kidsinthewindow-300-webSow these scriptures on God’s prosperity in your heart and build them into your walk. Speak them out of your mouth until they feel real to you.

I confess boldly that it is Your will that I prosper. It says in Your Word that You delight Yourself in the prosperity of Your servant. [Ps 35:27]

You said in Your Word that You pray above all things that I prosper and be in good health even as my soul prospers. I believe that Jesus Christ, who was rich, was made poor for me that I through His poverty may be made rich. [2 Cor 8:9, 3 Jn 2]

Lord, I meditate upon Your Word. I delight in Your Word and I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water. My leaf does not fade. I bring forth fruit in it’s season.

I am being a blessing to people today. [Ps 1] I am winning souls today. I am encouraging people today. My leaf does not wither. My life is full of strength. God’s strength.

I boldly declare that I prosper. I am not defeated, but I am prospering and victorious.

I am prospering in my mind, in my body, in my spirit, and in my finances.

I am prospering in my marriage (my relationships, both past and present), and in every area of my life. Whatever I do prospers.

I have given and it is given unto me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. I have an abundant supply. [Luke 6:38]

My God does supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. [Phil 4:19]

The floodgates of heaven are opened over me and I am receiving a blessing that I cannot contain. [Mal 3:10]

I confess that I walk in God’s favor today in all my business dealings and with people. God’s favor rests upon me. [Ps 5:12] I have God’s favor and blessing on me.

God favors me today. I am a success today. I have God’s special favor upon me today. He makes His face to shine upon me today. He is gracious to me today. [Luke 2:52, Num 6:25-26] I expect something to happen to me today.

God delights in my success and prosperity. [Ps 35:28]

With God all things are possible. So I walk today expecting God’s favor and success to be upon me! [Mark 9:23]

I am blessed coming in and blessed going out. I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath. [Deut 28:2-14]

Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of lack and poverty and want. I am blessed because of Him! [Gal 3:13] I am blessed, I am blessed, I am blessed, I AM BLESSED!

Taken from a confession book by my Church Pastor – Faith Has a Voice


  1. Prosperity doctrine enriches only those who preach it… Lakewood church= Charletons Bilking people unawares so they can live like kings in mansions while regular people live in poverty…God never said everyone gets healed or prospers…. / Lakewood church is Profane…along with all of them Christian ministries that keep asking for money when they have too much money already…. = Profane and Ungodly… Jesus chased money. Changers out of the Temple Den of theives like bibles and crosses etc being sold for profit…In this world God seems to be For sale…./ Even on YouTube Prosperity doctrine is Condemned…. Catholic priests and church make millions doing nothing but mumbling some words from the bible…Shame on all who Preach Prosperity doctrine.,. Judgement coming for them soon enough…

  2. I sow my seed for a streams of blessings to come into my life and I meditate on His Word which promises
    that I will prosper in everything that I do in Jesus Name. Amen

  3. Thank you for the blessing if being faithful and reminding us of gods promises I am believing Gid fir a paid for home for my children and I to dwell and call home on jesus name

  4. All the promises of God are ours in Christ Jesus not in tithing. All the blessings (including prosperity, health of body and mind are ) spoken of in Deuterinomy 28 are ours in Christ Jesus! And all the curses placed upon you and me for not obeying God’s laws was placed upon Jesus; He redeemed us from the curse of the law. God’s grace reigns as king Supreme thru you and me BECAUSE WE ARE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD! He justifies the ungodly! Check out my website— Also on Facebook.

  5. Pastor James your comment has encouraged me as I am struggling with debts from my wrong selfish decisions I made in the past.And the enemy continues to send negative arrows…he is a liar.

  6. Dear Father pls pray for my sister Arachna’s resurrection and she return back to home alive immediately very soon

    I lost my sister Arachna last 28 August 20 unfortunately suddenly

    I firmly believe that The Almighty Lord Yahowa permeshwar and Jesus raised her into life from death and return back her to home alive immediately very soon

    Pls pray for her, pls tell me when she come back at home mireculiously ALIVE I am praying much and waI ting her till now .

    Awaiting reply ?

    Wit kind regards Bhawna Arachna ?

  7. Hi Everyone,

    i have a question, if i am reeling under debt can i encourage or exhort the church at the time of Giving

    and also Pray for Me i am currently under financial stress want to get rid of it


    1. Hi, Navin
      I have been a pastor for over 30 years. As a young man, I went deeply in debt, and lived there for decades. The strain on my marriage and family was at times overwhelming. I have always tithed and given offerings, and I have faithfully taught my congregations to do the same. Just because I had disobeyed God’s financial principles, I was not going to fail declare them. And I know that the only reason we didn’t lose everything, and the only reason I was able to stay in vocational ministry, was because we faithfully gave even when we were desperately low on money.
      Several years ago I began to include the discipline of faith confessions in my daily life. I can’t tell you the times I quoted God’s Word and confessed prosperity over my life when I didn’t have the money to pay my bills! I often felt foolish, and the enemy tried over and over again to make me back away from what God’s Word says about prospering His servants. But by God’s grace, I continued to declare and stand on the Word of God.
      As I write this today, I am free from tens of thousands of dollars of debt. God did it in ways that I could never have seen coming, true miracles. And I know that He was honoring His Word that I had confessed over my life. He gets all the credit and all the glory!

  8. Great words of encouragement! Thanks for putting this out there.

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