So, the Christ who won the victory at the cross of Calvary, over Satan and all the powers of hell and darkness, and even the grave, is in us and is still victorious over Satan and those powers of sin and darkness. Read more…
A Divine Revelation of Hell – Mary K Baxter
by Mary K Baxter Foreword Marcus Bach stated that books are often referred to as brain children, and rightly so. Not unlike the children of one’s flesh and blood, these …
Cast Out Devils – Kenneth E. Hagin
The very first sign Jesus said would follow any and every believer was: “In my name shall they cast out devils.” Read more…
How Do We Walk On Water? One Word at a Time
Walking on water has nothing to do with water. The water is a side issue. The real issue has to do with words – God’s words. Read more…
Even When Alone, You Are Not Alone – This Is a Good Thing
You are never alone. God promised to never leave you nor forsake you. It may seem like you are alone, but it is at these times that you must choose …
What to Do In a Raging Storm
This is a turbulent time; there are storms all around. Disaster lurks at every hand. What are we to do when the storm hits us, or we hit it? Read more…
Christians Must Rise Up and Fight For the Blessings of God
As Christians we are in the fight of our lives, but most of us do not realize that we are in a war. We shouldn’t be surprised, after all, war started in Heaven. Read more…
The New Testament Church – Craig & Sandra Kuehn
The ministry of the New Testament Church is no different from that of Jesus Himself. The apostles carried out Jesus’ commission to preach and to heal the sick, because it was still God’s will to heal all those who were afflicted with sickness and disease. Read more…
Faith Will Keep Ebola From Your House
In the coming days, the only thing separating safety and harm, fear and peace, and lack and provision will be a solid knowledge in the active promises of the Bible – knowing your covenant with God, and knowing your authority before God. Read more…
John G. Lake’s Reply To Dr. Elwood Bulgin
When the authority of Jesus to forgive sins was challenged, He met the challenge with the healing of the palsied man, not with negations and criticisms.
Jesus: A Mission Beyond Our Salvation
While we often view Jesus’ primary mission on Earth as securing our salvation, His work went far beyond simply redeeming humanity. He destroyed sin itself. Read more…
A Theological Seminary’s Lack of Interest in Miracles
by Rex Rouis Recently, I visited a well known theological seminary that is affiliated with a mainline protestant denomination. While a friend met with one of his professors I went …
This World Is Evil and Evil Is Becoming Less and Less Restrained
The degree to which God and His Word are pulled out of society is the degree to which evil is released unrestrained into society. Read more…
Jon M. Ruthven – Free Online Books
Jon M. Ruthven, Ph.D. has written numerous books to emphasize the biblical grounding for a ministry of healing, signs and wonders in the power of the Spirit. Read more…
Christ’s Dominion
It is this spirit of DOMINATION when restored to the Church of Christ, that will bring again the glory triumph to the church of God throughout the world. Read more…
A Miraculous Cure of Breast Cancer – John Wesley
God has healed by faith throughout the ages and He still heals today. Learn about His promises and learn about His requirement of faith. Read more…
‘Saving Faith’ Versus ‘Miraculous Faith’
Faith for miracles obtains miracles. Faith is required. When faith for miracles diminishes, so do miracles. This is the condition we find ourselves in today. Read more…
Modern Demon Possession – John A. MacMillan
Demon possession did not first appear in the Word of God; it has been apart of religious beliefs and practices of all nations from the very earliest times.