We are not to pray for faith. But rather we are to ask, seek, and knock on behalf of the specific answer we desire. In other words, we are to focus on the ‘things hoped for,’ and when the answer comes then faith comes. Faith is the ‘reality’ of things hoped for.
Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen. Hebrews 11:1 Holman Christian Standard Bible
Faith is not open ended; it is specific to the thing which you are seeking. Again, when the answer comes faith comes, and by the answer, I do not mean the final manifestation, but rather, the internal witness that we have it – by faith. We must know the reality in our heart before we can see the reality in the world.
By the way, we are to seek first the Kingdom of God, and then, and only then, will all these things be given to us.
See Also: Are We To Pray For Faith? or Where Does Faith Begin? or Faith Is a Piece of the Foreknowledge of God