John Cunningham Geikie – Biography

John Cunningham Geikie – (1824 – 1906)

F.B. Meyer, in Light on Life’s Duties, highly recommended this author with the following statement:

geikie_cWe can never know too much of that literature which throws side-lights on the Bible, and which unfolds the customs of the people, difficult allusions, historical coincidences, geographical details. Geikie’s Hours with the Bible; Kitto’s Daily Illustrations, edited by Dr. Porter; Dr. Smith’s Bible Dictionary; books like these are invaluable….

Geikie enjoyed a wide reputation as a writer of popular books on biblical and religious subjects. Charles Spurgeon described him as “one of the best religious writers of the age.” His chief writings dealt on orthodox lines with historical and practical rather than with theological themes. His most ambitious work was ‘Hours with the Bible, or, the Scriptures in the Light of Modern Discovery and Knowledge’ (10 vols. 1881-84; new edit, largely re-written, 12 vols. 1896-97). His ‘Life and Words of Christ’ (2 vols. 1877; new edit. 1 vol. 1891) reached a circulation of nearly 100,000 copies, and Delitzsch placed the book in ‘the highest rank.’ He was deeply interested in the exploration of Palestine under the direction of Claude Reignier Conder [q. v. Suppl. II], and several visits to the country supplied him with material for ‘The Holy Land and the Bible: A Book of Scripture Illustrations gathered in Palestine’ (2 vols. 1887; abridged edit. 1903).

We have the following books of his free online: (More free online books)

Book – The Life of Christ – 1889
Book – Short Life of Christ – 1888
Book – The Apostles Their Lives and Letters – 1895
Book – Entering  on Life – 1887
Book – Holy Land and the Bible Vol 1 – 1888
Book – Holy Land and the Bible Vol 2 – 1887
Book – Hours with the Bible Vol 1 – 1903
Book – Hours with the Bible Vol 2 – 1903
Book – Hours with the Bible Vol 3 – 1903
Book – Hours with the Bible Vol 4 – 1887
Book – Hours with the Bible Vol 5 – 1903
Book – Hours with the Bible Vol 6 – 1886
Book – Hours with the Bible Vol 7 Index – 1888
Book – Life and words of Jesus Christ Vol 1 – 1877
Book – Life and words of Jesus Christ Vol 2 – 1877
Book – New Testament Hours Vol 1 – 1894
Book – New Testament Hours Vol 2 – 1895
Book – New Testament Hours Vol 3 – 1895
Book – Old Testament Characters – 1886
Book – Old Testament Portraits – 1878


  1. Could anyone tell me what version of the Bible he uses in his books? I absolutely love reading his books and the scriptures but REALLY want to know. Thank you in advance!

  2. thanks for making this materials available for this generation
    God will not be happy with us if we have all these yet we fold our hands and allow since to grow
    dear reader let us start populating God’s kingdom
    m and depopulate hell

  3. Loved Fannie F Rowe’s article “the three tenses of faith in healing”. I have saved your website in my favourites and refer to it a lot. Can you please tell me about Fannie F Rowe. Her history seems elusive on Google. God bless you. Great site

  4. Thank you for adding more of the books. This website is my library and God bless you for providing such rich resource for the body of Christ.

    1. Author

      Geb – Thank you. we’ve added 45 books in the last week. I have more to add.

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