is truth and it will prevail one way or another. Read more…
Faith Is Revealed to the Heart by the Holy Spirit
Calvin’s well-known definition of faith: ‘Now we can agree on the right definition of faith if we say that it is firm and certain knowledge of the divine good will …
The Faith of the Wise Men – Ryle
The conduct of the wise men is a striking example of faith. We read of no greater faith than this in the whole volume of the Bible. It is a faith that deserves to be placed side by side with that of the penitent thief. Read more…
My Heavenly Friend – George Mueller
by George Mueller The precious Lord Jesus Christ is our friend. Oh, let us seek to realize this! It is not merely a religious phrase or statement, but truly He …
What the Scriptures Teach About the Blood of Jesus
There is no single scriptural idea, from Genesis to Revelation, more constantly & more prominently kept in view, than that of the words – “THE BLOOD of JESUS” Read more…