Dr. McGee’s greatest pastorate was at the historic, Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles, where he served from 1949 to 1970. There he began a daily radio broadcast called “High Noon Bible Class” on a single station.
Dr. McGee began teaching Thru the Bible in 1967. After retiring from the pastorate, he set up radio headquarters in Pasadena, and the radio ministry expanded rapidly. Today the program airs on over 400 stations each day in the United States and Canada, is heard in more than 100 languages around the world and is broadcast worldwide via the Internet.
During his last few years, failing health demanded the cancellation of many speaking engagements. This was extremely distressing to him. There was no recurrence of an earlier bout with cancer during this time, only a weakening heart. Back in 1965, after radical surgery, the doctors had given him 6 months to live. The Lord gave him 23 years.
On the morning of December 1, 1988, a few minutes after a visit with the then Associate Director of Thru the Bible, alert and in conversation centered around his concern for the continuance of the radio ministry, Dr. McGee fell asleep in his chair and quietly passed into the presence of his Savior.
Faith Related Booklets – (Dr. McGee refused to put copyrights on any of his materials)
Faith + 0 = Salvation – (Galatians 4) God has a place to take away sins, but it’s not the Law. It’s Christ who paid the penalty for your sin. It’s your faith in Him that saves you; nothing else can.
Some Seed.?! – (Matthew 13) Dr. McGee argued that the parable illustrating Jesus Christ as the Sower, sowing the seed of the Word of God in the human heart, is the key to understanding the whole Bible.
Was Abraham Justified By Works? – (Genesis 22) James says yes and Paul says no – are they in conflict? The answer is revealed in this careful analysis of paradoxical Scriptures.
How to Stand Against Satan – (Ephesians 6) Satan uses every dirty trick to attack the child of God. Have you put on the armor God provides in order to avoid being defeated in your Christian life?
How You Can Have the Assurance of Salvation – (1 John 5) A gift is available to every Christian. It’s desperately and devoutly desired but seldom attained. The Bible sets forth this gift as a certainty concerning one’s personal relationship with God. Can we know for certain that we are saved? Yes!
Life’s Biggest Question and God’s Answer – (Habakkuk) Habakkuk was saying to God, “My country is in a mess! Why don’t You do something about it?” If you are asking, “Why, God?” about anything, you can identify with Habakkuk and profit from God’s answer to him.
Satan: Who is He? – Dr. McGee gives the biblical perspective on this rebellious and evil creature. Among other things he is described as an “angel of light” and a “roaring lion.” But there is a way to stand against him. A very important message for this present age!
The Secret of Power – (Zechariah 4:1-6) Why are we impotent against the onslaught of evil that overruns our world? We find the secret of power in this unexpected place in the Old Testament.
What Can Believers Do in Days of Apostasy? – (Jude 20 – 25) We are living in days of apostasy, and the most severe attack on the Word of God, the Christian faith, and the church is coming from within the church itself. What can believers do about it?
When Paul Prayed – (Ephesians) Paul is given to believers as the great example to follow when praying. Studying his prayers will revolutionize your own prayer life!
Daniel: Choosing to Stand Alone – Presents the biblical view of true separation by examining Daniel’s remarkable life.
Darkness and Light: The Day of the Lord – If you’ve ever been confused about prophecy, this is the booklet for you. Dr. McGee clearly spells out God’s scenario for the future as described in the Bible, event by event, from the Rapture to the New Jerusalem.
One Hour in Romans – A masterful condensation of all the high points in the Book of Romans.
World Dominion: Whose Will it Be? – (Daniel 2) Dr. McGee’s sermon on the times of the Gentiles from Babylon to the return of Christ–as depicted by Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the multimetallic image in Daniel 2. Interwoven is the history of God’s universal sovereignty in world government.
Go here for all his booklets, articles, and Thru the Bible Radio broadcasts
I just left a long comment above and it says I did not complete this comment or duplicated it . Very confusing.
My name is Daniel Turner. I just turned 76 years old. I have been a born again Christian since age 15. Back in the mid 1970’s I was listening to radio broadcast of thru the bible study in 5 years. For supporting the program I would receive a book on each book of the bible. I have the books from Genesis thru 2 Kings. I do not have them for the rest of the Old Testament. Can I still get those books for the rest of the Bible. I like reading the chapter in a modern English version first and then J Vernon Mc Gee’s study guide for that chapter and on thru the entire study book for that book of the Bible.
I like those books because he has the Old Testament King James version listed and then his commentary. I do not want to study on the computer, rather sit down each day and read it all the old fashion way. The pamphlets are nice but they are commentary only. I want the KJV written in and then commentated on as you go thru the Bible Book’s and Mc Gee’s study book.
Thank you, Dan Turner.
Dear Mr. Turner,
I know it’s a late response but ff you’re still checking this web site and still looking for this material, Thru The Bible used to sell the entire five-year series in five-volume set plus an index as a sixth volume. For reasons I do not understand, they stopped selling this set and stopped selling his books. However, you can still find the five-year set at Christian Book. Here is the link to the the full set. https://www.christianbook.com/thru-bible-commentary-with-index-volumes/j-mcgee/pd/53158?event=ESRCG
Dear Mr. Turner,
By the way, I completely agree with you regarding studying the old-fashioned way. The world has gone the way of the tiny cell phone screen for reading. There is no substitute for sitting at the table with the books and writing with pen and paper.
There is one electronic tool that has proven very helpful to me. I use it on a desktop computer with a full-sized screen, however. It is the Blue Letter Bible web site. I use the search tool only. It combines a KJV concordance with Hebrew and Greek concordances and lexicons. It makes searching out the meaning of the words in the original languages easy for the layman, like myself. There are two versions, although I couldn’t tell you what the differences are. There is http://www.blb.org and http://www.blbclassic.org. I use classic only because I started out using classic.
I hope you find it helpful.