by Rex Rouis
There is a theological battle being waged concerning the authority of man. It is being fought on many fronts. Some of the issues being – What exactly is man’s role in God’s Kingdom? – Is man divine in any way? – Does man have a free will? – What exactly does God’s sovereignty mean to us on a day-to-day basis? – And finally, how does faith and prayer interact with the will of God? We may never fully come to grips with all these issues, but the real issue of authority may have little to do with man’s role, and much to do with the Word’s role. It’s not about the authority of man. It’s all about the authority of the Word of God.
God has courageously expressed His sovereignty in His Word. Everything centers on the Word of God, and the Word of God is the center of everything. The Word is central to who and what God is. He identifies with it and He identifies it with Him. The character of the Word is the character of God. He is perfect and His Word is perfect.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
God uses the Word to communicate Himself to us and to impart Himself into us. We are to return His implanted Word back to Him by speaking the Word of faith. The Word of faith has power because it is faith based on His Word. Faith is the single active ingredient in prayer, and the Word of God is the single active ingredient in faith.
So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11
The issue is, and always has been the Word – teaching the Word, hearing the Word, receiving the Word, growing the Word, and speaking the Word. It all has power because it all is His Word. God’s Word stays God’s Word even if it has been written and rewritten for several thousand years. God’s Word stays God’s Word even when we speak it out of our mouth. Its effect does not diminish. It is eternal in every way. It comes from Him and it goes back to Him. Everything is His and everything is about Him. The people who understand that get it!
Centurion – “Say the Word , and my servant will be healed.” Matthew 8:8
God stands by His Word. He has obligated Himself to His Word. He confirms his Word, not His man. We are to sow it and farm it but in the end it is His harvest. It is still His Word no matter who speaks it.
And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the Word by the signs that followed. Mark 16:20
And finally when the Lord Jesus Himself returns in total victory to claim His bride the Church, He is called the Word of God.
just only the WORD, no other shorter route to Him, i must continue to speak His WORD in faith even when it contradicts the sense situation