Defy Your Goliath, But Not In Your Own Strength

by Rex Rouis

It is okay to stand safely behind God and shout out defiant words of faith at a Goliath. That’s not weakness; it’s strength – God’s strength. DS Cairns once wrote a book called, “A Faith That Rebels.” In it, he stated that faith in God is open rebellion toward the world’s system. He is absolutely correct. Once you take God at His word, you remove yourself from the world’s system and you become a traitor to this world. Faith in God stands in open defiance to the controlling forces of fear and intimidation that this world uses so freely. Don’t worry about their trash talk; respond with faith talk.

Just make sure when you do that you are standing on the sure footing of God’s word. Take your time; do it right. Take His word and seek Him till it gets deep in your bones and soul. Wait on Him till the word comes alive in your spirit. Don’t move until you hear His personal voice, and you feel the faith of God flowing into your heart. Then when you know you have the wind of God at your back, go out in the open, stand there seemingly alone with your little five stones, and do some real damage.

The real victory comes not in the field but in the closet. That is where faith, strength, and victory are fought for and received. Fight the good fight alone in your prayer closet and the victory will be assured later in the public light of day.


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