by Rex Rouis
You are now a Christian and you are brand new on the inside. Re-created by God Himself, for good things. Now, in order for your new personal relationship with God to grow, it is essential that you do the following things:1. Spend some time each day praying and worshiping God. Talk to Him like He is your most trusted and private friend. He is now your God and personal Savior and Helper. Trust in Him completely. In this way your relationship will develop and grow strong. Also, allow for times of complete quiet, where he can speak to you and ‘download’ His thoughts into your heart and life.
2. Read the Bible daily (begin with the Gospel of John). God has chosen to express Himself through His book, the Bible. Now that you have the Holy Spirit resident on the inside of you it will be easier to understand what the Bible is saying. The Bible ‘speaks’ general things on its own but it is also a vehicle for the Holy Spirit to speak personal things to you. Listen for Him.
3. You must find a church that teaches the Bible as the 100% Word of God and encourages a personal relationship with Jesus. Attend regularly. It is much easier to plant the Word in your heart when you are planted in a church.
4. Begin to develop friendships with sincere Christians, and be baptized. We need God and each other, so find friends you can trust and open up to them. Don’t rebuild the mask. Look for people that are real and honest.
5. Tell other people about your new relationship with God. This may take you outside of your comfort zone, but it will release true joy in your heart. Our own troubles dim when we help others with their troubles. He will lead you.
I Thank You God the FATHER, JESUS AND THE HOLYSPIRIT. I give You all the praise,honour and thanksgiving for behold I am a new creature,the old things have passed away and now I am a new creature in Christ jesus. I was a sinner and even dead to it, but now I have ressurected with Christ and live a new life. I felt as if a heavy burden has been lifted from me immediately I finish saying that prayer and I also felt the peace and joy of the Holyspirit. Oh! This is indeed a wonderful experience.
Victor – Glory to God! This is what it is all about and this is exactly why we do the hard work to keep this site up. We are so happy. One day, maybe in Heaven, we will meet. I look forward to it. Welcome home. We love you. Rex
Glory be to the most high..! Amen.
My addiction to sin has caused me to become God’s enemy. So God punished me and I died. But in His mercy, He raised me from the dead, and regenerated me into a new person. A holy person. I cannot be this new person on my own, Ever. I became this new person in my identity with Christ. Now God’s favor is upon me. I inherited all the blessings. Since I am a regenerated person , God’s benefit to me is the ability to live a holy life. This power was granted to me, because Christ made me worthy to recieve this power. It is mine to believe in. This is the life of faith ; I have called upon the Lord, and He forgave me of my terrible sins. Now I have eternal life. And someday my earthly body will be supernatural , And I will live in it forever. This is my confession. I pray that I never turn away from this simple, yet profound truth.
I’m blessed…AMEN…
For God you are my saviour.. I glorify your name.
Cheerin – Good for you. I don’t know if you are new to the Christian family or not but we love you and appreciate you. God is a good God and His blessing are activated by faith in His Name.
Amen>Glory to God
glory to God in the HIGHEST::::::::::::::::::::::::