God will show me the path of life. (Psalm 16:11)
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack. (Psalm 23:1)
God will instruct me and teach me in the way I should go. He will guide me with His eye. (Psalm 32:8)
My steps are ordered by the Lord. (Psalm 37:23)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105)
I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He directs my paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I shall hear a word behind me, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” whenever I turn to the right or the left. (Isaiah 30:21)
Thus says the Lord, my Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you by the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17)
The Lord will guide me continually. (Isaiah 58:11)
I desire to do God’s will so I shall know whether it is from God. (John 7:17)
I follow Jesus so I shall not walk in darkness, but I have the light of life. (John 8:12)
I hear Jesus’ voice and He calls me by name and leads me out. Jesus goes before me and I follow him, for I know his voice. I will by no means follow a stranger. (John 10:3-5)
The Spirit of truth has come and He is guiding me into all truth. He will tell me things to come. (John 16:13)
I am led by the Spirit of God for I am a son of God. (Romans 8:14)
It is God Who works in me both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13)
I let the peace of God rule in my heart. (Colossians 3:15)
I will stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12)
The God of peace will make me complete in every good work to do His will, working in me what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 13:21)
How do i grow my life in serving the lord rightly & overcoming my traits in life
very helpful and enlightening, practicing more the leading of Gods voice thank you. am leading children and teens.
merry Christmas
I desire to live a God fearing life and how to overcome my greatest traits in life.
Isaiah 55:6, Psalm 54. Plead the blood of Jesus over the protection of you and all that is in your possession. Remind GOD of all the promises He made toward you by the scriptures, even if you cannot recall them all, as you search and find guidance in them began to claim them as yours. GOD does not exist in time so there is no delay of response. Take control through Him and little by little mark the change.
I need help on how to live a prayerful life. .
Just do it. Praying is talking to God. Just talk with him and pray through these scriptures on this website that is truly a blessing. I was healed after meditating on the ? scriptures on healing by David Emigh after suffering for 12 years refusing back surgery for a herniated disk, stenosis of my spine, spondylosynthesis and iliotibial friction syndrome. Just do it anytime and anywhere.
Hi Luiza. You must understand that Satan is nothing but a defeated enemy. However, he preys on the believer’s ignorance of what the Word of God says (Hosea 4:6). All the victory you need, and will ever need, is in the pages of scripture. Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do from the Word of God and doing it. I have seen countless number of people practically set free from the oppression of the wicked. Avoid taking any direction that may sound good, but is not backed up by God’s Word, as that may complicate your case. Your victory is sure (1 John 5:4). You may reach me via Spiceymeregini@gmail.com
Please pray for me. I live in Mumbai, India. I have lands in Goa, India. Because I am a lone lady with
aged mother whenever I am attempting to sell the neighbouring are driving away my buyers with false stories of my lands being haunted or saying lands are in dispute, as a result many buyers have managed to get copies of my property papers and his is scary. Many men like the agents who are widowers or wicked guys have also made sexual advances the one in last week drove me to anger and frustration and tears. So I prayed and fasted and told God show me your clear direction (which I am not getting or even if I get I am confused) to my decision to donate the property to church to avoid these evil experiences as I am not in good health too and I have to look after aged mum. So I spoke to a priest about this in Goa a week ago. Just now one of my friends asked me to contact his person who MAY want to buy the land, I am leaving for Goa soon. He said that I may require money for old age and to look after my mother. In that case I said I am happy to donate part of the money in adopting a priest and adopting a child from orphanage. I dont know what I am doing but this option is new and so please pray that I am on the right track and no evil men or women will cheat me or confuse me. Some of the names who are harassing me are: Kenneth Rose Fernandes, Pio Fernandes, Leo Fernandes, Ashley Dias (politician and land dealer), Ernesto Morias (politician, land dealer and he is the one who is making sexual demands and denying when I retaliated his advances and now he is trying to bring trouble for me because I refused him and he is trying to turn the table on me and calling me Satan), Arthur Menezes, Maurice Menezes, Ladislaw Menezes, Ramesh Bhishe, Winston and Menezes family of Menezes Caterers…. PLEASE HELP PRAY FOR ME FOR PROTECTION, RIGHT DIRECTION AND SAFETY FOR ME, MY LIFE AND MY ANCESTRAL LANDS AND IF IT IS A SALE AND PERFECT SMOOTH DEAL UNTIL ITS COMPLETION. God Bless
Thank you Jesus. I’m so blessed
Incredible resourse, thank u
@ sarena
Thank you. Let us pray one for another as we stand and watch tbe hand of God at work within our family
So very well put let us pray for one another
Thank you so much…
I just prayed these scriptures over my 8 month old grandson. May God’s Word, this Word of truth even at this young age take root within his soul, grow and blossom. May God from this moment forward guard his heart and mind in Christ Jesus. May he know and hear God’s voice teaching him which way to go. May God who is his Father in heaven protect and keep him. May his parents find Christ and love and cherish him who sustains and keeps us. Father, forgive their words for they know know not what they speak. Hold it not against them when they say “i would prefer that you not read the Bible to my son.” But Father you know me for i have called upon your name many a day and you have answered me. Hear me again, and once more answer me for thou art indeed faithful. In Jesus name I do pray. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God (in Christ). Amen.
Thank you for sharing your prayer for your 8 mth old grandson. I too have a 17 mth grandson that I’m in a similar situation with his parents. I will continue to pray for my grandson and ask God to forgive his parents for they too know not what they are speaking and doing.
Thank you again for sharing.
Mel….God’s love you inspite of your disbelief! Be patient with God for he knows all things!!!! Nothing is hidden from him…….and quit beating yourself up for making the wrong choice for God has already paid the price for sin! Just ask him for help with s sincere heart and removing doubt……Read Ephesians 3:20 and may God bless you?
Thank you so much; I’m soooooooo blessed by the scriptures I’ve seen already. I trust God for speedy and amazing testimonies regarding my desires and expectations as a result in the name of Jesus! The expectations of the righteous will not be cut short therefore my expectations which I have presented to God will be granted that my joy may be full!
Thanks so much and God bless you! Continue in this great work you’re doing, you’re a blessing so many; lots may not post a comment but they’re being blessed also.
I love and appreciate you!
Best regards..
Mel, sometimes it is necssary to do sonething in pure faith to be strengthened later, because of the experience which proved your faithfulness. Be blessed!
I’m so happy right now I can across this page but I know that I was lead here by the spirit. I have had visions and prophecy a spoken over my life and I have asked God for signs. But anytime he may have given me revelation I have doubted it. I’m fed up and confused and right now feel so discouraged by it all. I asked God for one last sign but because I don’t trust God enough I look to man for answers because I lack the faith in what God could be telling me or if it’s the enemy. Because of it I’ve gone back to committing the sin I was delivered from. I just want to know how do I strengthen my trust and faith in God whilst awaiting this specific sign from. At times I doubt it will ever come and it discourages me from praying or even praising God I feel numb.
Lord Jesus i need you!!!
Remarkably stated and great spiritual guidance. Nicley organized ( steps to remind) daily life; living. Great motivation and allways a true retrospect, to inspire towards the future in becoming better.
I was blessed by the scriptures and by all the encouragement. I needed it. Praise the Lord.
I am going to be honest. I love love love, Kenneth haggain ministries. I have been studying under him for a while. And I was looking for something that will help me to grow in my spirit. I typed in this and He came up. I knew I was going to get nothing but pure word. So thank you so much for the blessing of being able to study under him…
God helps us grow more in him as we trusth him whole heartedly and study his word the holy spirit leads us to peace joy patience kindness gentleness and most important love be blessed
Radihka, what a joy to hear your desire to want to live a Christ like life. That tells me you have a hunger to follow God. Philippians 3:12,13 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfect; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Follow Paul’s advice. Meditate these verses. Confess them, pray them, make a song up, write them on a card and carry them with you and pull them out when you can. Keep the word in your ears, in your mouth, before your eyes, and watch God transform your life. God Bless you….
Need have no fear. Young Chritians do best when they are what is called being undershepharded. Pray for the Lord to lead you to a strong older Ch
ristian you can be accountable to. Know also that it is necessary to have the “mind of Christ”. Forget all your
stupid sins…they are all gone by his
sacrifice anyway, and get interested
in the things of God. Watch Joyce
Meyer on TV..get wth other believers
and no friends with athiests please.
I love this page
hey, im 16 years old and this year, i got into to the scm comitee (student christian movement) in my school…. but when i think back to my life, im just another girl, a sinner and i make just as many mistakes and commit sins but here i am, in the comitee,with the responsibility of guiding little girls to christ . how am i supposed to set an egsample when i myself arent fixed??? i try making reading my bible an everyday habbit but it never works out, i either have h.w or something that makes me forget the bible!!! how could i be this bad to God? ??? i reallly dont know how to go back to God ,like i was,when i was small….
Radhika – Relax, I hear your heart and I can tell that you are doing much better than you think (or the Devil is making you feel) that you are. Read the Bible when you can, and enjoy the times that you are in the Bible instead of feeling bad that you are not in it more. The guilt and inferiority you are feeling is from the Devil and is NOT from God.
The Devil is trying to make you feel inadequate and bad about yourself so that you will not do the things God has for you to do. Remember, the Devil is a liar, a thief, and a destroyer. Jesus only gives life and life abundantly. One of the tricks of the Devil is to make you think that God is making impossible demands on you. And then when you cannot fulfill those demands, he will make you feel guilty about it, and tell you that God is not happy with you. It is all nothing but lies…
Relax, read the Bible when you can, and spend as much time as you can seeking God. Realize that He is working in you and that He will accomplish it all in you. Get victory through peace and faith in God. And then, take that victory to everyone you can.
Scan the articles on this site and read the ones that jump out at you. Don’t allow yourself to be pressured. Enjoy the God of Heaven and let that enjoyment overflow in your life to others.
Oh, and by the way, don’t worry, we are all messed up in some way. The Christian walk is exactly that – a walk. Nobody gets there overnight, and nobody is perfect, except of course Jesus. We love you. Keep moving in God. Never stop. Rex
That was a very nice reply to that young girl. It was of help to me too and I’m a senior citizen. I did have a question for you. When I did the search, “prayer for God’s guidance and protection” this popped up, ” Reply ….. Just repent, stand pray,read the bible and attend a Christian Church. God will …” If the person is writing to you, it’s fairly obvious that they are Christian. Do you not consider all Christian churches, “Christian.” I think we need to focus on reaching those who have no belief in Christ instead of focusing on any other Christian denomination. A Christian is a Christian. We have no right to judge their worthiness to call themselves Christian. ” …49John answered and said, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in Your name; and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow along with us.” 50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not hinder him; for he who is not against you is for you.”
Dixie – Thank you for your gracious comment about the reply to the young girl. Your question, I don’t fully understand. The comment you mention was not by me and was almost 3 years ago. We do not judge other churches. We may mention something or someone that we do not agree with very rarely. We state our beliefs and let the chips fall where they may.
Judging though is not all bad. We are all expected to judge all kinds of things. However, we never judge their walk with God or their ‘worthiness to call themselves Christian.’ Rather, we comment on specific beliefs and/or Bible teachings. We are not trying to ‘hinder’ anyone. Our goal is to get to the truth and then write about it. Usually, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Rex
Please I need help. I am an older brother to my sibling, I want to know how I can effectively carry him along (about Christianity), I’ve done this before but i knew i suddenly slipped backward again. Please HOW CAN I MAKE CHRISTIANITY MY CULTURE AND avoid depression SO THAT MY BROTHER CAN FOLLOW SUIT. Nobody wants to follow a blind man. Please you can reach me via my mail?!
Opeyemi – Keep reading and speaking the scriptures over yourself. Meditate on the scriptures and do your best to follow them. Talk to God and expect to hear from Him. Christianity is not about culture. It is about getting more of God, and His word, on the inside of you. Because, what you have on the inside will come out. The word of God spoken out of your mouth will destroy hopelessness. Depression is nothing more than the feeling of hopelessness.
I am sorry we cannot mail anything. Read and download all you can from our site. God bless you. Rex