by Rex Rouis
No harm will come to you. No sickness (or plague) will come near your house. Psalm 91:10 God’s Word Translation
Though a thousand fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, the pestilence will not reach you. Psalm 91:7 Holman Christian Standard Bible
You must believe this. It must get down deep inside of you. Because God is the only thing that can truly protect you. And God is only moved into action by faith.
In the coming days, the only thing that can truly protect you from a deadly virus will be a solid personal belief in the promises of the Bible. Knowing your covenant with God, and knowing your authority before God, will be the difference between disaster and blessing. You have to be in Him and have Him deeply in you to be able to stand.
If you live in me, and My words live in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7
Meditate on the following scripture lists:
Scriptures On Fighting the Enemy – Scriptures On God’s Protection – Scriptures On Protection From Evil – Scriptures To Fear Not – Scriptures Against Terror
Scripture is the only thing that can guarantee protection from the world’s evil. In Psalm 91, God’s salvation is likened to bodily protection. Build this belief into your heart and enjoy this protection in your life. Believe for your whole household. Read and speak the following scripture over and over until it becomes a reality in your heart:
You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who spend your nights in the shadow of the Almighty, who say to the LORD, “My refuge! My fortress! My God, in whom I trust!” – He will rescue you from the trap of the hunter, and from the plague of disease. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you will find refuge; His truth is a shield and a protection.
You will not fear the terrors of night, or the arrow that flies by day, or the sickness that roams in the dark, or even the destruction that lays waste at noon. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it won’t come near you. Only keep your eyes open, and you will see how the wicked are punished. For you have made the LORD, the Most High, who is my refuge, your dwelling place. No disaster will happen to you, no calamity will come near your house; for He will order His angels to care for you and guard you wherever you go. They will carry you in their hands, so that you won’t trip on a stone. You will tread down lions and snakes, young lions and serpents you will trample underfoot.
“Because he loves Me, I will rescue him; because he knows My Name, I will protect him. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him. I will be with him when he is in trouble. I will rescue him and bring him honor. I will satisfy him with long life and show him My salvation.” Psalm 91:1-16
Study the Word of God and read the articles on this site to learn how to receive faith, release faith, and walk in faith. The Bible says that it is OUR faith that overcomes the world.
The reality of the Word of God becomes real for those that believe.
Update – Let me be very clear – nothing in the above teaching should suggest in any way that we can be sloppy or irresponsible in dealing with any kind of evil, especially something as deadly as the Ebola virus. We are admonished in the Bible to be wise, diligent, and to seek counselors if need be in order to do the absolute best we can with what we have. However, there is always a gap between our very best and the totality of what is necessary to insure success and victory. That gap can only be filled with the grace of God.
At the end of the day, when we have done all that we know to do, we must trust in the faithfulness and power of God for the absolute guarantee of protection and blessing. Ultimately, we are not to trust in our actions, but rather, in the promises and work of God Almighty. He alone can, and has, guaranteed to us the victory.
I am asking for prayers. I can’t finish my work because of the constant turmoil at home. My husband is schizophrenic but in reality I think he is demon possessed. I divorced him but since he gambled all his resources and I don’t have the heart to place him in a motel, he is here with me and has been for one year since our divorce. He is a hypochondriac and has an obsessions with self, nevertheless I believe that he has come to the end of his journey here on earth as he has many heart problems. I know I will not put him out of the house, so I have to cope with him and this is very hard because he rages and or closes himself and won’t speak with me for days (he also has autism) actually in 20 years we have never ever had a conversation–he can lecture or scold but a conversation never. So my life is very challenging and dry. There has never been as much as a “holding hands” or a smile so the doctors says he can’t feel any emotion other than anger (but he kisses and pets and talks to his cat and is very friendly to neighbors) He had 4 divorces already (which I didn’t know) and I am the fight wife and the only one that stood in this miserable condition. I need strength and peace to finish my work. Thank you for reading this e-mail and prayers. Liz
Dnt worry madam…Our God will take care of you ,He is our Redeemer…just u need to cast all ur worries on God..and Break the power of satan over ur husband and clam his salvation and deliverance in the Mighty Name of Jesus christ …God is love he loves you
Dadodeaf – Yes. Jesus told us that it was advantages for Him to go away so that He could send the Holy Spirit to us for this very purpose – to show us things to come and to prepare us for them. You obviously have an ear to hear from God. From that hearing springs faith and protection. Your lamps are full. I commend you and honor you. Rex
Amen, heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will abide forever. Only the Word and faith in the Word of God can keep us. These are the most exiting times that we are living in. Nothing can touch the committed child of God. We have all the promises in The Bible on our side.
My family are living proof of living by faith, we have six kids, and live entirely by faith in Africa. Been doing so for the last 30 years. Sickness doesn’t visit us, supply is constant.
Jesus never fails…..”The giant in front if you is never bigger than the GOD who lives in you”
My Lord, my king, my Savior, lead on! Only Jesus, only he can satisfy.
Ben and family
Ben – Yes, and He will continue to bless and protect you. Till that great and glorious day of His appearing. See you there my friend! Rex