“His practice was to hush his spirit, and literally cease to think, then in the silence of his soul, he listened for the ’still small voice’ [of God].” Read more…
A.B. Simpson & the Modern Faith Movement – Paul L King
by Paul L. King One of the most popular and controversial movements in today’s Christian world is the “word of faith” teaching, sometimes known as the “word movement,” “health, wealth …
A.B. SIMPSON – Biography
A.B. SIMPSON – 1844 – 1919 Albert Benjamin Simpson was born on December 15, 1843, to parents of Scottish descent. He grew to be one of the most respected Christian …
HIMSELF – A.B. Simpson
A. B. SIMPSON – 1844 – 1919 Albert Benjamin Simpson was one of the most important Christian workers of his day. He was an ardent soul-winner and was active in …
Christ In You: The Apostle’s Secret – A.B. Simpson
by A.B. Simpson Ancient mythology recognized some union of God with man, but it was a union which only degraded the gods and did not lift mankind. It still left …
El Shaddai – A.B. Simpson
El Shaddai, Or The God Who Is Enough I am the Almighty God. Walk before Me and be thou perfect. Genesis 17:1 There are epochs in every great life, and …
The Prayer of Faith – A.B. Simpson
There is an unseen principle of force in the material world which is mightier far than all the physical elements that we touch and see. It is faith in God.
Christianity Is Everything – A.B. Simpson
by Albert Benjamin Simpson Christianity is nothing if it is not everything. Christianity is nothing if it be not altogether supernatural. The great lack of Christianity today is the absence …
Pray, Pray, Pray – A.B. Simpson
by A.B. Simpson Beloved, this is what the world needs. This is what the church needs. This is what the age needs. This is what heathendom needs. We cannot bring …
Faith is . . . the evidence of things not seen – A.B. Simpson
by A.B. Simpson True faith drops its letter in the post office box and lets it go. Distrust holds onto a corner of it and wonders why the answer never …
The Three Tenses of Faith – A.B. Simpson
by A.B. Simpson First – God gives Abraham the promise of future blessing. “I will make My covenant between thee and Me.” Abraham meets this promise and goes down upon …
The God of Paul – A.B. Simpson
The greatest need of Christian life is to know God and His resources. He bequeaths to us his God and all that his own life and experience have revealed. Read more…
Abraham Believed God – A.B. Simpson
by A.B. Simpson Abraham’s faith reposed in God Himself. He knew the God he was dealing with. It was a personal confidence in One whom he could utterly trust. The …
A Call To Prayer – A.B. Simpson
by Albert Benjamin Simpson “Thus saith the Lord, the Maker of it, who formed it to establish it. The Lord is His name. Call unto me and I will answer …
Healing: The Scriptural Foundation
by A. B. Simpson Man has a twofold nature. He is both a material and a spiritual being. And both natures have been equally affected by the Fall. His body …