LangesMigrantMother-300-webThese scriptures on hopelessness will give you hope and will build your faith. Confess and meditate on them to win the fight against hopelessness.  The whole fight is about not losing Hope. Allow the hope of God to flow into you. Remember, there is a real Person (God) behind each and every one of these promises. He promised them to you for a reason – to help you.

Depression is the emotional result of hopelessness. Joy is the emotional result of hope. Peace is the emotional result of faith.

God’s hope encourages, motivates, and keeps you on the road to faith, peace, and victory. Hopelessness breeds and creates the ‘feeling‘ of depression. Fight it with the Word of God. And if you suffer from deep ongoing depression, PLEASE READ THIS – Helping Others Is God’s Prescription for Depression. Send me a comment, we love you  and we want to help you. You are important and you have value. You will get out of this hole.

Anyone who is among the living has hope. Ecclesiastes 9:4
Surely there is a future, And your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:18

No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame. (Psalm 25:3)

You are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. (Psalm 25:5)

May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you. (Psalm 33:22)

Those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land. (Psalm 37:9)

Why are you downcast, o my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. (Psalm 42:5)

In your name I will hope, for your name is good. (Psalm 52:9)

Find rest, o my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. (Psalm 62:5)

You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas. (Psalm 65:5)

For you have been my hope, O Sovereign LORD, my confidence since my youth. (Psalm 71:5)

But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. (Psalm 71:14)

I have put my hope in your word. (Psalm 119:74)

Sustain me according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed. (Psalm 119:116)

For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. (Romans 15:4)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. (2 Corinthians 3:12)

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. (Ephesians 1:18-19)

There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one hope when you were called– one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ form the dead. (1 Peter 1:3)

Scriptures Against DepressionScriptures Against WorryNew Testament Scriptures on Faith & BelievingDo God’s Promises Cover What You Want?


  1. Sally,
    You asked for a sign. Look up the angel number 555. It is on your time stamp.
    I believe numbers are often a sign from heaven that they are with us.
    Much warmth and prayers to you and all who need them.

  2. Lord, I have been intimidated by the situations around me. Give me strength in your name to still believe in Jesus and still stand tall. Some of the problems are of my own making – I am sorry. Please give me some way of knowing that you have not abandonded me. Thankyou for all you have given to me.

  3. Regina, your words are very encouraging to me!
    I lost my faith, for a very long time. By the grace of God, he took me to my knee’s, much needed, to show me, it’s not me in control, but He!

    Thank you for sharing!!

  4. God can fix every soul including yours. Forgiveness of one’s self is possible through calling on Jesus. Tears will pour like the river. When any person stays with another Who’s inflicting some type of abuse, be emotional, physical, or sexual is because they fear being alone. The abusive person is usually never apologetic for their wrong doing. The answer is go to God and cry out Abba forgive them for they know not what they do and then ask God to give you strength and away of escape. Soul ties are the most painful to walk away from. You have to be ready to fight spiritually cause the other person likes intimidating the weakened. It’s a learned behavior. That’s why it continues to cycle. Fight with prayer, never with negative words.You can only win with God. Take everything to God. Now let me tell you why I’m on here viewing your confessions. I’m 45 and a living walking breathing survivor rejection of all types. The Word of God keeps me from day to day. These scriptures of hope remind me of why I’m here. God has brought me safe thus far, no matter the tantrums I’ve thrown. God has a plan for my life. Do I dwell on past evils done to me, cause even psychiatrist stand amazed when I tell them it is God’s grace that has kept my mind from self destructing. So I thank each one of you for sharing and reading my post. Today is a new day and this day I choose to hope in the promises God has for me and my future.

  5. God can fix every soul including yours. Forgiveness of one’s self is possible through calling on Jesus. Tears will pour like the river. When any person stays with another Who’s inflicting some type of abuse, be emotional, physical, or sexual is because they fear being alone. The abusive person is usually never apologetic for their wrongs The answer is go to God and cry out Abba forgive them for they know not what they do and then ask God to give you strength and away of escape. Soul ties are the most painful to walk away from. You have to be ready to fight spiritually cause the other person likes intimidating the weakened. It’s a learned behavior. That’s why it continues to cycle. Fight with prayer, never with negative words.You can only win with God. Take everything to God.

  6. Titi,

    We dont know each other but I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you. It is amazing to me how God works. You see, I am a disabled veteran who struggles with chronic pain everyday. I’ve had multiple surgeries in the last 3 1/2 yrs and sometimes I think, “will I ever run out of things they can operate on?” This leaves me feeling hopeless sometimes. So, I was looking up some scriptures to remind myself of just how good God has been to me and thats when I came across your comments. Now don’t get me wrong, as a man, I’m not pretending to say “I understand how you feel” because I’ve never been pregnant. I have, however, spent 9 months stuck in a wheelchair and I know what it feels like to be a burden on those you love. I dont have any catchy phrases for you that will solve your problems but I do know one who can, God. I’ve learned that He doesnt always answer the way I think He should either. Guess that’s because He doesn’t want me taking any credit!?
    As a father of 6, I will tell you to cherish that child. And I’ll leave you with this, “IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT GIVING BIRTH IS ONE OF THE FEW CHANCES IN LIFE A WOMAN WILL EVER HAVE TO ASSIST GOD IN A MIRACLE.” God bless you!

  7. I am grateful for forums like this! I first want to say i am 4mos. Pregnant and going through alot right now. I was working a full time job but was placed on bed rest at 12weeks because i began to bleed alot. I am a mail carrier but non career therefore i have no benefits and my job does not pay into disability….so i have been relying on family to help me. I feel like i am a burden and dissapointment to my mother because she has countlessly came to my rescue in situations. I am happy that i am pregnant but there are times i think thingsvwould be better if i wasn’t. Don’t get me wrong i love my baby but i feel like being pregnant is making things harder. And i never new i would have complications that would render me unable to work and provide for my family. Yet, my mother expresses her disgust in my decisioning because she has to intervene. I am trying to stay positive for my babies sake because i know how i feel can affect him. Yet, all i have been doing is crying….i am going to scriptures to keep my faith and not let this season dictate my future….yet it is hard when u feel like your a disgrace to people….i ask that you keep me in prayer, for my sanity, peace, and endurance…..also for the health of my unborn child while i press through this season in my life….God bless!

    1. How did it go with the baby? Boy or girl? I’m sorry you had to go through the bedrest. My kids are older and I look forward to helping out. I think having little to no family support has made me more determined to be there for them when they procreate.

  8. It’s always encouraging to hear that God is working in peoples lives. But sometimes I wonder where do I stand in the scheme of things. Not to seem ungrateful, but sometimes I feel like I’ve been completely forgotten. I pray, and I pray, and I pray but I continue to struggle. All these road blocks I continue to face in my life are really bringing me to a point of discouragement. Sometimes I just want to throw in the towel. My Spirit keeps telling me to hold on for just a little while longer. But “a little while longer” is turning out to be more than I can bear.

    If I tell you all that God has brought me through and where He has brought me from, I’m sure you would wonder how could someone like me be so ungrateful. But it’s not a lack of gratitude that’s my issue, but fear of headed back to where I once was. I don’t feel His presence in my life, and it’s been that way for awhile.

    1. So I just simply googled how I was sorry for feeling ungrateful, my life is good considering what I have been through. I read your words and they seemed as if they came directly from my thoughts. The fear of being dragged back through what we have persevered is paralyzingly strong some days. You are not alone.

  9. May God grant everyone on this page peace! With love for all of you. My name is Joseph, and I’m depressed because of my own faults. Drinking and women. Have place me in a bad situation. However I know that God loves all of us. You all have giving me a new perspective On life. And I pray that joy finds it way into all of our heart. Thank you sharing your problem!

  10. I am no one really book smart or Bible smart and I am not sure how this works. but please just give me a little bit of time, and the right words to say.
    I have been trying to find out what the hell I even have to go on for, my kids are grown, I gave up a great job and my family for my”soulmate” to travel with him to see family and friends and take care of some things that were in his way of getting a Job and license, etc…
    Well that was a year ago and now I’m alone, homeless, unemployed, and I have been praying without faith, I have been trying to figure this out by myself and the journey led me to be here where I was just thinking about the same thing.
    At almost 50yrs old, with 2 sons, 5 step-daughters, and 7 grandkids, I feel like I am loosing the will to live. I have died twice, had a stroke, and yet, we are looking for an ally in the fight for the will to be in the position we are in, and the faith that God has blessed us.
    NEVER EVER fear that you are not doing anything but the best for you and your daughter, I found the following to be true for me ( I cannot speak for anyone else) but as long as you are doing everything possible to keep your family together, that is the best way to love them.
    No matter what, you are their world and I hope you don’t leave them with the question of whether or not they did something wrong

  11. I am struggling emotionally trying to hold on to life. I am the eldest of my mom’s three children and the sole bread winner of my family. I also have my 3 yr old daughter who I am raising practically alone. I am not happy at my job and I’m seriously sad with not accomplishing anything at my age. We live from my pay check to the next with no other source of income. Many nights I cry and beat myself up to be here the way that I am. The 5 of us are crammed in a 2 room aparment where we share bathroom and kitchen area with 4 other tenants. It’s really disheartening to have to put my daughter in this situation. I want to take the easy way out but that would be a big sin. I want to be able to be happy again and give my mom and daughter what they truly need. I need my hope and faith to be restored before it’s too late. —Raven

    1. I wish I had the soothing words that would comfort your heart. Life is far far from perfect for each of us. I can tell you from personal experience that most of us carry the weight of sadness and the feeling that we are not where we thought we would be in life. I pray. All the time. Every day. It helps. I have a rosary that I keep around my neck so that I can feel God close to my heart. It is really the only thing that makes a difference in my life. When I am really, really struggling I close my eyes, grab my rosary and beg God not to leave me. It really helps to remind myself that God is always with me. I might not like the experience I am going through, but I know He is there with me. I don’t pretend to understand why I am going through difficult things, but it always,always helps to know that God is with me. Reach out to prayer as much as you can. When it gets dark in your heart, pray. If you have to lock yourself in the bathroom to pray, do it.

      I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    2. Raven, I so completely understand what you mean about your daughter BUT think about this – YOU ARE SETTING A HIGH STANDARD for her to look up to. She will see what her Mommy did for her family and her and she will try to live up to that. God Bless You Mommy!

  12. Dear Sister in His Body,
    I am starting to find out more about my health. I found out that I have nerve issues really bad in my lower back and neck that may be contributing to all the spasming, leg problems and my headaches, plus I’m having sugar issues. Anything with any sugar makes me worse. I am praying and reading. My emotions are all over the place. I am really struggling with all of this. I have moments when I think everything will be alright, but with the constant headaches and worsening pain, it tends to bring me right back down, I am not handling it well and I want to be strong to get through this. Many of the pills they prescribe have horrible side effects, so I am trying to work through what I can take and cannot. I took my daughter to my mom’s for a couple of days as I needed to get a grip and get out of this depressed state. I thought I was doing better, but yesterday the pain got worse all over and I had a rough time last night. I am praying that God restore my health and help me with my faith. I try to remind myself that so many others are worse off than me, and that he has healed many others with far more worse conditions. Please continue to pray for me and if you can share more of your positive thoughts, please do. Thank you.

    1. Blue, I am not a doctor but I started taking control of my body and health, changing how I eat and asking God to “cure” me. I’ve cut my pills in half (I repeat I am not a doctor but they don’t help me just diagnose) and do not consume processed foods, sugar or drink my beloved coffee anymore. There are days when my lack of income makes me very hungry as I don’t have enough food to eat but I can stand to lose some weight so I am trying to be okay with that. Its been a year since you posted this – how are you now?

  13. Dear Corinna
    All I can advise you is that sometimes God is the one trying to pull you apart from something or someone.and yet we’re the ones who don’t let go.God had your life planned since before you were even born maybe he’s trying to take something from you that you’re not willing to let go,I myself went through the exact same thing I loved my husband so much that I couldn’t see my self without him.I would say what would I do with out him,I’d be lost.God was trying to make me grow and he is a jealous God the kind of God that doesn’t want us to put no one or anything in front of husband would cheat even do it in front of my face come home with hickies and didn’t even say he was sorry because he knew I’d keep taking him back.I’ve gone and been through the things you talk about the crying asking God why?the wondering why me?but I finally got the strengh to leave him.and for reason.God knew what he was doing,the Bible says he’d never forsake us or leave us.after I left him I lost everything I thought he was my everything.I placed the kid’s with my mom through CPS because I had started drinking heavily,I felt lost because I thought he was what I lived for.I lost my home eventually my car and started staying with a friend and one day coming home from a drunken weekend and still drunk might I add.she said to me.what is wrong with you,?I’ve never seen you this’ve always had your kid’s your house your own thing going on,I looked up to you because you had it qll together and I’m only saying this because I love you.I snapped I said to myself she’s I called my mom right then even though we’ve never gotten along and at the time still hadn’t.but I said mom can I come home and straighten out my life.I was a Christian and still am I have my down falls and bad days the hardest person to fight is my self because I did get a drinking problem I did like the parting life .I went home and started going back to brother and his wife at this to had my two youngest and she didn’t want to give them back and was looking for a lawyer to try and adopt them she wouldn’t let me see them and would keep them from me.I got my oldest back started going back to church and even though I would still fall and trip up I never stopped praying for God to take those bad habits away from me.some people would call it a traditional curse something that is past on through generations.but I still kept pushing and fighting through,after moving in with my mom in three months time God opened a door for me to get my own place nothing fancy a small two bedroom got my oldest and a month later my two youngest,I prayed alot studied my Bible alot went to church and through all this still fighting my traditional curse.I got stronger and kept moving on even though I still having my drinking day reading my Bible a year and a half later God told me you see,now do you understand,I had to take him away from you so you can grow and become the person I need you to be,you were always focused on him and the fighting was keeping you away from who I called you to couldn’t fulfill your destiny being with him because he kept distracting you.don’t you see I had to remove him from your life so you could there is a reason that God is trying to get you to let go of something that is in your best just can’t see it yet.I went through alot yes,but through it all God had my back.even though I was going to church praying and trying to stop my drinking I couldn’t all I could do was pray and cry because of it.but one day one my knees crying and praying for God to take those habits away from me.I told me don’t you see you have to be the one to go through the fire and the term oil and the hurt and pain that comes with it because your the only one strong enough to break this traditional curse no one else is.instantly I stopped crying,I understood what God was doing and why I was having to go through it even though I knew he could just blink and all of it would be taken away.I went six years of struggling with myself fighting my own demons the struggle of a single mom and all that goes with it.bit I knew I had to do it and go through it for me,for my kid’s that no man or any one for that Matter was more important then God and his plan for me.after a while I got stronger and stronger went from my lil beat up two bedroom house to a three bedroom two bath with all that we needed my kids were taken care of and we’re dressed well.I still had my own issues my own demons to fight went through some tough times of course the devil was going to try and break house caught on fire we lost everything but I kept going and moving on.when God told me about my tradtional curse I was already six years in of my problems it was Around August,and in January finally got with my better half who I’m still with.and my life is no longer the same.yeah he gets on my nerves we argue we don’t fight but all in all I’m in a good place with a good person that God has put in my path.and maybe we’ll last ten years twenty idk but I do know that God has a plan for me and my life and when he closes one door an other one opens.I still do love my ex husband.but he is no longer what I thought was my world.God knew what he was doing when he took my ex out of my just have to trust God and what he has planned for you.I’m 40 today I just turned 40 in June of this year.all this happened between 2008-2014 and I’m here to tell you the struggle is real but so are the promises that God your bible if one thing I’ve learned is how to love my self and if my better half walks out today I will not break it will not break me,because I love my self so much and am secure in that nothing can be added or taken away from it.because I’ve learned to love my self you are worth more you just hadn’t seen it yet..God is love if nothing else read psalms 23 over and over and over tell your self this scripture to your self even when your not reading it and know that God knows all things and another thing write letters to God of your thoughts feeling’s or what ever it them and when this storm has passed because it will you’ll be able to go back and look at them I still do.

  14. I have been in a relationship for the past 10 years. I’m 31 years old. During my relationship my bf has been unfaithful many times and I stayed by his side and we moved in together and still do. I have had trouble trusting him and have been even more depressed, paranoid, my anxiety is bad. I feel insecure and worthless. I have no confidence in myself. My bf portrays me as being weak for not being able to get over it. He continues to like and follow inappropriate things on social media. When I call him out on it, it turns to me being the one in the wrong. He tells me that he’s tired of my behavior and to mind my own business. He hasn’t talked to me for the past 4 days. We live together which makes it awkward and uncomfortable. I don’t know what to do. Despite his actions I love him very deeply and would be lost without him. I have been giving him his space but feel awful bc I think this is the real deal this time around. He’s serious about not being together even though he hasn’t told me he doesn’t want to be with me anymore. I feel helpless and find my self just crying looking into space alone in my room. I have no friends I’m not close to my mom, my sister is busy with her own family and I don’t want to burden my dad with my problems. I feel so alone and I can’t deal with the pain anymore. I have never been really religious before and know nothing about the bible. But I still ask for God’s help and talk to him. I don’t know what else to do. I’ve tried therapy but it doesn’t work. My negative thoughts take over me. I haven’t eaten and have been crying and he’s in the other room not even worrying about me. Please someone help me. I don’t know what to do.

    1. Dear Corinna,

      I definitely can identify with your problems. If you read my posts below, you will see what I have been going through with medical and stress problems that affects my stomach, head, back and walking. You don’t want to end up where I am medically, and this is not to say that all of my problems are from stress but I do believe it is a contributing factor. I’ve been married for 18 years and let me tell you it has been a ride. My marriage started off like your relationship if not worse. I met my husband and fell hard. The only thing is that he did not fall hard for me. He was great initially and very kind. He did everything right. He was very respectful. About six months into our relationship I found out that he had a baby by someone I went to school with. Now, this was not bad but the fact that he kept it from me led to more problems. I stopped talking to him for a while, but missed him. Mind you that he did not reach out to me nor was he apologetic. It was more that he was busted and decided that I was through with him. I ended up calling him and we got back together. My husband did so many things, I’m lucky to not be in an insane asylum. I put up with unimaginable things. I’ve went through years of weeks with him ignoring me. And he too perceived me as weak, insecure and stupid. I had no family support and was raised by my great-grandmother who passed away when I was 16. My grandmother was a saint. Always humming and praying all day and night. She was always on her knees until the day she died. Everything you are going through, I have been through if not more and I am 46 years old now. I have asked myself and the Lord over and over why me. Throughout the years, I have met people that have come and gone in my life that have helped. But, I still pray and always will because one thing is for sure, I do believe things could have been worse without the Lord. The past few years I had been traveling with my job, working long hours, supporting my daughter and arguing with my husband. I was under a tremendous amount of stress. One day when I was arguing, I could feel the stress in my voice. It was scary. Every time I attempted to raise my voice, I would touch my chest and stomach and it felt like if I would raise my voice or say another word it would kill me. I stopped arguing. I tried not to do it in front of my daughter anyway as my husband has the voice that would raddle the neighborhood. There is no mildness in his tone. As I started to grow he started to say I was arrogant, uppity, and using him. I constantly thought and still do think about me and my daughter’s life. Part of me leaving my job last year was part of my attempt to heal myself physically and spiritually, but it turned out that things going on with my health were worse off than I thought. My husband has changed in many ways over the years and in many ways he has not. After years of being in love with him, I started to just love him. After all the years of not wanting to leave him, I then started feeling guilty about leaving him. It has not been an easy ride. I personally don’t think these situations get better in the long run. Mine has in some respects but not in others. I don’t believe we have to settle for the glass half full. I believe we really have to love ourselves. In the past couple of years, my husband moved out of our bedroom. Underneath, it hurt my heart and my daughter. I was embarrassed for myself and for my daughter. I would get embarrassed when her friends would come over and close the door. After a while, I didn’t care as much and actually my feelings have changed all together. Since I have been having health problems, I’ve been struggling with my faith. I have been crying and praying and trying to stay strong. I got a response on this site who told me to pray every chance I get and that’s what I intend to do. I took out my Bible and starting reading Matthew in the New Testament. I have not been to church in a while and decided to go yesterday. I new I could not stay long but got a good portion of the sermon. The preacher started talking about faith and started reading chapters in Luke. Ironically, they were some of the same words from what I just read in Matthew. That made me feel good. I just want to say that I understand and continue to pray. You don’t want to get sick. I don’t have all the answers but I had a friend who passed away and told me that she was never too busy for me no matter what. She was like my grandmother. For years I just couldn’t leave my husband it didn’t matter what he did. Now, I can’t beg him enough to leave. Please try to get out and go to a church, the movies, and to the park. Listen to music. I let so much time and life pass me by, doing what you are doing now and you don’t get that time back. I had such a strained relationship with my mom that it consumed part of my life as well. I thought that I could never forgive her and no matter what I was talking about, the conversation always ended up on her. I bought every self-help and prayer book on forgiveness. And, for a while I thought I had actually forgiven her until we would talk. But, just this year, something happened and all that had happened didn’t bother me in the same way. I felt different about her and the feelings I had. I never thought in a million years and in my wildest dreams that I would be able to do it, but I am so glad I did. I don’t care about the past with her, I just care about right now and future possibilities. I don’t blame my husband anymore. I blame myself for forcing my will in holding on to him and refusing to let go when he showed me he wanted different. I learned that as long as I stay, it makes him feel better about himself. I had and still do have a choice. Please make sure you are using protection if you can’t trust your partner. That is extremely important. If it helps in any way, I will respond as best I can when you post and continue to pray for you and ask that you pray for me. You are not alone.

  15. I have found out that I have gastrointestinal issues. I have been diagnosed with a hernia, gastritis, and GERD from an upper GI. Since July 7, I have not been able to eat much. I have been spasming all over my body, particulary in my stomach, legs and head. I have a swollen throat now and have been having some chest pains. I have had MRI’S and ultrasounds in the past. I will be having a cat scan and colonoscopy soon and hope to get an even better idea of what’s going on and what I need to do to get better. Although I been very discouraged on many days, I will remain prayerful. It has been trying, dealing with the hospitals and doctors. My biggest struggle is not being able to do things I normally do with my daughter. Prayers have helped and I hope to grow in faith. I’ll continue to pray for all and asked that I continue to stay in your thoughts and prayers.

  16. Dear blue, you are certainly thought of and being prayed for. I have felt like you before and I urge you in truth, please, pick up a modern English bible and read it, and read it, every chance you get, and don’t stop for any reason. Think about it when your not reading it and apply the Word to life every moment of every day, listen to the Holy Spirit reveal to you who your Creator is, His personality, His expectations and commands of you, and His beautiful promises, this life will all start making sense, I promise… And even better, He promises. I am a true Witness to the Word, read it, live it, and be a doer of it. Be a living sacrifice in this temporary place and He will overflow you with His inexpressible peace and joy from within you. Give Him thanks and Glory every day, and as Jesus commands each morning and evening, count your each and every blessing and recite them and have a heart of constant thanksgiving to Him. He is a God of Spirit and in your spirit through purity and truth, you will certainly find Him. The pure and Holy Truth of His Word will set you free, do it His way this time and taste and see that the Lord is Good.

    1. Dear Sister in His Body,

      I can’t thank you enough for the response and encouraging words. Thanks so much for praying for me. I’ve been in a lot of pain and in a really bad place lately. I have pulled out my English Bible and have started reading it. I will continue to read it and I will continue to pray. I have printed out your advise to keep with me as a reminder of what I need to do. I have been so emotional lately that all I do is cry. I was looking for a scripture when I was led to this website. I hesitated at first, but decided to post about myself. I apologize for using “preyed” instead of “prayed” over and over. I hope that you will continue to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

  17. I was working a job that I hated. I was working long hours on call, in school full-time and taking our child to every event I could make it to. I was having major problems in my marriage. I was overwhelmed at work and my boss relied heavly on me – there was no time off where I wasn’t busy. I worked at night and early in the morning before going into work. I thought if I worked hard, kept my head up, and did the right thing, I would be all right. I took it all from everyone with my head held high. No matter how bad it got. I’ve spent most of my life pretending. I got use to pretending everything was good when I was at my worst. No matter what, I had to make it seem like everything was alright. My feelings and spirit had been crushed a long time ago. I have held things in so long, I really don’t know where to start. I have really barried and covered over a lot. October 2015 I started to feel like something was wrong with my health. I figured it was stress. It got so overwhelming at work one night that when I left at 1:30 a.m. to go home, I just set in the car and cried. I never went back. My boss tried to get me to come back for over six months. But they know what they did and I was done. It was way too much. I had nothing left to give. No job, and problems with my husband. I had never really took action and stood up for myself, so at this point I felt I had no choice plus, I was starting to get tingling down my arms, numbness and pain all over. I knew that I was killing myself and that I could not do it all anymore. At that point, I didn’t care what my husband would think because I had been through enough. I had secured a job for him years ago. I walked away with a few months pay and thought that I would finally stop being afraid. Well as soon as I left the job, I started having major episodes with nerves, my legs, headaches, my back and all. Debilitating episodes. I was always in good health, I could not believe it. I started on my journey to doctors with doctors and took every MRI and test you could think of since last October. It’s been almost a year and I have gotten worse. My health has steadily declined and I have just about exhausted my insurance. When I left my job, I thought that I’d rather have my health than anything, and it all wasn’t worth it. But little did I know that it would get this bad. I have been crying and praying and trying to keep my head up. But today, I’m having trouble with my breathing among other things and I am feeling very discouraged. I never saw my life like this, and it hurt me my husband told me that I thought I was so good that this wouln’t happen to me. I have done a many things that I’m not proud of, but I feel I am being punished. The worst thing I feared is happening to me. Without my health, I feel I’m nothing and that I have lost everything. I feel that I don’t have favor and that the Lord has turned His back on me. It’s always easy to tell someone to have faith and be strong until something happens to you. I have been praying and talking to God all my life. I have always believed in Him. But I have never truly felt the presence that others have claimed to feel. I know I have been blessed, and I have always been God fearing. But, I most say that I have had some doubt when I see how many people suffer and after reading some of these posts. Through many of my struggles I preyed, and preyed, and preyed. I’ve cried so much that I can’t breath at times. I’ve never asked anyone to pray for me, but I am asking that someone will pray for me and my health. I pray that everyone on this forum is blessed and get the help and love that they need in Jesus name. Amen

  18. Are you still alive? It’s been a month since this posting. Open your eyes for there are more with us than they are with them. -11 Kings 6:16

    1. Please pray for me.I feel discouraged always tired had been through psychrist and psychology but now two weeks back to work the fatigue is back any kind of demands or pressure from work make me weak overwhelmed .can’t do a thing at home my shoulders are painful .I try to sleep early but never wake up refreshed.this is affecting my social life and my married life my husband feels I’was not ready to go back to work.I feel drained and without energy to do anything.Please help

  19. Please pray for me. I am an addicted person.every time it seems like things are starting to go right everything falls apart.I’m tired of being a junkie,a drunk,a miserably depressed and angry just seems to go from bad to worse.molested as a child,my first child dieing of sids.prostitution,alcoholism,herion and crack addiction.physically abused and sexually as a kid,domestically abused as an adult.I finally got straight after 20 years of herion addiction and alcoholism,every choice IVE made has had severe consequences.copd,not to mention other issues id rather not bring up here.I’m bipolar and unmedicated.I’ve pushed my family so far away that I don’t think they will ever come back.I don’t even. like or respect myself,so how can I expect or believe that God or anyone else can love me.I’m depressed and even though I’m married I’m alone.Alone and afraid and just tired.tired of trying and failing ang trying and failing…over and over again.I sometimes think if I could just die I wouldn’t have to hurt myself or anyone else ever again.but I’m scared to die.I’m so unhappy and lonely and afraid and tired.I keep thinking there’s no way God could have allowed me to go through all this just to never know one moments peace or happiness.I know it sounds childish to say its not fair,but ITS NOT FAIR!!!I want to be happy,proud of myself,for others to be proud of me.I don’t want to hate myself anymore or be so full of shame that I can’t look at myself.I let people use me because that’s all I think I’m worth.I feel so bad and I can’t make it go away…I don’t know what to do anymore.I wish that God would help me…they say god helps those who helps themselves…I don’t even know where to start…please someone,anyone…please pray for me.I’m lost

    1. Dear Misti,
      Yes, you are positively, completely, wholly loved by your Father, who loves you unconditionally, with no fine print, ifs and or buts. Nothing that you have ever done or will do will change His love for you. When you don’t know where to go, what to do, where to start — just turn to Jesus Christ. Call on Him, talk to Him, tell Him all your worries and problems, and He will answer you, guaranteed, because He is the FAITHFUL ONE. He will stand by you when all seems lost, when every one leaves, when everything that can go wrong, goes wrong, He will be right by your side — and will make everything RIGHT if you trust in HIM. Give Him your problems, and wait and see Him solve them one by one. Give Him your addictions, your children, your marriage, and just watch Your loving Father take care of them. “Give your worries to the Lord, and He will take care of you…He will never let [you] down” Psalm 55:22 Please remember, you are NEVER EVER alone. Jesus tells you He will never leave nor forsake you. He will be with you ALWAYS, even until the end of this age Matthew 28:20. Do not fear — your Saviour Jesus Christ is with you, He will help you, and fight to make things right. Goodness and mercy is in your future, and will CHASE you down — Psalms 23. I am praying for you, my friend 🙂 God bless you & keep you

    1. Author

      Jan – I do pray for you. God is merciful and powerful. He will heal you and make a way. Search the scriptures out on this site and get them into your heart. We love you. Rex

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