by Rex Rouis
Choosing life is as simple as that. It’s not difficult, and it’s not a trick question. However, it is a tough moral decision because to choose this Life means to choose a life in submission to the one true God Who is Eternal Life.
“Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! Deuteronomy 30:19 New Living Translation
It is the great choice of all peoples and all generations. And there is no way out of it. Everybody is choosing whether we know it or not. We all make the choice with our actions, every day. No one purposefully chooses death but it is the only option left when one rejects Life. What are you choosing with your daily actions?
A thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance. John 10:10
Go to Jesus – no, run to Jesus, quickly, while you can. There is salvation in no other. The world is getting crazier every day. Only He can be your refuge and eternal protection. He will receive you, change you, and heal you. Please do not go the way of darkness. Your eternity hangs on your choice. And there is nothing after eternity. You must be Born Again.
Pray the following prayer, loud enough so that you can hear it:
“Heavenly Father, I acknowledge that you are God, and I am not. I am tired of being my own god, please forgive me. I really need help. I have been disobedient and I am now sorry for my sins.
I believe that Jesus Christ died for me and paid for my evil deeds. Come now into my heart, live inside of me, and be my personal Lord and Savior. I turn away from evil and I choose your will and your life.
I believe with my heart and I say with my mouth that you, Jesus Christ, are now my Lord and my Savior. I believe you died on the cross for me, and when you were raised again, I was raised with you. I totally commit myself to obeying you every day, for the rest of my life. Fill me with your Spirit and your power. In Jesus name, it is done! Thank you Jesus.”
Bless you Rex. Don’t know what to do with me anymore, I read the Word, but can’t get me out of fleshly torment. Rising and falling, I don’t know Rex. As much as I know He is merciful, I also have learned He is a consuming fire, I know it’s a fearful thing to fall into His wrath, but I still live to wrath. Rex, That which I held close, WHOM I have Loved not because man told me to, His Love is Shed abroad in my heart. Why then do I, although claiming to Love Him, Now have become Insatiable by Lust. Alex.
Robin, you capture everything I’m going through right now.
I need the Lord Jesus, more than ever before.
Lord help us!
This is an amazing post I needed this. I’ve struggled with confusion, fear, sexual immorality, and unbelief. I need God to change my heart from wanting those things and gain freedom and salvation in Christ. Pray for me and family.
Goodday sir/ma, I’ve just been struck by Col3:25. Please I need help to take resposibility of God’ plan. I’ve rededicate my life to Jesus. I need God’ help. Thank you
Lilian – Repent of your past evil deeds and be done with it. Jesus paid the price for your redemption, and that included all your past sins and evil deeds. You are now cleansed and forgiven. You stand before God clean because He looks at you through the work of Jesus Christ – what He did on the Cross for you. He died FOR you and He was resurrected WITH you. Do not allow the condemnation of the Devil to gain a stronghold in your thoughts.
People who do not accept the price that Jesus paid for them will have to pay themselves at the final judgement. Sadly to say, they of course cannot repay their debt to God and man, so they will be forever doomed.
Read His word and obey His word. You are now good. Rex