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Pls hope faith prayer i am a nigerian i want to be a writer but have no where to post my article pls make me one of ur writers
Joseph – Sorry, for right now we are not using outside writers. If you don’t have a place to post your articles, start writing them on paper until you do. I wrote on everything I could find for the longest time. Start a journal and carry it with you everywhere. When you think of something or God speak, write it down. God will see your faithfulness and he will open something for you. Do not stop or give up. Rex
i am talking from experiance,talk to god honestly,be sincere if you ask for help and he will be there for you above all else trust in him.and dont forget to say thank you.what does he want in return for his help? he wants you to be generous to those in need and to tell others of your experiance so that they to can benefit from getting to know him to.when you accept his help dont question him just understand everything he does is for your benefit.
very nice web site !please come to india we need your partnership for our ministry for the poor pastors here with us .thanks.with prayers pastor richard joseph.india.
wonderful website
I went into Martyn Lloyd Jones’ site ( ) and I was looking at his sermons and I found one about explaining the surrendering of ones will. I tried to play it but my computer wouldn’t let me. Do you have any information on surrendering one’s will.
Pamela – I don’t have much specifically on the submission of the will. However, I do believe we have a will and a choice. We must choose to submit that will to the will of God, similar to what Christ did in the Garden. Even though he was one with God the Father, and part of the Trinity, He had a will that was separate from the will of God. Submitting is a choice, and the more we do it the easier it becomes.
Martyn Lloyd Jones was a reformed minister and might not accept the fact that man has a will. I believe that man has a will and full choice. I also believe that God is sovereign and knows all things, and has determined all things. The compatibility of all that is to me a mystery.
Please pray form me and agree in prayer. the doctors informed me that there are two lesions 3 cm and 6 cm on the liver. he wants to do chemo and there is something on the lymphnode, I do not want chemo however I believe Gods word that healing always comes. I have requested a second opinion. I pray that the lesions do not have authorty to be on my liver and I have cursed them and commanded them to leave as they have no right to invade by body; I thank your for Dodie book I wll quote my scriptures every day and praise and worship God as the Lord Jesus is my only hope and a source and every thing.
Jesus told us that whatever we want in His name we already have. Therefore, praying for what we already have is fruitless rather give thanks to God for all you have and a job will soon turn up if it be God’s will for we need only to seek His will in all thiings.
Pat – That is partly true, but Jesus did say, “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” Mark 11:24.
He knows what we need and they may already be ours but we still are commanded to pray for them, see “I Command You To ask”. God bless
Hey does any one know how to gain Gods favor? If so, please inbox me
My heart is burning within me, I know that God called me, but i don’t really know how to go about it, everythings seems to hurdled and filled with danger
when God called you to do something on his behalf, and you found it very scary and fearful, what do you do?
i have quite a few of golden grain books from 1926 and up to 1945 in vol 1 and 2 anybody interested send me a tex
I don’t have a job I have prayed I don’t know what to do. Do I have little faith? I don’t want my enemies to see my shame. Let God help me, Amen
here are some some verse in the bible that can help .remember the bible is god speaking to us. in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god and the word became flesh. To every man there has been giving a measure of faith. Also remember god supply your needs, even without a job your needs are already meet. young lions lack and suffer hunger but they that seek the lord shall not lack any good thing. Now im not saying dont look for a job, but in your seeking believe god that you already have it . it may not be the one you want at the time, but remember where ever you work , what ever you put your hands to do shall prosper. Look to Mark 11 i believe verse 22-26. have the god kind of faith and which creates reality with your mouth (words) Speak to your mountain and and it will be moved , believe what you say shall come to pass and you will have what you say. believe you receive when you pray, believe you have that job as soon as you ask god for it and you will have it . and show your faith by thanking god and give praise for your job and it will come to pass. FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. JESUS HAS ALREADY GIVEN YOU THE VICTORY THROUGH HIS BLOOD.
Thank you this helps me as well.
I read over your “Help Others” page. Is the information there still current? What are your current needs & how can I give towards your ministry? I read over the page, but wasn’t sure if it is up to date. Please respond on your needs & how to give to this ministry. God bless you, Marianne
Can I subscribe to get notified for new posts on this site? I just find it and it is really a blessing I don’t want to miss!
Would love to see you on Facebook 🙂 love the content you have on this page! Praise the Lord! <
Me too , sister. <3
I came upon this site when looking for the healing scriptures from Dodie Osteen. I am in awe and HAPPY!! Now reading Pastor Hagin’s book on Faith and will be starting the book on Bible Study.
Thank so much.
Be Blessed Always