by Rex Rouis
It took me a long time to realize it; to accept it. I knew something was different about me. I knew I had something great and powerful on the inside of me; I just didn’t know exactly what it was. And, then I realized it. It was undeniable. I am a Christian and I have superpowers!
I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me. I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency. Philippians 4:13
At times, I can feel the power. Can you see it? Then I read in my Bible that all Christians who are walking in the Spirit, and are actively believing, have superpowers. I may be unique but I am no different than all the others. Believers have superpowers that they don’t even know about. Wow, everybody stand back and watch this!
Very insightful.