Faith Hears God’s Voice – Lester Sumrall

gods-promise-to-abraham-325-webby Dr. Lester Sumrall

Genesis 12:1 says, “Now the LORD had said unto Abram (his name before God changed it to Abraham), Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee.”Abraham was a citizen of Ur of the Chaldees, possibly in the area of where the Garden of Eden once stood. Abraham’s people built the city of Babylon and Babel, the great tower. Despite their culture, the people and his family were idol worshipers.

In Joshua 24:2 it says, “And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old-time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods.”

Abraham’s environment and heredity were contrary to his faith. He was not a product of his day; he was different. Abraham was like a lily that came up out of the mire, and like a rose that came forth from among the briars.

Abraham received word from God that he should leave his home and his country and all of his people, and that he should go out from them. God promised to bless him if he did. God speaks to many people, but too often they don’t recognize God’s voice. It is sad when they do not know the voice of God.

What is faith? It is hearing the voice of God. God spoke and Abraham heard. How can you hear the voice of God? Being quiet before Him, living in His presence, reading His Word, loving Him with all your heart. God wants to speak to His people.

The first fascinating thing about Abraham is that when God spoke, he heard it. He did not have to run off like poor little Samuel did when he said to Eli, “Did you call me?” Eli said, “No, I didn’t call you.” After three trips Eli said, “Samuel, that must be God talking to you.”When God has something to say, have a listening ear! Whole denominations miss God because they cannot hear what He has to say. Many preachers of large congregations cannot hear when God wants to move them into a deeper way of life, and they have missed what God is doing in their generation. Nobody is claiming that it is easy to hear God. Jesus said that there were those who had ears, but did not hear. I can assure you that there are millions of so-called Christians who do not know the voice of God at all. They have believed upon Him, but they have never heard Him speak where they can identify that God spoke to them.

Faith is the knowledge within us that when God speaks, we understand what He has said. So faith HEARS God!

Seek God till you hear Him, then you have His answer



    1. It is Paramount that we hear God clearly…..
      So you want to hear God speak… Read His word out loud. Know God , Know His Voice.

  2. This is truly an astounding website. I am stunned by what I am finding here, and the level of knowledge and wisdom and advice. God bless you

    1. Author

      God bless you Charles. It is a wonderful teaching. Dr. Lester Sumrall knew how to walk in obedience and faith. Rex

    1. Author

      Odezi – Thank you and glory be to God for you. Keep reading articles on faith and speaking the scriptures. They will grow in your heart to become a huge healthy tree of faith and righteousness. We love you. Rex

  3. This is what I have been saying for so long! Our faith cannot move God but His faith “In us” will “Move mountains” if that is what He wants. Too many teachings emphasise “Our faith” when it is all about the “Faith of God”. Not our faith in Him but about His faith “In us”! He taught me this truth, “Obedience FOLLOWS faith (which ONLY “Comes by hearing”). This is why the Bible talks about “The obedience of faith”.

    All the examples of faith in Hebrews11 are of people receiving “The faith of God” & responding accordingly, in obedience, empowered by His grace, without which NOTHING would have been (or can be) achieved.

    It is time for the Church to start teaching faith correctly, understand that “Without Him we can do NOTHING”, receive His faith & give Him ALL the glory for what He has done!

    Hallelujah, great message.

    1. Author

      Nick – I totally agree. Faith does not come by ‘choosing’ or ‘willing.’ It comes by ‘hearing,’ and hearing by the personal word (Greek word = Rhema) of Christ (by the Holy Spirit) – Romans 10:17. This hearing ‘word’ is the ‘title-deed’ of the hope of our desire – Hebrews 11:1 – see Faith Is ‘hupostasis’. God bless you. Rex

      Let me add this. It becomes ‘our faith’ once He gives it to us but it comes from Him when He desires to give it. Jesus would say, “Your faith has made you whole.” It comes from Him.

      That is why we teach seeking God so much at this site. You take the word of God and seek the face of God to hear the voice of God to receive the faith of God. Boom, that was good. I feel another article coming. Faith is an imparted grace from God. God bless. Rex

      1. Hi Rex,

        Only one word to add to that, “Amen”!

        All the best & look forward to that article.


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