Ukraine_kiev_riotsby Kenneth E. Hagin

A REMARKABLE VISION in which an evangelist was caught away and shown scenes of both heaven and hell, and in which an Angelic Messenger gave him a special message concerning events which are to transpire in the end-time.

While I was conducting a revival in Rockwall, Texas, during the latter part of August and the first part of September, 1950. I called the people around the altar for prayer at 10 PM, September 2. As I was praying the Spirit of the Lord came upon me in a wonderful way, and I began to pray in other tongues. In a few minutes I heard a voice saying unto me “Come up hither.” I looked up and saw Jesus standing with a crown in His hands. He said, “This is a soul-winner’s crown.” The crown was most beautiful and human language could never describe it. He said to me, “My people are so careless and indifferent. This crown is for every one of my children. I speak and say, ‘Go speak to this one’ or ‘pray for that one,’ but my people are too busy. They put it off, and souls are lost because they will not obey me.” I wept before Him and repented of my failures. Jesus then said to me, “Come up hither,” and it seemed I went with Him through the air till I saw a beautiful City.

We did not go into the City, but beheld it at close range. How beautiful and indescribable it was. Jesus said, “My people are so selfish; they say they are ready and talk about their mansion and the glories of Heaven while many all around them are in darkness and have no hope. Share your hope with them invite them to come with you.”


Then He took me down to Hell and as I beheld it, I said, “Lord, it looks just like it did when I saw it on April 21, 1933 at 7:30 PM when I died and my soul went to this place and You spoke and my soul came back into my body. I then prayed through and You saved me.

“My people are so selfish; they say they are ready and talk about their mansion and the glories of Heaven while many all around them are in darkness and have no hope.
Only now I’m not afraid nor horrified as I was then. I saw what seemed to be human bodies wrapped in flames. Jesus said to me, “Warn men and women about this place,” and I cried out with tears that I would. Then He brought me back to earth and as He stood by my side, He talked to me about my ministry and told me some things in general that He later explained in detail in another vision. Jesus disappeared and I realized I was still kneeling on the platform. I heard people crying and praying around me.


About that time, the Holy Spirit came upon me again and I fell flat on face on the platform. As I lay under the power, I saw a horseman riding at full speed toward me. He held a scroll of paper high in his left hand. I was not conscious of my earthly surroundings, but seemingly was my in space somewhere. When the horseman came to me, he stopped; passed the scroll from his left hand to his right the handed it to me saying, “Take and read I opened or unrolled it and saw at the top of the page in big, bold, black print these words: “WAR-DESTRUCTION.” I was struck dumb and unable to speak. He laid his right hand on my head and said, “Read in the Name of Jesus Christ,” and I began to read what followed on the paper; then I looked as the words instructed, and saw what I had read about. I saw thousands and thousands of men in uniform marching to war. I saw many women, old, white haired, middle aged and even young women with babies in their arms bowed together in sorrow and weeping profusely. I saw the skyline of a large city and when I looked again the skyscrapers were burned out hulls, the city in ruins There was written that not just one city would be thus destroyed, but many.

I saw the skyline of a large city and when I looked again the skyscrapers were burned out hulls, the city in ruins There was written that not just one city would be thus destroyed, but many.
I continued to read the scroll.It was written in the first person and was just like Jesus Himself speaking. He said, “America is receiving her last call. Some nations have already received their last call and will never receive another. THE TIME OF THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND,” was repeated at least four or five times. He said also that this was the last great revival.


All of the Gifts of the Spirit will be in operation in the last days and the Church will do greater things than even the early Church did, and have greater power, signs and wonders than were written in the Acts of the Apostles. He said we had seen and experienced many healings, but would now behold amazing miracles such as had not been seen before. More and more miracles will be performed in the last days which are just ahead, for He said, “It is time for the Gift of Working of Miracles to be more in prominence. We now have entered into the era of the miraculous. Many of my own people will not accept the moving of my Spirit and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming. Many will be deceived by false prophets and miracles of Satanic origin. But follow the Word of God and the Spirit of God, and follow Me and you will not be deceived. I am gathering my own together and preparing them, for the time is short.” There were several exhortations to watchfulness, to awake, to pray and not be deceived.


Then He said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. As I finally spoke to Noah and said yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights, and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth, so today I am speaking and giving America her last warning and call to repentance and the time that is left is comparable to the last seven days of Noah’s time.

Many of my own people will not accept the moving of my Spirit and will turn back and will not be ready to meet Me at my coming.
“Warn this generation as did Noah his generation for judgment is about to fall, and these things shall be fulfilled shortly, for I am coming soon.” He said again, “This is the last revival and I am preparing my people for My coming. Judgment is coming but I will call my people away even unto myself before the worst shall come. But be thou faithful; watch and pray,” were the concluding remarks, “For the Time of the End of all things is at hand.”


Those who were present at the time of my vision said I read the scroll a loud for about thirty minutes. I cannot recall all of it at the present time, I handed the scroll back to the rider and he rode away in the same direction from which he had come. Then I was conscious of the fact that I still lay on the floor flat on my face. I lay there in the glory for a few minutes and then heard a voice saying, “Come up to the throne of God.” Looking up, I saw Jesus again and went to Him, it seemed, right through the air. We came to the throne of, God and I beheld It with all its splendor. I was not, able to look upon the face of God but only beheld His form. I saw the rainbow around about the throne. I saw the winged creatures on either side of the throne. They are peculiar looking creatures and have eyes of fire that look in all directions. I stood with Jesus in the midst and He talked with me for nearly an hour. I saw Him as plainly as I ever saw anyone in this life and heard Him speak. I will not go into detail as to what He said to me for it concerns only me, and my ministry. The following account, however, covers the main points.


He said that He had called me to a special ministry and had kept me through the years. Though Satan had tried to destroy my life many times, His angels had watched over me and cared for me. He talked to me about some things that the Holy Spirit had said to me almost two years before. He showed me where I had missed Him and doubted His dealings with me. I fell at His feet and repented with tears. Then He spoke about speaking to me again, this time by prophecy and also by that still small voice in my heart. He said that I had been faithful and believed and obeyed this second time and at that time entered into the second phase of my ministry. He said that I was now to enter into the third phase of my ministry.

And If I would be faithful to what He had said to me; believe and obey Him, He would appear to me again and talk to me; then I would enter in to the fourth and final stage or phase of my ministry. He laid His finger in the palm of each of my hands and then laid His hand on my head and said, “Go, for I have called thee, sent thee and given thee, a special anointing to pray for the sick.” My hands burned like I had fire in them. He said, “When you lay your hands on the sick, lay one hand on each side of their body. If you feel the fire jump from hand to hand, there is an evil spirit or demon in the body causing the affliction or trouble. Call him out In My Name. The demon or demons will have to go in My Name. If the fire does not jump from hand to hand it is a case of healing only. Pray for them in My Name; if they will believe and accept it, the fire will leave your hands and go into their bodies and drive out the affliction or sickness. When the fire leaves your hands and. goes into the body, you know they are healed.” I fell at His feet and cried out in tears, “Lord don’t send me; send somebody else. Please, don’t send me. Just give me a little church to pastor, but don’t send me; I’d rather not go, Lord, I’ve heard so many of our own ministers and folks criticize those who pray for the sick. Lord, just give me a common-place ministry.”


Jesus rebuked me and said, “I’ll go with you and stand by your side as you pray for the sick; and many times you will see Me. Occasionally I will open the eyes of someone in the audience and they will say, “Why I saw Jesus standing by that man as He prayed for the sick.”‘ I said, “All right, Lord, I’ll go if You’ll go with me: I’ll do my best and be as faithful as I know how.” There came a love that I had never known into my heart for those who criticize this type of ministry. I said, “Lord, I’ll pray for them, for they don’t know, or they would not say the things they do. Lord, I’ve said similar things, but I didn’t realize nor see as I do now, and neither do they. Forgive them Lord.”

Then He said, “Go thy way, My son; fulfill the ministry and be faithful for the time is short.” As I walked away from the throne of God, Jesus said just another word or so “Be sure to give Me all the praise and glory for all that is done, and be careful about money, many of my servants whom I have anointed for this type of ministry have become money-minded and, have lost the anointing and ministry I gave them. There are many who would pay much to be delivered. Many parents in the world have children whose little bodies are twisted and they would give thousands of dollars for their healings. Many of them shall be delivered as you lay your hands on them, but you must not accept a charge for your ministry. Accept offerings as you have been doing. You must go your way; be faithful, for the time is short,” Jesus then journeyed with me back to the earth, and I realized that I still lay on my face on the floor, He talked with me there a moment and then disappeared.

My hands burned for three days just like I had a coal of fire in them. Now, when I wait upon Him in prayer and fasting, the same anointing comes upon me again.

THE VOICE OF HEALING September 1953 Page 10


  1. TO OUR LOVE BE ALL THE GLORY WHO CALLED US IN HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. Right after I got saved, got to read some books, I got unusually connecected to Kenneth E. Hagin. I jnewnthere was something in Him for me, and to add, THE LORD ASKED ME TO FOLLOW Him and pattern HIS ASSIGNMENT FOR my life like his. Everything I read His writings, I feel so blessed….it’s like hearing from him physically. I do pray I fulfil my assignment like He did, my passion is to glorify OUR LOVE. GOD bless you for this writings, I never get tired of reading them….

  2. About 7 yrs ago now, my missionary contacts & I from different parts of the world had a dream of a large tsunami type wave rising up. My own dream included hearing these words from the Lord— “Get Ready!” He said this in a positive tone. We all have the sense that these dreams refer to a soon coming Great Harvest. Other prophets also agree this shall be the last move of God before His return.

    I’ve had a sense of urgency from the Lord since He called me to the overseas mission field in 2008. But since Covid, it’s become commonplace to receive more boldness to share his gospel in a direct way as led. He continues to provide openings in conversations with those who cross my path & it’s a beautiful thing to see ppl touched by His spirit through me.

    Lord give us the wisdom & courage to obey your nudges to minister to those you bring us as we go. I pray we’ll all be good stewards of the Holy Spirit in us, for the Glory of the Son! God bless you.

  3. I am 62-year-old from the Philippines, a long time ago (maybe 50 years back) when my Grandfather name Elias is still alive, he told us several visions (major events are the construction of Pampanga River flood dikes, group of people worshiping our Hero Jose Rizal and the eruptions of Mount Pinatubo) that really came to pass that known by my four sisters and aunts, and the remaining unfulfilled vision is the coming of our Lord Jesus that will happen in our generation. My Parents and Grandparents were already in heaven several years ago because they taught us to pray every day and do good things, but I missed the time when we used to pray together every evening at 6:00 pm and afterwards my Grandparents continued to pray for another half hour or maybe more. He also told us that many religious leaders, preachers, and pastors will scratch their buttock/head during rapture. I know now why because some of our new Christian Church/Institutions knows the Bible from top to bottom (cover to cover) but voted for our current President who had a bad tongue for decades saying bad words publicly. But I still pray that they will change, accept, and surrender their mistakes and sins including our president and his followers before the end of time.
    Way back in my teenage days, I saw a very small fire like a torch and then later one house in our neighbour got on fire. I did not take that vision seriously until in 2009 when I saw rushing water and then Storm Ondoy came that created a flush flood in the City, that kills hundreds of lives. Then while praying on my bed with closed eyes, I felt the bed shaking and then after a few months the 2011 Japan Earthquake and Tsunami came that killed several thousand people. Then, with closed eyes, I saw a treasure and I frequently bought Lottery tickets thinking that I would win but it was the treasure found in Indian Temple.
    Last year in 2020, I got another two frames vision; one had several drawings of very big water drops and so we experienced several typhoons and heavy rains that flooded several areas in the Philippines until December (very unusual). The next frame is with dot points and I assume it will happen in 2021 but why the dots are only at the first left half of the frame and last half is empty. I assume instantly that those dots represent the covid virus but why it suddenly disappears in the last half of the frame. Then I pray to the Lord to give and help me to understand this vision. The one night while praying, I saw the white shining cloud that opened like a cross shape then a shining and glowing image of man is coming out. It is clear to me that black dots are the bad people that will remain on earth, and white empty are good people that will be included in rapture. Therefore, the second coming of our Lord Jesus will happen anytime this year 2021.
    To all who received visions and dreams, like John we will experience the swallowing of the Little Book in the Revelation 10-9, sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly. We spread our visions to the people and families, it is sweet to the people to hear your visions, dreams and about rapture but later when they think about it deeply, they will suspect you are having a metal problem like I experienced. Remember evil spirits cannot predict the future only GOD or the Holy Spirit can.
    My intention is to be prepared, do good things, always think, and involve God in your daily routine, surrender all your sins and do not forget to pray daily even if you are tired from any work.
    “When the apostles asked Jesus about the apocalyptic time, He replied gently but firmly, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” (Acts 1:7-8).
    Jesus said in the Revelations 3:3 “Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you.”
    In short, do good things and share what you can to others who are less fortunate, poor, or suffering from this pandemic.
    I am spreading these testimonies because I do not want to be a failure in the eyes of our God, and I care for you and for others.
    For other Religion be what you are now but when you see JESUS up in the sky, kneel down, repent, believe in HIM because no other GOD can do such amazing shining holy image.
    Thank you for your time and God bless you all,
    Armando Oronce

    1. Hello sir! I am not expecting to read a comment from someone who is a fellow Filipino. Because the teachings of Kenneth Hagin or from other best word-based preachers like Kenneth Copeland were all amazing. Remember when the New Testament says that people are amazed at the teaching of Jesus Christ and I think that it should be for all the preachers here in our country. But sadly, as Jesus open my eyes to see the real truth, I realized that most of people in Philippines are in the practice of believing the traditions of the elders that made the Word of God void.
      Whenever I read article like this, I always hope that most filipinos will discover such preachers, because they really thought the Word of God clearly.
      I’m just so amazed whenever I saw some Filipinos in such teachings like this.
      And the info that you gave po is deeply appreciated.

        1. Kenneth Copeland sat under and learned from Kenneth Hagins ministry. I attended many Hagin meetings as a kid, and Copeland was at most of them.

      1. The Bible say no one knows when Jesus will return. 2021 has come and gone and Jesus did not return. We are to be prepared and ready for he does return.

    2. President Donald Trump was chosen by God to set somethings in motion. No leader in the Bible was perfect. Roe vs. Wade was overturned. He stood and still stands for religious liberty. He exposed the globalist agenda. He will be President again, so rejoice in the fact that God raises up Kings. He allowed Obiden to cheat and be installed so we could see the globalist agenda, but God isn’t finished with America. Pray for President Trump and his family. I don’t care how his speech is. God raised him up for such a time as this.

    3. Hello Armando.
      God’s Ast Move Coming very,very soon!
      You will see it as a particular Sign, Wonder and Miracle taking place in Canada – when that happens The Person of God The Holy Spirit, Himself will begin to reignite His Church in His Fullness for His Last Move Coming before the Rapture of The Church – and that will happen in my life time to Rapture Out! And Yes God has spoken to me too as a Prophet! He told me What, Where and How – the when is as I said at the beginning – when it happens very soon! He says things on the date He said them, He tells you something is coming but does not give a day, month or year!

      Puritan Prophecy about Canada
      Puritan Prophecy – 1776
      Around 1776, this prophecy was given by the Puritan Reformers, when the British Empire Loyalists turned north to settle in Canada in order to remain under British rule.
      When zealous Americans sought to persecute them because of this decision, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through their prophets saying, “Do not hinder these people. Let them move to Canada. Do not seek to incorporate the land of Canada into America. I am in the independence of America from Britain, and will mightily use this country. But Canada has been reserved by me for the last days for a special work”

  4. In the book of Acts it states that Jesus must remain in heaven until the restitution of all things. Restitution means restore to a previous state. At what time in history is it referring to? Revelation speaks of WW III, in which 1/3 of the population is snuffed out, is this part of the restoration process? Revelation also speaks of asteroids destroying 1/3 of sea life, is this also part of the restoration process? When speaking of Christ’s second coming why is a prior restoration never discussed?

    1. The truth? Satan has control of most churches and religions worldwide. Each denomination within each religion has a different doctrine with different beliefs. They focus only on their doctrine, and very rarely will you find a church that focuses on the Word in its entirety. A house divided cannot stand so the enemy is doing everything within his power to keep the church divided. Confusion is his favorite weapon to use against mankind.

      Going to church isn’t necessary in the times to come hence where it speaks about building altars in one’s closet. True believers will constantly find the falsehoods in different doctrinations and give up on organized religions entirely. However this does not mean they have given up their faith or their relationship with Yehovah and the Messiah.

      When one is guided by the Holy Spirit what can false doctrination and a politically corrupt pastor teach them? Absolutely nothing. And where will these people find fellowship? Anywhere, everywhere.

      Any pastor that pushes a political agenda on his congregation is not a man of God. Any pastor that refutes the Holy Spirit pouring out onto people is not a man of God. Any church that refuses to accept spiritual gifts being poured out by the Spirit is not of God. Any church that claims you cannot become a member of the congregation without being baptized by them specifially (even when you’ve already been baptized by churches of the same denomination) is not of God. Any pastor or church that doesn’t speak or teach the Word in its entirety and only focuses on the parts that enforces its particular doctrine is not of God.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing this and for the great work on this site. I have heard Brother Hagin preach parts of the Rockwall vision but never this much detail. This is sobering! Time to contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints! In Him, Bernard

    1. Bernard, thank you for your share. I was blessed to see Brother Hagin in Kirkland WA way back. I was, we were in the 2nd row of pews, and when he passed by and waved his hand, the whole row fell like dominos, myself included It was glorious. I was brought to Christ in a Pentecostal church in Seattle WA before I went to Alaska and lived under Satans rule, in the flesh and had many close encounters with death up there but was spared I am sure, because I was baptized in water and the Spirit before I went there to AK.
      When I got down here to the lower 48 I was introduced to a woman of great faith who loved Jesus. She was a Haida Indian, one of 7 different nationalities of AK Indians. She introduced me to Kenneth Hagin and insisted that I get a great education also, but in the Word of God which is faultless and fertile forever. I was then introduced to Kenneth Copeland, pastor Joseph Prince who preaches about the Gospel of Grace!
      One of my good friends who is also very bright moved to CA as a precaution I’m sure and showed me about the World Economic Forum 2 years ago. I miss her. This administration has run us, the USA into the dirt with it’s transexual, racist agenda that is being fed to young minds as an indoctrination to socialism/communism. It is sick, yes the Word speaks about this, about family members turning on each other.
      Yes, very dark times and darker still to come. Moving to Canada is not such a bad idea. Did you know that there are tanks lined up on the Saskatchewan border, ready to invade the US if needed? Scary yes, but when we know Jesus, it is actually kind of exciting. HE’S COMING TO TAKE US HOME!!!
      Oh yeah, one caviat- I was raised Catholic, and have all of my papers. When I would hear the Gospel preached I would stand up straight and feel His love and truth. After church-people would so rush to get out of the parking lot, I never could understand that one. That’s why I left the Catholic church.

  6. Lord am available let me not waste my time on earth, use me to your glory oh lord!

    1. Amen Israel David,

      I have studied with The Holy Spirit from Kenneth E; Hagin Teaching who God sent with that Word of Faith move since 1979 and now …
      God is Leading me into the Last Move Coming … sent this early but here for you too now …
      You will see it as a particular Sign, Wonder and Miracle taking place in Canada – when that happens The Person of God The Holy Spirit, Himself will begin to reignite His Church in His Fullness for His Last Move Coming before the Rapture of The Church – and that will happen in my life time to Rapture Out! And Yes God has spoken to me too as a Prophet! He told me What, Where and How – the when is as I said at the beginning – when it happens very soon! He says things on the date He said them, He tells you something is coming but does not give a day, month or year!

      Puritan Prophecy about Canada
      Puritan Prophecy – 1776
      Around 1776, this prophecy was given by the Puritan Reformers, when the British Empire Loyalists turned north to settle in Canada in order to remain under British rule.
      When zealous Americans sought to persecute them because of this decision, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through their prophets saying, “Do not hinder these people. Let them move to Canada. Do not seek to incorporate the land of Canada into America. I am in the independence of America from Britain, and will mightily use this country. But Canada has been reserved by me for the last days for a special work”

  7. i thank God For giving someone like Hagin to bless my soul and redeem Me From The Power Me Hell

  8. I travelled to the states from Ghana this year JULY 2019 and on august 6th 2019 at the HIBACHI GRILL AND SUPREME BUFFET AT WINCHESTER I had an ecounter I met two middle aged white men one named tommy and the other richard whom I had never seen my entire life that as I pass by them they said something about the holy spirit that got me interested so I engaged them only for the holy spirit to quickened them to pray to activate the teaching gift of Kenneth Hagins teaching ministry over my life I than ordered some of his books to read the first one l read was the believers authority and l can boldly say that the body is dead but the spirit is still alive thank God for Kenneth Hagins obedience and faithfulness to GOD INDEED IM BLESSED

    1. God has mightily used this brother for His purpose, and is still using his ministry today, through his students ministries. I thank God for His grace and mercy in my life, and my family.

      1. Hello LaMar Hines

        The Revivals and People That were most influential in God’s Moves
        Maria Woodworth-Etter (July 22, 1844–September 16, 1924) was an American healing evangelist. Her ministry style was a model for Pentecostalism.
        The Irish Revival 1858 The Ulster, Ireland Revival William Harding
        Smith Wigglesworth (8 June 1859 – 12 March 1947) was a British evangelist who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism.
        The Welsh Revival 1904- 1905 Evan Roberts
        The Azusa Street Revival 1906 – 1908 William J. Seymour
        Smith Wigglesworth Prophesied these last 4 to Lester Sumrall and the first 3 have been fulfilled – so we know the last one is coming too!
        The Healing Move 1945 William Branham
        The Charismatic Move 1960’s – 70’s Dennis Bennett
        The Word of Faith Teaching Move 1949-2003 Kenneth E. Hagin (many prophesies about the Last Move coming!)
        The Last and Final Move & Great Harvest ending with The Rapture of The Church

        Bless you,


      2. Yes. Thank the Lord for his purity and faithfulness. We are grad students of Rhema 93-95. Pioneering Jesus Unlimited Church Spanaway WA.

        Difficult times. Thank the Lord for his article fro encouragement and reminders.

    1. So thankful for The Ministry of Bro KE Hagin. Both of our sons went to Rhema and are pastors – Relate Church of Byram,Ms.

      Just read this prophecy given to Bro Hagin. Stirred my heart and Holy Spirit continues to remind me of where we are in time and it’s near the End – and what we are to be doing!

      Never shared this, except at times Holy Spirit said share.

      Since 1987, I have had five night Visions of the End Times. Will share the one I had in 1996 because some things Bro Hagin saw prompted this in me!

      I was in a neighborhood witnessing door to door with my youngest son. There was a couple sitting in their garage, I told them we were there to share TheGospel of Jesus with
      them! He immediately said “I listen to Kenneth Copeland on TV! I had a WOK – I said “and you are a backslidden preacher! I turned and looked up and this writing appeared in the sky “TELL MY PEOPLE TO REPENT, I’M COMING SOON!” We all fell face down on the pavement repenting! There was The Most powerful Presence coming from the words – we were shaking and crying and screaming! We all jumped up and started running thru this neighborhood and point to The Words and everyone would be face down crying, screaming, repenting. There seemed to be thousands of homes and all we would do is point and run. I still hear the cries of the thousands screaming!
      Eventually, I felt a calmness and looked up and there was Giant Clock with short hand on 12 and long hand like a second from the 12! I asked Father what does that mean? He asked me what 12 on the clock meant “I said “ The Midnight hour! Immediately long hand stopped on the seven meant hand- I ask Father what that meant? He said “what does seven mean to you ? Completeness. Next long hand moved to the 3 – which was eight minutes – means new Beginngs!
      I asked the Lord to show me what this all means!

      Got up next morning sat down with my coffee and The vision came back to me.
      I turned TVs Kenneth Copeland was preaching and was saying we are entering into the sliver of time right now of the body being take out of here while looking over into the time of tribulation.
      I believe this what we are seeing at this present time. God has been drawing us to our knee and to repentance!

      1. The Lord lead me to brother Hagin’s ministry many years ago when I was first saved. I’ve been a student of his until he passed away in 2003, and I still listen to his sermons on YouTube and other media. I refer to him as Pop Hagin. Now the Lord has me teaching a “Healing is Here” healing class every Tuesday. I now know that the Lord was preparing me to walk the same way as Pop Hagin all those year ago with the teaching and studying I was doing as I followed his ministry. I miss him so very much, but I know he is happy in Heaven with his Jesus whom he served so many years, and I know I’ll see him again one day. Stay with God all you saints of the Most High God. You will be so glad you did in the end. God Bless.

        1. Hello Sisiter Linda Rodriqiuez,

          You might want to kknow this …

          The Revivals and People That were most influential in God’s Moves

          Maria Woodworth-Etter (July 22, 1844–September 16, 1924) was an American healing evangelist. Her ministry style was a model for Pentecostalism.
          The Irish Revival 1858 The Ulster, Ireland Revival William Harding
          Smith Wigglesworth (8 June 1859 – 12 March 1947) was a British evangelist who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism.
          The Welsh Revival 1904- 1905 Evan Roberts
          The Azusa Street Revival 1906 – 1908 William J. Seymour
          Smith Wigglesworth Prophesied these last 4 to Lester Sumrall in 1939 before WW ll and the first 3 have been fulfilled – so we know the last one is coming too!
          The Healing Move 1945 William Branham
          The Charismatic Move 1960’s – 70’s Dennis Bennett
          The Word of Faith Teaching Move 1949-2003 Kenneth E. Hagin (many prophesies about the Last Move coming!)
          The Last and Final Move & Great Harvest ending with The Rapture of The Church

      2. Hello Sister Shirley Ford

        You might want ot know this …

        The Revivals and People That were most influential in God’s Moves

        Maria Woodworth-Etter (July 22, 1844–September 16, 1924) was an American healing evangelist. Her ministry style was a model for Pentecostalism.
        The Irish Revival 1858 The Ulster, Ireland Revival William Harding
        Smith Wigglesworth (8 June 1859 – 12 March 1947) was a British evangelist who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism.
        The Welsh Revival 1904- 1905 Evan Roberts
        The Azusa Street Revival 1906 – 1908 William J. Seymour
        Smith Wigglesworth Prophesied these last 4 in 1939 before World War ll – to Lester Sumrall and the first 3 have been fulfilled – so we know the last one is coming too!
        The Healing Move 1945 William Branham
        The Charismatic Move 1960’s – 70’s Dennis Bennett
        The Word of Faith Teaching Move 1949-2003 Kenneth E. Hagin (many prophesies about the Last Move coming!)
        The Last and Final Move & Great Harvest ending with The Rapture of The Church

    1. I met a man who worked alongside Kenneth Hagin 13 years. He recounted this message almost verbatim even though the last time he saw him was 2003. Messages in 1950 and 1962. The key part: THE TIME OF THE END OF ALL THINGS IS AT HAND.

  9. In 1986, Holy Spirit guided me and my wife to plant a church in new jersey. We had a covering for accountability, relationship and growth. I was praying about wise leaders we could relate to and trust for advice and counsel. ‘The still small voice’ of Holy Spirit said, ‘you can look at the life of Kennet Hagin Sr as an example of balance in the body of Christ.’ The voice did not say to venerate or worship him. The still small voice gave me wisdom and direction for insights from a proven vessel.

    1. Hi pastor Ray. While i was in prayer I believe the Lord directed me to read again Kenneth Hagins words here about end time vision. Saw you are a pastor here in New Jersey. Please let me know the name of your church. God Bless America and your work for God Almighty. L Blakely.

    2. Hello Brother Ray,

      This is from God to you … to review and look up if you want to!

      The Revivals and People That were most influential in God’s Moves

      Maria Woodworth-Etter (July 22, 1844–September 16, 1924) was an American healing evangelist. Her ministry style was a model for Pentecostalism.
      The Irish Revival 1858 The Ulster, Ireland Revival William Harding
      Smith Wigglesworth (8 June 1859 – 12 March 1947) was a British evangelist who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism.
      The Welsh Revival 1904- 1905 Evan Roberts
      The Azusa Street Revival 1906 – 1908 William J. Seymour
      Smith Wigglesworth Prophesied these last 4 to Lester Sumrall in 1939 before WW ll and the first 3 have been fulfilled – so we know the last one is coming too!
      The Healing Move 1945 William Branham
      The Charismatic Move 1960’s – 70’s Dennis Bennett
      The Word of Faith Teaching Move 1949-2003 Kenneth E. Hagin (many prophesies about the Last Move coming!)
      The Last and Final Move & Great Harvest ending with The Rapture of The Church



    1. Jesus Christ will come sooner than people think. We are in the last generation that Jesus spoke about. Please practice Luke 21:36. This is the advice of Jesus to us. Watch and pray always so that you will be counted to escape the troubles ahead. Maranatha

  12. i believe in jesus name.he said blessed are they which seeth him not and yet believe on his name.Holy spirit reveal more of jesus to all those seeking for it.correspond me with spiritual message.

  13. Almost all of you say that Jesus told you to tell people that he is coming soon, how can that be when the disciples ask Jesus he said I don’t know only the Father knows, people are dreaming dreams and seeing visions that are not in the Bible and you AD Gabriel don’t ever say that Jesus or God used those words ass and nigga that’s not Jesus speaking, He told us to occupy until he comes not run around in fear that he is coming because of an eclipse or 4 blood moon nonsense, I knew Brother Hagin personally was in his home but this was in 1953 most of those people are dead, so get a grip and preach the Word and make disciples

    1. Wow interesting… what do you think of visions like this? I was raised with a great respect for Brother Hagin. As you say it would seem 1953 wasn’t the last great revival so……..

    2. Bruce he said did not know the day or hour only The Father knew! The ten virgins didn’t know the day or hour but the were told to keep the ileum lamps full of oil and burning expecting the bridegroom to come at any time and they were to be. Watching – I know he’s come soon!!

    3. Author

      Bruce – This is a much-belated response, I just say it. I am also taking the comment off with those two words. I am also blocking them in your comment.

      The church and traditionally thought that the return of the Lord was always imminent. As they did, so do we. It is an attitude of the heart. The attitude of a faithful servant. And yes we are to occupy until He returns. You please relax. We have a grip. We are preaching the Word and making disciples. He is coming soon. We will know the season but not the day and hour. We love you. Rex

  14. This is amazing.I saw my self sleeping in bed.then sadenly i saw roof of my house opend the i saw a clear sky.behold!i saw the hand of Of God holding A Key and gave me.sudenly i saw my self in a Beatiful city Gold in colour and then i hear the voice that says open the door! And i openend ,i saw elders wearing White clothes inside that room and the voice said to me,this is ur room when you come to heaven.I was so happy i asked Lord i don’t want to go back! And He said no you must! I got a mission you must fulffil.and sudenlly,i saw my self stading in the Throne amist.I saw the Throne of God and The Lord was Seating on it! But i could only see His feed on top His Body the was Huge light around Him.When i look little lower i saw People large number of people with different colour they dress around them raising hands next to me.and the Lord said go i send you to them.tell them i am coming soon.

    1. That’s beautiful Sam Motaung. Could I please get your email adress?
      This website is a huge blessing!

  15. Praise the name of thy lord, 2013 the Lord revealed his coming to me. I was amazed wen i got the message bcos he actually specify. That very night I went to d school field to pray, after a short time of prayer, I was lead by the spirit and I started speaking in tongues, after speaking in several language, I ended up speaking in English which I understand. Then d lord said that the baby that came to d world at that very moment,the period that baby is going to live and die is the period where he s going to come. Now we are in 2016,that means d baby should b around 3 years.
    Let us just assume that the baby will spend about 120 years on earth, 120-3 =117 years more, which might b today, tomorrow or anytime.
    My brother and sister, this s not a joke, let always try to do Good and preach the gospel to prepare our soul for the son of man. Pls pass this message along.
    4rom Rufai in Nigeria

  16. It’s not by works Abidon to gain salvation but lots of work is still needed to bring in end time souls through Christ and for the Heavenly Father.

  17. This totally inspired me and put a FIRE inside of me that has not been there since it first was, like it should have been! The Lord came to me in a dream on Sept. 7, 1981, just six months to the day after Bill and I were married! (I had been listening to Brother Hagin on the radio, (after my first husband passed at 35yrs, old), for about 3 years previously.) In that dream JESUS came and told me to, “Go tell my people I am coming soon!!!” I have done that and have not gotten very good responses. Have done that as things have progressed at times and share with some I talk with when I have a good opportunity! We have suffered many things in the time that we have been here, now almost 27 years. We have volunteered in many places and I have worked for a few ministries! We have had a home connect group for many years. The Lord has given me open visions, dreams, and given me direction. I give HIM ALL the Glory and PRAISE!!! Thank you LORD JESUS!

    1. Author

      Bertie – As it should. Read the Word. Seek God. Pray without ceasing. And make sure there is oil in your lamp. God bless. Rex

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