Nobody is good enough to be accepted by God except through the finished work of Jesus Christ. There is nothing humanity can do on it’s own to be accepted by God. Read more…
Born Again & Saved
by Rex Rouis The following are explanations for the terms ‘Born Again’ and ‘Saved.’ Born Again Jesus mentions to a Pharisee the necessity of being ‘born again’, and he had …
The Way To Be Saved – Charles Spurgeon
The way to be saved is to come to Christ. Christ is a person, a living person, full of power to save. He has not placed his salvation in sacraments, or books, or priests. You must come as a person to the Person of Christ. Read more…
Choose Life and Not Death – Do It Now
Run to Jesus quickly while you can. The world is getting crazier every day. He is your refuge & eternal protection. He will receive you & heal you. Read more…
Everyone Dies – Everyone
by Rex Rouis Have you ever heard the line above? Sounds pushy doesn’t it? Unfortunately, concerning God’s free gift it is totally true. You see, you have a guarantee from …
A Birth From Above – A. W. Tozer
by A.W. Tozer This may sound like heresy in some quarters, but I have come to this conclusion – that there are far too many among us who have thought …
The New Creation – John Wesley
What a strange scene is here opened to our view! How remote from all our natural apprehensions! What is here revealed was ever seen in the heathen world. Read more…