The faith walk isn’t complicated but it is demanding. Demanding because it requires transparency, honesty, and diligence on a deep heart level. No game playing or spin is allowed, for all is seen by an all knowing God.
He is the One who grants the ‘reality of things hoped for’ and His decree is sufficient ‘evidence of things not (yet) seen.’ Faith is the witness to our heart that we have met the conditions of His will pertaining to a certain promise. Faith pleases Him because meeting the conditions of His promises pleases Him. It pleases Him because we are walking according to His Word, and because He is now able to shower His blessings on us.
He is the one who set up this system of obedience and faith, and our whole relationship to Him is defined by it. We will stand before Him one day and give account for our life, and He in turn will respond with His honest appraisal. His feedback is all that matters, and all subsequent blessings are determined by it.
We walk a narrow road and there is an narrow gap coming in the road where all will pass Him single file. One by one and face to face, and there is no way around it.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. I Corinthians 13:12
Thank you sir. Thank you. Thank you.