”Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” The word for hearing in both locations is the Greek word ‘rhema’, which implies more of a face-to-face communication, and not a mere reading of a word or message. We read the written Word for hope (to know God’s possibilities), but we hear the spoken Word for faith (the ownership of those realities). That is why hope is always future tense and faith is always present tense. Hope tells us what can happen and faith tells us what will happen.
Hope is the seed of the will of God planted in our heart, and faith is the harvest of the will of God gathered in our life. God says He only looks at faith. This is why it is so important for us to keep the soil of our hearts clean and deep. I believe our love walk determines the depth of our soil, and holy living keeps the soil clean and weed free. Faith, or unbelief, is God’s simple indicator of all that we are. If we were a tree, it would be our fruit, and if we were a company, it would be our profits. God has only to look at the level of our faith to know if everything else is correctly in place in our life.
”Faith is the substance (title deed/ownership documentation) of things hoped for (desired possibilities), the evidence (before God’s bar) of things not (yet) seen.” Or, as Kenneth Hagin Sr. used to say, ”Faith begins where the will of God is known.” When faith comes peace comes, and we suddenly have the confidence to walk and wait – because we now have ownership of our hope, and we now know the outcome of the game. Once we have faith in our heart, it is easy to speak the answer out of our mouth. The Bible says that, ‘out of the abundance (or overflow) of the heart the mouth speaks.’ Paul says in Romans that ‘we believe in our heart and say with our mouth unto salvation.’
Zaidavail, we are more than conquerors, we r not trying to win but we have won, every arrow against your life has been pulled down in Jesus name
Mongezi – I agree with you! You are getting it. Read more of God and spend more time with Him. Keep going. He rewards those that ‘diligently seek Him.’ God bless you. Rex
Faith perceives as real fact what is not revealed to the senses. Revelation of the HIGHEST LEVEL
Powerful teaching, spiritual realities so much humbled
prayersfor me
keep zerah inyour prayers from satan and the breaking of all curses and soulties in her life break any spoken ill words from family members the community she resides and for her colleague cynthia in serious troubbles the mission center the buses in the community they has been problems the comunity in general the satanic influence to despear in jesus name for jobs for this whole year
Faith is known that something well happen!!!
This is another great piece of knowledge to have for my faith walk. It will be something I’ll have to reread many times to continue to let it speak to my heart. Again, I’m fortunate to have these many pages of information at my finger tips via the internet. This is a site I visit more than once a day. I’m able to find valuable thoughts from those who have walked before me – their discernments over the scriptures of what God has revealed to them. My soil may not be as deep as theirs but every time I take the time to quiet my self to search – it’s like adding compost to my soil. I will become a better farmer which will allow for a greater harvest.