If you could have asked Moses who was responsible for the miracle parting of the Red Sea, he would have said God. If you could ask God who was responsible …
We Are All Front Men (and Women) For Unseen Powers
by Rex Rouis Well, you need to because it is either God or the devil. We are all front men for the real power players who remain hidden behind the …
The Christ of the Miracle Stories by Wendy Cotter
I really enjoyed this book on the Gospel miracles of Jesus. It gives the social background of each. My copy is thoroughly marked and underlined. Read more…
Faith to Raise the Dead – David Hogan
by David Hogan I must tell you about my failures first. My deepest successes have come out of my deepest failures. Nobody likes that kind of preaching (laughter). Monsoons came. …
They (We) won the Victory, and Overcame the Accuser
by Rex Rouis God said that we won the victory over the evil one. How could that be?! Because Faith Is the Victory that Overcomes the World, even our faith. …