The Teaching of E.W. Kenyon

Essek William Kenyon (1867 – 1948) was an evangelist, pastor, president of a Bible Institute, author, songwriter, and poet. He is best known for the numerous books that he authored that are still in great demand today. Kenyon’s writings dramatically unfold the glorious truths of the revelation given to the apostle Paul in simple, concise language. He wrote for the spirit man, addressing the heart more than the head.

Understanding the Father-heart of God, who we are in Christ, and the authority and privileges of the believer were central to Kenyon’s message.

In his writings, Kenyon calls the believer up and out of the mire of traditional unbelief into the deep, rich treasures of our redemption in Christ. Many lives have been transformed reading his simple, yet profound books. To read more go to Kenyon’s Gospel Publishing Society

Other articles by E.W. Kenyon – God Reproducing Himself In Us, Raised With Him, His Name On Our Lips Brings Healing, What We Are In Christ, and Paul About Prayer. All articles are used by permission.


  1. Father E.W. Kenyon your work is speaking in all the world Heaven is also telling of the great works you are doing helping pastors all over the world with knowledge God bless you Father E.W. Kenyon and strength you the more, We in Blessed Assurance Healing And Evangelical Ministries is saying we love you Sir

  2. Father E.W. Kenyon your work is speaking in all the world Heaven is also telling of the great you are doing helping pastors all over the world God bless you Father E.W. Kenyon and strength you the more we in Blessed Assurance Healing And Evangelical Ministries is saying we love you Sir

  3. No matter the amount you have in your shop the investment in the market can never curse you sleep in the market you must go home, my dear this world is a market one day we all will go home. I want you to have this in your mind there is a place of eternity it is inevitable we must be there. This is one secret I will like you to know as long as you still are living there is hope and chance you can still turn to your God He is ever ready to accept you back you are His child you sin did not stop you, His is calling every day my child come back. I pray for you My Father and my God it is not your will that we should die in our sins for that reason Father for as many that will make up there mind this morning of turning back to you Father forgive there sins wash them with the blood of your Son Jesus Christ in Jesus name I pray Amen.

  4. Let me tell you something to day, you can never take another man’s place it is your work that will give you your place.

  5. No matter how heavy it may rain, No matter how hard things may be, No matter how harsh the weather may be and No matter how sweet this life may be one day is coming you and I will live this place and must give account of what we do with the time we are on earth, don’t forget the Bible said whatsoever a man sow that he will rep. think about this saying of mine very well, what do you think will be your place if you die to day?

  6. Father Lord God of Heaven it is your wish that we become great

    1. Author

      Pastor, you might want to look at the following verse:

      At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. Matthew 18:1-5

      I think you have this thing backwards. It is not about you. It is about others and making sure Jesus is considered great. And you do that by being humble, loving, and obedient. There is much to be said in the Bible on this. The more that you do not desire to be great determines how great you actually are.

      1. My good brother the will of God for us is be great I pray to be great like Daddy E.W. Kenyon

  7. I am very grateful to God that many believers eyes have continued to be opened to the wonderful truth of the word of God. I am very much encouraged by the wonderful comments that you people are making on the truth revealed by Papa Kenyon. I came across the teachings of this man in 2005 when a friend handed one of his books to me. I since resolved to buy all his books and I have made great progress, my life has never been the same. I encourage many to have their own copies and use them to transform their lives. Thanks and God bless.

  8. I believe I was guided by the invisible Hands of Providence to this wonderful website; its the best ever Christian site i have visited. I have been here less than a week, and have been blessed beyond measures. God bless you all. E.W Kenyon’s books are priceless. Happy Sunday.

  9. We are Gods in the flesh!! I knew it from the Bible and His Mighty Spirit. But how wonderfully to the point Kenyon adresses this so negleted truth of the Gospel. We are wonderworkers in God sharing in His Power and that by Grace. It is so beautifull getting people healed, restored and situations changed, glorifying God just by your lips. Every so called pastor should get on his knees reading these books, get this powerfull truth revealed and working. Happy wonders everybody! Thanks Jesus for sharing your omnipotent power with us. You are!

  10. I am so pleased to see that I am not alone that others have been so blessed as I have. It is so wonderful to see the Love and what the Lord has done for so many others through this man…

  11. Thank God for given us EW kenyon us every one try to hide some truth this man gave himself for God and do the right thing to speak what he know he so special man of God may the work he does live for generation .

  12. E.W Kenyon’s books have transformed my life.I don’t have words enough to convey my experience with his books. All i can say is that grandpa you are a blessing to me and many Generations. I love you very much.



  15. My name is Stephen O’Brien I live in Ireland twenty years. I walk into a christian book shop and I said to GOD show me a book written by you and not about you and he led me to the books of EW Kenyon and my life has changed ever since. I can’t wait to enter heaven. The first thing I will do is to look into Jesus eyes, and the second thing is to shake brother Kenyon’s hand. Who ever is reading this listen, you must buy his books

    1. Author

      Stephen O’Brien of Ireland – Yes, I totally agree. E.W. Kenyon’s books are great, especially the ones that start with the words, ‘The Two Kinds of (Knowledge, Faith, Life, etc.)’. They are actually written by him. Some of the latter books are still good but they were edited by his daughters after his death. There is much controversy about him, as there is about many influential church leaders, but he was a great teacher used by God to show His heart. God bless you. Be sure to also read books by Charles S. Price, John A. MacMillann, John G. Lake, F.F. Bosworth, etc. They are free and we have them at Online Books. God bless.


  17. My Spiritual Father in The Ministry…Great Preachers have plagerized his work…thats ok because Jesus will always get the praise…I give E.W.Kenyon His props…His teachings have influenced me immeasurably!!!!

  18. Am so blessed with the teachings of this great man of God.he is my papa and mentor forever.

  19. E W Kenyon has been a blessing to my life, i am his student,his book THE FATHER AND HIS FAMILY lead me to christ, i now know who i am in christ jesus.

  20. This man’s book the new kind of love has totally transformed my ministry. I am a minister in Zimbabwe Africa. The church is experiencing a transition from religious to relationship with the father.

  21. I read and love the writtings of this great man of God… I wish I had lived in his time to be mentored by him.
    I have heard and keep on hearing many popular preachers all over the world preaching from his teachings such as when they start I also know how they will end the sentence but many have failed to publicly acknowledge this Man of God. E W KENYON is but the best I have ever come across in all times

  22. I thank God for the revelation of His living word through His servant E.W.K

    1. Am so grateful to God for the life and ministry of E.W Kenyon.His work furnished me with insights on God’s reveletion to man -Bible,his teachings on new creation realities is a must read for anyone who want to live a potent christian life.

  23. God has us in his agenda with giving us a man like Grand daddy. Many years gone but his teachings are still of great worth to todays church.

  24. Father thank you for using this man,i am here,use me for your glory…..

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