Confessions of Faith

The Bible tells us to “hold fast to the confession of faith.” Confessing God’s Word is the best way of planting the Word of God into our heart. You can …

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How Do You Plant a Word?

Mark 4:14  The sower sows the word.  (NASB) How do you plant a Word?  Where do you plant a Word?  What does a planted Word grow into?  How do you …

Farming and Mining the Word of God

By Hubert Brooke A Farmer of the Word In the next place, there is the agricultural toil of the farmer, who confines his attention to one clearly defined and measured …

Given and Grown by God

Faith is not a work, or works.  We are saved by faith and not by works.  It is not the ‘act of believing’ which was credited to us for righteousness …

Love Believes

…(love) bears all things, (love) believes all things, (love) hopes all things, (love) endures all things, (8) love never fails. I Corinthians 13:7 Love Believes God’s love in our heart …