Faith Must Be Put Into Action for It to Come Alive

Peter-Boat-GB-Tiepolo_1768-70_300-webby Rex Rouis

Faith must be followed with actions that are consistent with what is believed. Faith is the noun form and believe is the verb form of the same Greek word. Faith is the ability to believe, but that ability must be used and acted upon for faith to come alive and work. Believing is the action side of faith – believing is ‘acting in faith.’ Just having faith is not enough. Having the ability to believe is not enough. One must act on that ability by acting consistent with what is believed. James tells us that faith without corresponding actions is lifeless and dead.

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by (corresponding) action, is dead. James 2:17 NIV

A better word for ‘dead’ in the verse above might be ‘dormant,’ ‘unproductive,’ or ‘inoperative.’ Actions are needed bring faith to life. See how these corresponding actions were needed to make their faith come alive and be productive:

TO THE PALSIED MAN CHRIST GAVE THIS COMMAND – But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, I say unto you, Arise, and take up your couch, and go into your house. Luke 5:24.

TO THE MAN WITH THE WITHERED HAND – Stretch forth your hand. Matt. 12:13.

TO THE NOBLEMAN – Go your way; your son lives. John 4:50.

TO THE MAN WITH AN INFIRMITY 38 YEARS – Will you be made whole? John 5:6.

TO THE MAN BORN BLIND – Go; wash in the pool of Siloam. John 9:7.

TO THE WOMAN WITH AN ISSUE OF BLOOD – Who touched me? Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me. Luke 8:45-46. (her corresponding action was touching the hem of His garment)

TO THE TEN LEPERS – Go show yourselves unto the priests. Luke 17:14.

Peter received faith to walk on the water when he heard Jesus say, ‘Come.’ But that faith did not come alive until he threw his leg over the side of the boat and started walking. Actions unlock the power resident in faith.

Find and study the promises in the Bible that cover your need. Give yourself to them wholly, and meditate on them until they get deep down inside of you. Spend time with God and listen to Him. Do what He says and make the changes that He requires. Hearing His voice produces faith and obedience to what He says produces the victory.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the (spoken) word of Christ. Romans 10:17

Therefore, take courage, men, because I believe God that it will be just the way it was told to me. Acts 27:25 Holman Christian Standard Bible


  1. I really appreciate God on all the man of God in this page there’s something wrong in my body and I each time I fast and pray for this sickness to get out of me but everything is just not working please in this situation what can I do?……I’m trying to put my faith to work but I can’t I don’t know what to do please I need your prayers and support 🙏🙏🙏🤲

  2. If I asked my son to love me, could he?
    If I treated him with disdain and contempt – could he love me as an act of will?
    Could he force himself to do it?

    You suggest that through an act of will you can have faith in God. If that is the case, does that mean weak-willed, frightened people are less close to God?

    Sure my son can do things that make it look like he loves me: he can wash my car, help out, pretend he’s interested.
    But at the end of the day these are just unsustainable works. I wouldn’t treasure them because they are coming from a place of obligation and not love.
    However, if he does these things out of love and because he wants to, that is entirely different.

    Works and action must spring from faith in just the same way. Performing actions because it looks like those actions are pleasing to God – and not out of faith, puts a burden on people that Jesus actually came to remove.

    1. We can do nothing in and or of ourselves without the will of God. We don’t even know what true love is until we know God. I say a child can love a parent out of the nature of God that He instills within us as we are the image of God. So it’s not my will that I have faith,belief or hope in God and Jesus Christ but rather I have been given a measure of faith by God and as I travel through trials and tribulation and endure to the end I then see God’s promise for victory if I place that measure of faith He gave me at the beginning, I now have more faith and then much faith that it produces a belief of trust that God is faithful and just to do and deliver what He promised. Only God knows the true motive of a person’s actions. None of the actions above in the article were from performing but their faith convinced them to believe/trust Christ Jesus to perform the very God given miracle power He so abundantly has. Their faith, believe, hope and obedience moved them in a way that they acted apon Jesus’ command with all joy they were certain He was and is the Messiah. Just like a new born again christian one must first be given faith before one can trust Him to do the saving. And I believe the very words that were spoken here came by God’s Holy Spirit whom I surrender and submit my body as a living vessel for His service and I’m humbled and grateful that God would use me for such a great responsibility to carry His gospel of His glorious Son whom I’m more than honored to lay down my life that old sinful nature and be alive with Christ Jesus. I don’t have a large enough vocabulary to express to God and Jesus Christ the praise and worship and honor they deserve, but I know for a fact that I have not received what I deserve for from God because I’m a living, breathing proof that God’s grace far more abounds. Thank God for His Grace, Mercy and Patient’s. Amen.

  3. Don’t ask what others have done for you, but ask what you have done for others

  4. I agree with the same. Faith can move mountains, only we have to mediate the Word of God which is will lead as to uncountable blessings in Jesus Name.
    We are in big troubles and lots of problems happening in our life. This passage made me more stronger in Jesus. I believe NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR MY GOD. This time will pass. Hallelujah.

    1. This is good. Many of us don’t activate our faith, or will doubt, which activates fear, ultimately death. Many will have faith like the waves of the sea. And when we are like this, we often give our successes to being perceived as “luck”. Truly, there is no such thing as luck, just inconsistent faith. Thanks again

      1. I believe, I was brought up in church, as the old saying goes: I cut my eye teeth on the backs of church pews.
        I have an imfirmaty, I KNOW GOD CAN HEAL, HE’S done it for me before, is it my faith or lack thereof that I AM NOT HEALED? I think I’m believing all that I know how. Yet, I’m still lame. I’ll love God rather or not I ever walk again, I want to walk, dance in the spirit to ONLY GIVE GOD THE GLORY!!

        1. Hi Secenia,

          By stripes of Jesus! in Jesus name may you be healed! May you walk and dance and give Him all the glory! 🙏

  5. Thank You!!!… Been reading and studying and it’s all coming together….

  6. I’m praying to God to please give me a house, pay my bills, help my parents.. What action or actions can I put with my faith for God to bless me with my heart desires?

    1. Author

      Josie – You have to find that out yourself. This is not a magic act. You need to find out about God in His word and seek Him. Rex

    2. Do all of the things that you said you would do. Please, do not falter in these things. Do not promise things you cannot do, and do not load up your days to the brim. When you slip in your tasks, do not worry. Just apologize to Gd for having missed that task, and move onto the next thing that you said you would do. He is always there with you, and he will bring a feeling into your body with which you can see the good things he has planned for you.

    3. Thank God for His Mighty Words that greatly encourages me to put my faith in action.May God richly bless you…

  7. Truly my heart is blessed. But for persons who dont know. We have to read our Bibles n pray and fast…. That helps us to practise faith…

  8. But I enjoyed the article and agree that faith must be put into action for it to become alive.

  9. The use of various versions of Bible’s is a matter of question, like the NIV for example omits ‘Lucifer’ in Isa. 14:12 and replaces it with ‘Morning Star’ which is very dangerous because on Rev.22:16 one of Christ Jesus titles is ‘Morning Star’ plus 1 John 5:7 the Godhead is omitted the AKJV 1611 reads ‘There are three that bear record in heaven – The Father,The Word and The Holy Ghost, and these three are one. The NIV just says ‘there are three that testify’ these versions serve to destroy not build faith as I experienced with a lady some time ago who almost lost her faith as a result of these inconsistent versions chipping away at the very faith the word of God is to encourage, when I was asked to help the lady in question almost lost her faith because the NIV and the others outside the AKJV 1611 attack the very deity of Christ and as I showed her by comparison her reaction said it all she declared that she never knew the NIV could be misleading. As Paul dealt with the same issue in 2 Cor. 2:17 {AKJV 1611} ‘We are not as many which do corrupt the word of God…’

    1. Author

      Leslie – Thank you for your comments but people don’t lose their faith because of a bad or wrong translation. There are other things going on. I don’t like the NIV either but I am not going to blame that on it. I love the KJV and used it for many years but I now use the NASB. I also refer to the 25 or so versions of the Bible that I have in my phone. None are perfect.

      However, I am struggling to see how your comment actually relates to the article. Let’s not get hung up on these things.

    2. Lord help you brother‼️
      Every Bible you mentioned had a footnote to explain the difference in the text.
      If you have a AKJV1611 edition, less that 1% of people in America CAN READ IT! And everyone who can’t speak Old English is going to HELL.
      Stop worshiping the word and start LOVING JESUS❤️

      1. John 1:1-5, remember this that the Word is God and has been since the beginning, Jesus is the Word that became flesh a dwelth with men. We’re obliged to follow God’s word.
        John 14:1 …believe in God and believe also in Christ , the two are one and you can’t split any…
        John 14:21… Whosoever hears my words and keeps them , it’s he who loves , I’ll love him and manifest myself to him. This is a promise Jesus gave to his followers.
        Am commenting here for the sake of those who might read your comments , so that they may get things right, so hope you’re corrected Mr Danny.

  10. Hi, I’m Beverly and are you David Hogan? If so, I was at one of the churches where you spoke in Hawaii.

    Do you know a minister named Kenneth Woust (sp?) Dr. Aiko Hormann spoke of him on one of her videos.
    I’m trying to contact his ministry.

    Please contact me 808-536-1311 Aloha and God bless you

    1. Author

      Beverly – I am not David Hogan. We know him and his ministry, and we have some of his materials on this site.

      I do not know a Kenneth Woust but I know of a Kenneth S. Wuest. He is not a minister living today, but he is a published Greek scholar. We have several articles of his work on our site here. I use his word study Bible almost every day. I don’t know anything else. Rex

  11. I did not make myself very clear – my main question was the use of the word ‘believe’ which does not imply action, I don’t get that inclusion.

    1. Author

      Kay – Thank you for your comments. Faith and believe translate from the same Greek word. Faith is the noun form and believe is the verb form. Faith is the ability, from God, and believing is acting on that ability. The concept of faith is very close to trust. Some say it is the same. I do not think so.

      We have other articles on this site that go into greater detail on this subject. It is the actual purpose of the site. For starters read, Faith Is ‘hupostasis’ – Hebrews 11:1 God bless you.

  12. I find the use of the word ‘believe’ confusing, why not ‘action’? Isn’t that a clearer command of the enactment of faith? And what of trust? Is faith the same as trust?

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