by Rex Rouis
Think of prayer as a purchase transaction. Say, you want to purchase an item that costs $50. When you ask for it, they will ask you for the $50. If you don’t have it, they will politely ask you to come back when you do. If you do have the $50, you receive the item. It is now yours. Prayer works the same way. The item you want to purchase is your desired answer from God, the $50 is your faith, and the act of asking for it is prayer. It’s just that simple.
…Faith was credited to Abraham as righteousness. Romans 4:9
Therefore, I say unto you, whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. Mark 11:24
Faith is the currency of Heaven. We provide the faith, and He provides the hoped for desires. It is not prayer alone that moves the hand of God. It is faith and faith alone, but faith is released through prayer, and that is what creates the confusion. We see someone praying, but we don’t see the faith on the inside that empowers the prayer and makes it successful. We think it’s the outward observable prayer that moved the hand of God. It wasn’t. It was the hidden faith released in the prayer that moved God.
The trick in prayer, if there is one, is to have a sufficient amount of faith before you attempt the transaction. Don’t put your request out there without having something to back it up. Faith is the only thing of value that God accepts. He accepts it because it initially came from Him. We received this faith when we allowed His word to come alive in our heart. It came alive when we heard Him speak the answer to our heart. In prayer, we return this faith back to Him for what we desire of Him. Faith is what brings His will and His world into our life and our world.
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the (spoken) word of God – Romans 10:17
Take the word of God and plant it in your heart, then seek Him with a listening ear. Once that seed grows and becomes a harvest of faith, take it and exchange it in prayer for what you desire of Him.
But without faith it is impossible to please him. For he that draws near to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them who seek him out. Hebrews 11:6
Faith is the only currency that operate in spiritual realm. As ps. Rex said.
You cannot win your battles without having faith and do not doubt- according to Matt. 21:21.This kind of faith is God’s kind of faith used to create the world
Short, sweet and a blessing. Thank you. Like someone mentioned before God’s truths are simple and elegant. Abundant blessings brothers and sisters in Christ. What a Glorious God we have 🙂
More grace
Your Comment *Am really blessed with message
Just found you today. So awesome!
Beautiful, Faith comes when we allow Gods Word to come alive in our heart. Love it
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How come am just knowing this site ,
” Faith is a currency ” already explains so many of my questions.
Thanks so much.
Thank God for coming to this site. I have been praying for more faith and this expositions have help me a lot about getting more Faith
God bless you.
It so amazing how God works. The word Faith is the heavenly currency dropped into my heart while on my bed for the very first time. I had never heard such a word. I googled and behold am amazed at the Revelation. Thank you my brother for this wonderful Revelation.
God is wonderful. Could you please send more teachings
Thanks for the excellent work you continue to do on this site. It has been an immense help to me as I worked to rebuilding my faith from scratch. I cannot begin to list the interventions and help I received from the Lord the closer I came to him. Saved my life in many ways and I am truly grateful that the Lord has granted you as a gift and help to our path with him. May the Lord continue to bless you and lighten your burdens in your walk with him. Glory be to God.
Michael – Thank you for your gracious words. I am so happy that you are moving deeper in God, and that we may have had a small part in that. God bless you and we love you. Rex
Rex, indeed this is one of the most useful documents I have ever read on prayer and faith. It’s a sterling write-up! I never understood prayer and faith until I read your article. May the Lord grant you greater Grace and wisdom to excel in your ministry as we continue in prayer for you.
Paul – I am sorry that I just saw your comment. Thank you so much. The things of God are not complex. They are simple and elegant once seen. We love you. Rex
I love this site. It is a blessing for me. God bless you and your family Rex. Hope is the desired thing, faith is the currency and prayer is the transaction. Wow…wow….wow…..that s beautiful. God bless you Rex. Keep up the good work.
Archie – Yep, you got it. Now, go out and get it and use it. It will glorify God and bless you. We love you. Rex
Wonderful article mr Rex.. Almighty God, The Father of our lord Jesus Christ Bless you richly. Can I share this message with others outside this website?
Fortune – Share it.
wow i just found this sight today
God lead me hear wow i am so blessed by he articles
I remember hearing someone asking, do you have any money ? because if you got money you can go places and when you get there you can do some things the question didn’t end there it went on to ask do you have any faith because when you have faith you can go places and when you get there you can do some things.
Thank you for your words of faith and prayers God bless
Wow wow wow.
Thank you very much. Now I understand why meditation on the word of is actually an act of digging for faith. (Which is the currency of God). Wow
God bless you
Wow, you got it! Now, go get it. We love you. Rex
i am so glad i found this, it is all i needed
Faith made so simple. I am so blessed, God bless you.
Such wealth of wisdom. I thank God for your teachings.
This is stellar! Faith is the only thing that God accepts. Excellent.
I thank God for finding your site, what I loved is the way you put it faith initially cames from God that is the only thing He recognize like the women with the issue of blood and as the bible says faith is a gift from God wow you make so simple to understand I would love to have more of your material. God bless thank you so much
Glen – Thank you so much. There is much more to come. Sign up for our articles and for our emails. We love you. Rex
Hello, I need to commend you guys for this great works, thèse are révélation knowledge thé church needs in this great hour. I pray for more of His grace, love,favor and wisdom upon you all in Jésus name. Amen.
I’m so glad I found this site today when studying out the difference between faith and hope. I’ve forwarded the articles to the ministry teams I’m on so they can read the various articles. You make it so easy to understand.
Gail – Thank you. God bless you and we love you. Rex
Brilliant. Really helpful. Especially your point point about “the trick is”.. Helps me not waste time trying to ‘work up’ faith! But to press in and be more sensitive to the moment.
Many Blessings.
Tony – Wow, great comment. Thank you for your gracious words. We love you. Rex