He stands patiently at your heart and knocks. Let Him In. For the Bible says: …That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in …
Responsibility And Authority
The understanding of prayer is the understanding of authority, and the understanding of authority is the understanding of responsibility. Read more…
Romans 8:26 My Translation
26 Likewise the Spirit helps our inabilities in prayer, for we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings …
Faith Is the Main Ingredient
There have been many things written on prayer. This is as is should be. For prayer is one of the most important activities of the believer. It is central to …
What If God Answered Prayer?
What if God answered all believing prayer? What if He always answered YES to our faith? What would we do? How would we act? Would we seek Him more? Read more…
Life Is Either a Living Hell or Just Like Heaven
We do His will and He helps us, and in the process, our life changes. It changes from one of darkness to light and from Hell to heaven – It’s called Salvation.
How God Leads Us
God leads us by one of three ways: The Word It is general and applies to everyone. First and foremost, we are to be guided by the principals and requirements …
How Do You Plant a Word?
Mark 4:14 The sower sows the word. (NASB) How do you plant a Word? Where do you plant a Word? What does a planted Word grow into? How do you …
No Substitute For the Love of God
There is no substitute for love. There is nothing to compensate for a lack of love. All types of Prayer and the gift of tongues is not a substitute for …
Romans 10:17 – A Translation by Substitution
by Rex Rouis I am going to reword Romans 10:17 by substituting the words with expanded meanings, and/or loose definition wordings taken from other verses. Now, I know this is …
Present Time Is a Rolling Stage
The ‘Present’ is where we live, and it is where our actions are needed and accomplished. This Present is a rolling stage, constantly carrying us one step ahead of the …
We Are Only Laborers
We plant the Word. We grow it in our heart. At the proper time, we harvest it and exchange it for God’s will, His blessing, and His power. It …
Mental Assent
The condition referred to as ‘mental assent’ happens when one tries to act as if they are in faith when they are really still in hope. Hope comes before faith. …
Faith Is the Only Active Ingredient in Prayer
Knowing how to pray is 1% knowledge about prayer, and 99% faith. If we have the faith, chances are good that we will speak it out correctly. Read more…
Faith Is a Piece of the Foreknowledge of God
”Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” The word for hearing in both locations is the Greek word ‘rhema’, which implies more of a face-to-face communication, …
Given and Grown by God
Faith is not a work, or works. We are saved by faith and not by works. It is not the ‘act of believing’ which was credited to us for righteousness …
God Is Working, Go Take a Nap
God works best when we rest. He is like a close friend who comes over when things get crazy and says… Read more…
God Is Working!
God is working whether we see Him work or not. God works based on our believing, not our seeing. Faith is supposed to be a ‘rest’ – knowing that He …