Yosemite-Valley-Ansel-Adams-325-webI added the book, ‘Intra Muros’ by Rebecca Ruter Springer to our free online book selection. It is a description of Heaven that was written around 1898. Whether it was an actual vision or just a long dream, she does not really know. Ill, bed ridden, and away from home for many weeks, Ms. Springer received it as a great personal comfort. The only thing she knows and states, is that instead of the memory of the ‘dream’ dimming over the years, it had actually become more vivid. This book has stood the test of time and has a wide mainstream following. Many churches give this book to grieving family members, and Billy Graham once wrote an introduction to one of the editions. Here is a beautiful excerpt from the book: (pages 10-12)

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He walked on with firm, swift steps, and I think I must have slept; for the next I knew, I was sitting in a sheltered nook, made by flowering shrubs, upon the softest and most beautiful turf of grass, thickly studded with fragrant flowers, many of them the flowers I had known and loved on earth. I remember noticing heliotrope, violets, lilies of the valley, and mignonette, with many others of like nature wholly unfamiliar to me. But even in that first moment I observed how perfect in its way was every plant and flower. For instance, the heliotrope, which with us often runs into long, ragged sprays, there grew upon short, smooth stems, and each leaf was perfect and smooth and glossy, instead of being rough and coarse-looking; and the flowers peeped up from the deep grass, so like velvet, with sweet, happy faces, as though inviting the admiration one could not withhold.

And what a scene was that on which I looked as I rested upon this soft, fragrant cushion, secluded and yet not hidden! Away, away, far beyond the limit of my vision, I well new, stretched this wonderful sward of perfect grass and flowers; and out of it grew equally wonderful trees, whose drooping branches were laden with exquisite blossoms and fruits of many kinds. I found myself thinking of St. John’s vision in the Isle of Patmos, and “the tree of life” that grew in the midst of the garden, bearing “twelve manner of fruits, and whose leaves were for the healing of the nations.”

Beneath the trees, in many happy groups, were little children, laughing and playing, running hither and thither in their joy, and catching in their tiny hands the bright-winged birds that flitted in and out among them, as though sharing in their sport, as they doubtless were. All through the grounds, older people were walking, sometimes in groups, sometimes by twos, sometimes alone, but all with an air of peacefulness and happiness that made itself felt by even me, a stranger. All were in spotless white, though many wore about them or carried in their hands clusters of beautiful flowers. As I looked upon their happy faces and their spotless robes, again I thought, “These are they who have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”

True or not, the picture the book paints of Heaven is a wonderful encouragement. Something that registers with our heart. Personally, reading this book makes me homesick. Let us get busy today, so that when we reach those shores there will be no disappointment in our earthly efforts. This book has also been published under the titles – Into the Light, My Dream of Heaven, Within the Gates, Within Heaven’s Gates, and Within the Walls. (Photo is by Ansel Adams)

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  1. There are a few pages missing from this book ! …

    I was in prison for a few years and I found a copy of this book on the table in the prison chapel. In the last page, it mention that after she returned, a few days later, she found a rose laying upon her bed. She put it in a vase and that rose never faded. It remain fresh the during the rest of her life. That rose came not from a garden on earth but rather it came from the garden of heaven.

    While I was in prison, My grandmother, sent me a letter, just before she died. she was 99 years old. She told me that there were two white angels standing at the foot of her bed.

    The truth is, when our life is finish in this world, Our spirit departs from this body, and we are taken either to Hell or to Heaven, depending upon the life that we have lived … we all have two angels that attend to us during our life here on earth. and when we die, they are there waiting to conduct us to the next place … and we have no more communication with those who remain in this world.

    There is a gulf that no one can cross, not with out permission from God, and we cannot come back to this world, unless Jesus sends us back for a purpose …

    and by n by, we shall all at one time or another meet by the River of Life …

    I have seen that river three times in a dream. It is a beautiful River. its a broad and wide and glasses smooth, like a shadowy Saint Joe … the pathway follows the bank of the river and the grassy bank dips gently to the water edge. The trees line the bank the bank of the river, casting their reflection upon the still mirror like waters of the river.

    During my last visit there, I saw a river boat there, a big ol paddle wheel steamer tied up to the dock along the river bank. I found my self boarding that boat and I began singing, and that dream faded away, ai have not seen it in years … but I know that the next time I see it, it will be a realty, not a dream …

    Keep up the faith and remain faithful to Jesus, no more what happens in this world.

  2. This book helped change my spiritual knowlege of Heaven, also. One of my Pastor’s wives suggested the book to me after my mother went to Heaven, and her husband had done the funeral service. It helped me so much, and 35 years later, I’m reading it again! I have recommended and loaned copies so often, I’m down to my last copy and hanging onto it like gold, which is the original from the Pastor’s wife, given me in 1984.

    What does “adding this book to your free online book selection” mean?

    Thank you very much, and is there a select denomination to your website?

    God bless

  3. I have read this book probably around 6 times over 30 years. It is unspeakably more precious to me with each reading. Our church keeps a full box on hand at all times. I take a copy, end up giving it away, get another copy, come to a point in life where I, myself, need to read it again. This present reading of the book is spurring me on to share the gospel more and more so others may get to go to heaven with me! READ THIS BOOK!

  4. I was struggling with my losses and was having a lot of questions about life after death. I was even praying about it. One day I walk in to this building and on the counter were random books that someone put there for anyone to take. There was the book name Intra muros. I just saw something about heaven on the cover. I picked it up and took it home. Wow it changed my life. God put it there for me to find. The odds were to great for that just to happen after I had been praying for answers. WOW it changed my life. I have purchase quite a few to give away. If it just changes one life it’s worth it. They are very inexpensive on amazon. I look forward to heaven and my life beyond.

  5. Out of nowhere, I was presented with a link to this book from a distant friend whom I have very limited correspondence. Knowing I had lost my daughter on July 10, 2017, he shared the link telling me “This gave me great comfort when my mother passed away.”

    I am not a book reader. I believe I may have finished two other books in their entirety in my life (I am 44). I read this book online over two days cover to cover and it has changed my view of Christ, Heaven and how our earthly lives intertwine with our Heavenly lives. It is a must read, especially if you are grieving the loss of a loved one, or are unsure of how our time on earth can be meaningful after we ascend into His everlasting love.

    It is also one of the few books recounting a vision of heaven that I have yet to find rebuttal for. This book is a divine work delivered in a divine way as a message of hope and love that is so incredible human words can do it no justice.

    The footnote that speaks about the Resurrection of Lazarus speaks deeply to the connection between Christ and our grief. “Jesus wept” – perhaps the most powerful two words in the Holy Bible for anyone who mourns the loss of a loved one. Read and understand why he weeps with us and how it does not diminish, but should magnify Christ to those that mourn.

    1. Author

      Victor – This was wonderful and well said. I am so sorry for your loss but you will be with her again for eternity. That is the great equalizer and great reward. The short time that you will be without her does not compare to the time you will be with her. God is so good. We love you. Rex

  6. I would like to buy a copy of this book how can i do this.
    Ros Menzies

    1. Author

      Look up

      My Dream of Heaven or Intra Muros

      On Google or Amazon. You will find many options. Rex

      1. Hi
        Just wondered as the book is made available to be downloaded is there a copyright on this? Thanks Willy

  7. I want to send this to my daughter who’s little girl died of brain cancer a year ago, but I have a new computer and cannot seem to figure out how to send it. I loaned both copies I had and they were not returned. I thought if I had information in my email I might figure out what to do. Thank you if you can help and if not thank you for writing this.

    1. Author

      Sorry, I cannot help you. I only know of English versions.

  8. This book is one of my favorites! Thank you for making it available here. My brother-in-law passed away a few days ago. I’ve given away every copy I owned, which have been several. The book is such a comfort to those whose loved ones have passed. I have a particular interest because my father had a similar, but brief experience in visiting Heaven. His story is quite miraculous! His last name was Miracle, which is certainly not coincidence. He lived seven years to the day following his experience. He, too, said there are many things too sacred to speak of and that words could not describe, even if he could. I love the author’s descriptions of our Savior! Each time I read, my heart leaps! Her descriptions of the flowers, the architecture, and the waters do a beautiful job of painting the scenes in the best way we could imagine them. It is a must read!

  9. After my husband died and then six months later my mother died, my dear friend Cheryl
    gave me “Within The Gates”. I have read the book several times and have given the book to people through the years as a means of comfort to them as I was comforted after my husband and mother went to heaven. IT IS THE MOST COMFORTING BOOK I HAVE EVER HAD THE PLEASURE OF READING!!!!!!! It tells of life in heaven that is so much more than just golden streets.

  10. This book changed my live. I was wounded in battle and I met one of these saints.

  11. I first heard of this book from a dear friend of mine who is 75 years old. She told me and my wife about the book. We looked around the net, and found a paperback copy which we bought and gave it to her. She was shocked and in tears. She didn’t expect that one. So now as a blind person, I found this site and this book, I’m going to read all 176 pages, and hope for home real soon. May it do that to you too.

    1. Author

      I get homesick every time I read this book. Heaven is our real home.

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