The Time for Finding the Will of God Is Before You Pray, Not After

Seeking God’s will is an integral part of coming to faith. If faith begins when the will of God is known, and if faith comes alive when the will of God is met, then seeking, finding, and meeting His will are all integral to the process of growing faith.

The will of God is not meant to be determined after one prays – by seeing what happens. That is a wondering prayer, a hoping prayer, and not a faith prayer. A ‘see if it will happen’ prayer is not a ‘knowing it will happen’ prayer. A knowing prayer is the only type of prayer that God answers. The ‘will it happen’ issue is to be resolved prior to praying.

This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests which we have asked from Him. I John 5:14,15

Prayer was never meant to operate by throwing things against a wall to see what sticks. For prayer to be meaningful it must be trusted, and for prayer to be trusted it must be founded upon and powered by faith. Faith is trust in God – a trust in His known will. Faith is the indication that His will has been confirmed to the heart. Faith is always based on the general word of God and is always consistent with the personal will of God. Faith occurs when the general word of God that has been planted in the heart comes alive. This occurs only when the personal will of God has been met.

Seeking, finding, and meeting His will are all integral to the process of growing faith.


  1. I will pray for you and your family…. You can never go wrong by using God’s words for encourment no matter how painful or impossible the situation is….

  2. I don’t know how to answer your question in regards to seeking medical checkups. But I will pray for you. God bless.

  3. In fighting the good fight of faith, never forget that Death and Life are in the power of your tounge….And out of the aboundance of your heart your mouth will speak words that are filled with Death or filled with Life…. Depending of course on whose spirit is dominating your heart. God’s Spirit of Faith, Love and a sound mind or the world’s spirit of Doubt, unbelief, and uncertainty…

    Now I could be wrong here please correct me if I’m wrong but I clearly see one of your feet planted firmly on the truth ” OF GOD’S WORD” Matthew 18:18 and the other one planted firmly on the facts of Medical Science… Faith can not work in an atmosphere of double mindedness… Faith never denies the reality of the facts concerning your genetic issues of sickness, disease, impossibilities, or any other mountains or Goliaths That get in our way….

    Faith always rises up from deep within the wombs of our hearts were the incorruptible seeds of the living words of God were planted in that good soil and shouts “IS THERE ANYTHING TO HARD FOR THE LORD” then immediately takes all of the above into captivity and brings it into alienment with the word, the truth and the light…


    Never start walking on shark infested waters if you can’t swim:))) I gaurantee you will not have a good day…. HAHAHA….

    The Apostle Peter also had a simular experience while attempting to walk on the water… When he took his eyes off of Gods word (Jesus) he started doubting the word “COME” like your doubting Matthew 18:18 which is also a part of Jesus and started focusing on the atmosphere of the storm instead of the atmosphere that faith creates…

    Your mouth will speak that which over flows from your heart:)) but unfortunately it will also speak those random pop up thoughts from your mind that often contradict one another. That’s why we absolutely must put on and keep on the mind of Christ….

    Meditate, Meditate, Meditate on God’s words until you can say, shout, decree and declare your victory….

    It is always verrrrry important to have the Living Word of God living on the inside of you. Not just on your lips but deep inside of you. Only Believe..
    All things are possible to those who believe…

    Faith can also be spelled RISK:)) So, step out on God’s word and dare to believe… He always watches over his word to perform it:))) Be blessed sister….

    Brother John….

  4. I am Alina from Malaysia, yesterday my younger daughter asked me a question regarding our faith…. My husband has diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, and his younger brother also died of this disease 12 years ago, .. and the doctor said it was a genetic disease, he advised all the related family members to have their medical check up each year. …. I have prayed for my 2 daughters and other members of my in law regarding this matter. I proclaim (Matthew 18:18) “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. ………………………………… .I rebuke this genetic disease away from my daughters and their generation in the name of JESUS. Amen…………………………… On the other hand, I am asking my daughters to go for medical check up, my younger daughter was confused and asked me :” mum, since you have prayed for us, now you ask us to go for check up, so, we are not trusting GOD, right? Are we having so little faith?……………………………………………………….I felt so guilty , I don’t know how to answer her, , what am I going to do, ……..every now and then I will use GOD’s Word to encourage her, , ask her to fully trust and depend on our Almighty God…. and now, I felt I am like the hypocrisy….. Please help us

    1. oh….Madam…Just walk by faith…feed urself with word of God..let the word on page become word on ur heart….word of God

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