From Answers to Prayer by George Mueller (George Müller) – 1805-1898
1. Entire dependence upon the merits and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the only ground of any claim for blessing. (See John 14:13, 14, 15, 16, etc.)
2. Separation from all known sin. If we regard iniquity in our hearts, the Lord will not hear us, for it would be sanctioning sin. (Psalm 66:18)
3. Faith in God’s word of promise as confirmed by His oath. Not to believe Him is to make Him both a liar and a perjurer. (Hebrews 11:6; 6:13-20)
4. Asking in accordance with His will. Our motives must be godly: we must not seek any gift of God to consume it upon our lusts. (1 John 5:14; James 4:3)
5. Importunity in supplication. There must be waiting on God and waiting for God, as the husbandman has long patience to wait for the harvest. (James 5:7; Luke 18:1-8.)
George Mueller believed in what would be today millions of dollars to run the orphanages that he founded and to which he was responsible. To read further see – Answers to Prayer
Many people experience a hit and miss in their prayer life and in their quest to see miracles, signs and wonders (as the bible says,) should follow the believers. Now we are without excuse. I am deeply move by George Mueller’s testimony, so much so that I am applying it to my life and the life of my family. If He did it for George, He can, will and has, done it for James! This just allows me to experience it in greater measure.
James – I am believing with you. Keep putting the word inside of your and seek Him about it. Go to our Free Books page for further reading on the amazing life of George Mueller. Scroll down till you get to his section. We love you. God is faithful to us all who believe. Rex
I am pleased to read this inspiring testimonies by George Muller. I believe God can do it for us too if we were willing to accept his WILL in life and remove self center and be an instrument for God to use to Blessed others.
Jimmy – No, it is all about getting the word of God inside you and spending time with Him – receiving from the written word and hearing from His personal word – His voice. Accepting His will is submission, and that is good and needed, but it is not faith. Faith alone moves the hand of God. The rest is just religious talk. The people in the Bible didn’t just submit to the will of God, they believed in the will of God. To do that you must know the will of God. And to know the will of God you must seek it, with the word of God directing you.
Faith is not being willing, it is knowing. Faith, the Bible says, comes my hearing and hearing by the (spoken) word of Christ (Romans 10:17). Mueller heard from God and believed what he heard. You cannot stand upon what you do not know. As one great minister has said, “Faith begins where the will of God is known.” We love you. Rex
I continue to be blessed by this website daily, I am very thankful for all the teachings
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