man&abike-webJesus desires to take your burdens and exchange them for peace and freedom. Give them to Him through faith. Meditate on these scriptures and speak them out of your mouth. As they take hold, you will feel lighter and have more energy.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:30

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. Psalm 62:1

He gives strength to the weary, and increases the power of the weak. Isaiah 40:29

Never tire of doing what is right. 2 Thessalonians 3:13

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the LORD. Romans 12:11

Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:3

To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me. Colossians 1:29

Refresh my heart in Christ. Philemon 1:20


  1. Hey, sweet Aidee,

    God will help you through this hard time in life!
    Being depressed is never in His best plan for you.
    I am so grateful that you took time to write this out. It is such a big thing to share and I’m sure a healing process has already begun in your life. I am gonna pray for God’s plan to succeed in your life, for His wisdom, peace to be over you.
    Also, if volunteering is something that is a bit much for you at the moment, it is a hard place to be. I used to go to a top-notch school, be part of my church’s youth work, doing worship every Friday and Sunday, leading a small group alone with children from broken families / with no family and lots of issues and helping out with other stuff. I was the “yes” girl. And I totally forgot about myself. I had no time for myself, sometimes even for eating… It didn’t stop. I prayed much, but I didn’t realize I didn’t have to DO so much for God. Not until I was in depression, did I realize how I should have told my pastor sooner how tired I was and how I needed a break.
    I have reached a point in my life where my pain is so bad that I start to cry and feel the same kind of hopelessness that you described, whenever people ask how am I doing. Nonetheless, there’s hope for both of us! I think you should really cry out before God. He hears you and HEALS you. And definitely read out there scriptures in a loud voice every day. And pray for Jesus’s blood to cover you.

    Is there any fellow Christian you trust and know that would be there for you? I think you need a friend! Someone who has wisdom and I mean someone who will pray with you, someone you can call, even in tears, who’s gonna pray God’s peace over you.

    You are so prescious! Honestly. There is so much good and beautiful and lovely in you. I know it even without knowing you in person, because Holy Spirit knows you. Jesus watches you and He just sees how pure you are, in His eyes, you, your heart, your well-being – these more valuable than anything you DO. He wants to hug you and take care of you. What you can do is to really seek Him and pray these scriptures over yourself. He shall guide you with further wisdom! I do not know you and what you should do, but God knows answers and He has a way for you! 100%. Luke 1:37

    Be really blessed, sweetie
    Greetings from Estonia

  2. I work two jobs, I am taking one college class and I am volunteering in a christian ministry that takes a lot of my time. I basically have 3 jobs and I am exhausted. It is very difficult for me to not lash out when things are going bad. I can’t quit my jobs because If i do I won’t ge the money I need to pay for school insurance and a bunch of other things. I don’t want to quit volunteering because I feel that that is the only thing that will keep me sane and it is something I am doing for me to grow with God. But I am getting to a point where I can’t pray and I can’t talk about my frustrations at work and at school because I feel like if I start I’ll just start crying and I won’t be able to stop. My parents don’t understand why volunteering is so important to me because they don’t know the lord. They cause me more stress and make me feel bad by reminding me about the things I have to pay and they don’t see or ignore my effort with helping them out financially and also with chores. Sometimes I can’t because I’m working or volunteering and my mom makes me feel terrible about it. I just want it all to end I am so tired. It is too much. I don’t know what they mean when they say to give all my burdens and stress to God. How do I do that because I don’t know how much longer I can be like this.

    1. Aidee, Don’t worry, The Holy Spirit hears the prayers we cannot put into words, so if you have faith in God, He hears your prayers when you are too tired to pray! Also-your success in life is not being determined by financial success. Every soul that you help is a success for you! You sound like a very successful young woman!
      Remember, though, that God wants you to take good care of yourself. He wants you to find joy in life, He wants your body to be healthy, so make sure you make sleep, healthy food, exercise and fresh air a priority in your life as well as volunteer work. You can’t sing with joy as He wants, if you are not living a balanced life.

  3. Iam so tired I can’t wait for the better future of my life. I know God loves and cares for me but I just can’t wait for the Lord. Please pray for me. Im so tired. Its too hard its too heavy for me.

    1. Author

      Wungmi – I hear you and I am praying for you. Please work extra hard at putting the promises of God into your heart. They, and they alone, will produce hope in your heart. It is hope that motivates us to go on and give us energy to wait for the answer.

      Start at the front of out site and read the articles that jump out at you. They will encourage you and strengthen you. They will feed your heart and comfort your soul.

      Jesus said to go to Him for rest and peace when the load gets too heavy. We go to Him through His word. It is the only ‘Way.’ God does love you but you receive only through faith so put the word into your heart and go to Him expecting, not begging or pushing, but expecting. We love you. Rex

  4. Please pray for me. I am drowning right now. I have a thirst and hunger for the Lord and to do what is right but the enemy knows how to break me and it’s been working. I am lost when it comes to what to do next in my career and living situation and even raising my kids. I have very little support. The people closest to me are the ones against me the most. I am very broken. I feel joy for awhile but then I go back to feeling terrible and in despair about everything in my life. I am stricken with grief from every aspect. I just want peace.

  5. Please keep me in your prayers Rachel!! Im waiting for His touch to deliver me..and set me free !!

  6. YOU’RE CLAIMING DEFEAT, STOP,& CLAIM a new job in JESUS MIGHTY NAME. You have authorities through Jesus,He has given you authority to cast away all serpents,an scorpions an nothing by any means shall harm you. Claim it in the Blood of Jesus.Amen

  7. My yoke is heavy. My burdens are strong. I have fought so hard to do the right thing, to seek counsel, to pray, and seek prayer… Yet I’m tired. My heart is broken, empty. I can’t even think to pray anymore because the pain is so bad- all I can do is cry out. It is not depression, it’s my situation, my job. The people from the top down make it so hard to continue each day without tears or embarrassment or humiliation or sometimes resentments. This on-going display of misguided abuse has caused epic amounts of emotional abuse for me.

    1. Hello Jennifer, I understand how you feel and I can sympathize with you. There are is a psychological phrase called “workplace abuse”. I would say pray and then if you feel comfortable enough contact the human resources department anonymously, and remember abuse is never o.k. Also, remember to seek the LORD on whether or not you should begin to look for employment elsewhere. Ill be praying for you sis!

  8. Anna what has helped me is listening to worship music I like Twila Paris free radio and I’ll read mechanic prayers. I sit on the floor against my bed I will meditate on GOD’S WORD. I’ll go into worship and just loving the LORD, give everything to him. Get lost in his love. Ask him to send his HOLY SPIRIT FIRE, upon you, burn everything that’s not of God out of you, ask him to cleanse u……. Then i get in bed n sleep with JESUS. Sometimes he wakes me up in middle of nite. I’ll pray what i LOVE doing is worshipping him. I’ve noticed that worship moves mountains. GOD HAS DELIVERED ME. HE WHO THE SON IS SET FREE IS FREE INDEED

    1. I want to get lost in God’s love like this, you’ve inspired me to be more devoted thank you sister

  9. Dear violet… I was so sorry to hear about all your issues depression hopelessness and all the others but with God’s grace you can get past this. I know because I have been in the black hole of hopelessness and thinking God is not even hearing me and how long will he let me wander on this Earth in this depression and having my pity parties? one day I just got sick and tired of all of it and I started listening to Joyce Meyers Joel Olsteen the 700 Club and Pastor Hagee and I started calling in for prayer and I kept this up and I got a brand new Bible in big print and my life slowly started to change..I stopped crying and finally I was not crying anymore ..I am tired at this point of today but I pray for God to refresh me as I pray for you to be feel refreshed and see the Sun in all your situations. God loves you Violet you are a precious human being don’t give up have faith be around people with positive attitudes read your scriptures may God bless you dear violet

  10. I am sorry to hear about your conflict all we can do is put it in God’s hands. I have a similar situation right now but I need to earn money I will say a prayer for you God bless you

  11. I chanced upon this community. Been going through a very low point in our business and I have never so desperately seek the lord before and hung on to his words than I do now. I ask for this community of brothers and sisters to pray for me and my husband to pull through this rough tide. God bless!

    1. Anna I hear you’re desperate words and when I say my long prayers I will include you I hope and pray that things will get better but as you know we must put it in God’s hands and live in faith God bless you and I you and your mate

  12. Another thing.g that brought my mind back into working order was a strict diet. Like a fast. I invested in a diet exercise app on my phone which shows at a glance if I eat too much. I was shocked to find I was over eating junk probably loaded with toxins blurring my mind. 3 days I saw results. GOD Bless. Steve.

  13. You may have sleep apnea . I have it and these are some of the symptoms. Only way to know is get checked by a sleep specialist. When I got on the machine (I use nasal pillows. Can’t handle a mask) I got better fast. I pray GOD help you. Now see a Dr & I pray you get to the bottom of it. GOD bless you. Steve

    1. Author

      Stephen – Good comment. Me too. I also use the nasal pillows. Changed my life. God bless. Rex

  14. Every day I’m so tired that I fall asleep trying to pray. It’s a long illness and taking caffeine doesn’t prevent it. I have already fallen back into sleep for the past 2 hours, which is how almost every day goes… It doesn’t help that I try to pray before getting out of bed (due to aching bones and muscles). If I get out of bed to pray, I wind up getting dressed for the day first and distracted with finding clothes, makeup, etc. PLEASE someone give me advice on how to even think of God!? Sleeping until noon is do depressing, and I still wind up without real prayer! I would be grateful for anything that works…

    1. Even when you’re laying in bed call for Jehovah God In The Name of Jesus to please hear your prayers and help you with stamina so that you can be more worshipping to him. Just sit up when you wake up and call out to him for his help tell him you are sorry for all your indiscretions and that you love him with all your heart and to please help you with your endeavors. He is a loving God.. I can relate because of fatigue and Mild depression but I just keep reaching out and I have noticed a real difference I wish you blessings my dear friend God bless you

    2. I know sharing that I have some of the similar ailments will not make you any better but I do! I could barely get up my body is full of arthritis from my head to my toes from working in an environment that is way too cold and I am way too old. But sometimes we must do what we have to and pray, pray fervently for God to give us the stamina and to send that angel down here to help us survive through whatever circumstances we are going through. I will not lie I am weak at times and I Cry and I hope God hears me saying this to you and all of you who reach out for him who love him with all your heart you will all be in my prayers and may God have mercy on our souls and help us with whatever Endeavors that we encounter. In the name of Jesus I pray for you to get better and to be able to exist in a
      refreshing and Awakening environment where you will feel energized. Blessings

    3. Get a bible app and prayer app with powerful prayers on it and let them play while you sleep.

  15. I feel defeated and overwhelmed with looking for a job,but then I found one,but my spirit say this is not the job for me but I took the job and I can tell its going to be a struggle already.I want peace with the job situation and be able to go to work without worry.

    1. Author

      T – Keep praying and keep looking. It is easier to find a job when you have a job. Keep believing and keep expecting. Thank Him for what you have but look for more. Follow your heart. God bless. We love you. Rex

  16. Dear violet
    This chapter psalms 18. Has helped me in times of intense oppression especially vs.17. I just read and sang it tonight. There have been times when all I could do is cover my head and cry snd I would just speak any scripture outloud that I could remember. The precious Lord knows. He is our shield against the firey darts of satan. He has drew me out if many many deep waters.

  17. Hie. Please pray for me. I have reached my lowest point. Everything seems to be crushing me from all angles. I’m tired, sad, depressed, hopeless. I dont know what to do with life. At one point l even wanted to die. There is a lot of stress at work. Im failing to even express how l feel. Im just overcome with emotion. God help me. Please pray for me

    1. Author

      Violet – I will pray for you. You will get free. We love you. There is brightness in your future. Go and look at our articles on depression. Depression is a spirit that blinds you to hope. It will make you blind to all the good things that are around you. You will only be able to see the dark stressful and painful things. The things you see now. You can beat it by going to the thing that helps you to see, that is the Word of God. Confess the scriptures that go along with the articles. You won’t feel anything and it will not happen immediately, but do it.

      Meditate on the scriptures and wait quietly before God – read the articles Alone With God – At One With Yourself and You Cannot ‘Out Think’ the Devil But You Can ‘Out Speak’ Him. We love you and God loves you. You will be set free in Jesus Name. Rex

    2. Violet, I am praying for you right now. God bless you sweet child. Suzy

  18. name is syevuo.I feel tired.i pray,i fastd,but God is not sending help.I am loosing my grip,i am loosing faith! Pray for me and my family.

    1. Dear Syevuo,

      The night is darkest before the dawn! The Lord is faithful and His promises are true. His timing is always perfect, even if we can’t perceive it through our earthly eyes. We want our prayers answered on our schedule, but the Lord’s ways are higher. When we have repented of sin, and turned from it, and follow Jesus as our Lord and Savior, His grace and provision are sufficient. He came to not only give salvation, but so that our lives are made more abundant, so we can also be a blessing to others. Dear Heavenly Father, please hear the cry of Syevuo, hold his family safe and dear, provide for their daily needs, and bring the fruits of the Spirit into their family life, with peace, tenderness, love, and joy abounding in them, so they can shine Your light upon this world. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen xxoo

  19. Aldrin and Yuvanka, I will keep you in my prayers. God bless you ❤ 🙂

  20. My name is yuvanka I’m going through a lot and I just need some encouraging words and I just need to keep my faith up and focus on God but not people have people have hurt me special in leadership keep me in your prayer and God bless you and thank you

  21. I need prayers to have my wife for marriage and a job to sustain livelihood. Thanks and God bless you

  22. Dear Puleng,

    There are many who have died and gone to heaven, and wanted to stay there. But Jesus, radiating incredible light, sent them back into their bodies, and told them, “You have to go back. You still have work to do.” During their visit to heaven, some are asked to account for what they have done for their fellow man on earth. Others are told simple but profound messages, like “life is about lessons in love.” Some are even shown hell, and told they need to warn the living that heaven and hell are very real places. One woman said Jesus showed her both, and while heaven was incredibly real, beautiful, with colors she had never seen, Jesus also showed her hell. She looked down a cliff, and could hear screams of pain, and an intense stench of sulpher. She looked at Jesus, and he had a lot of compassion, but told her He couldn’t do anything because they had already made their choices. It was too late.

    When you make yourself available to God’s purpose, you do not need to worry about what your purpose is. You will be guided to it. These people who got in accidents or had medical conditions that made them die did not plan for this. Yet, they were chosen to come back and share their experiences with the world. Some of them are former athiests, agnostics, Muslims, or others who never knew Jesus as Lord, but met Him, and these are their testimonies.

    Jesus said in John 13:34: A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

    There is no greater purpose on earth than this.

    God bless you Puleng. You will find your way.

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