God’s ultimate purpose is for all humans and heavenly beings who willingly choose to be with Him to coexist in a new eternal kingdom. Read more…
Who Can Withstand God’s Power?
What if somebody was able to withstand God’s power? What if everybody was able to withstand God’s power? Like Paul, I ask the question, “Who can separate us from the …
A Sovereign God Helping His Free-Will Man
It seems like the more we exercise our free will in obedience to God’s stated will, the more He acts sovereignly on our behalf.
Lord, I Don’t Understand!
Have you ever told your child to do something only to hear them respond, “Why?” So have I. What’s your response? It was probably, “Because I told you so.”
God’s Sovereignty And Man’s Free Will
n over emphasis on God’s sovereignty can make one spiritually passive. An over emphasis on man’s freedom and authority can make one arrogant and self-righteous. Let’s be neither. Let us …
The Vast Universe – Two Perspectives (Short Version)
Look around you. Can you see God? If you can’t, and I’m assuming you can’t, why do you think that is? Is it because He doesn’t exist? Rest assured; God …