The Authority of the Believer – John A. MacMillan

MacMillan-sketch-300-webBy John A. MacMillan

“Most people associate teaching on the authority of the believer from a charismatic source, usually Kenneth Hagin or Kenneth Copeland. Some evangelicals, such as Hank Hanegraaff and John MacArthur tend to regard exercise of the believer’s authority, especially binding and loosing, as an excessive teaching of the charismatic movement. However, the original source of teaching on this vital doctrine comes not from the charismatic or Pentecostal movements, but from John A. MacMillan, a former Presbyterian layman who became a missionary, writer, editor, and professor, and from and his classic holiness roots in the Higher Life and Keswick movements.” Paul L. King, D.Min., Th.D., Oral Roberts University

Online Book – The Authority of the Believer – John A. MacMillan

Read Dr. King’s article – John A. MacMillan’s Teaching Regarding the Authority of the Believer and its Impact on the Evangelical, Pentecostal, and Charismatic Movements Please visit Paul King Ministries and purchase one of Dr. King’s books


  1. This should be the guidebook for intercessors around the world. There is no finer read for the advancement of Gods Church or it’s disciples in Christ.

  2. Get this book and take your authority .Go to Billye Brims videos ,You Tube and study authority ,she uses this book.

  3. The amazon do not send this book The Authority of Believer with 192 pages to Brazil. Coul send me the complete book by email?

    1. Author

      Arlete – Can’t you just click the link above and download it? Rex

  4. McMillan book in paperback with both subtitles at Harrison house I believe
    Healing In the atonement by J. T. mcrossen

    1. Love love this book. Most helpful in starting an intercessory group. Love your ministry Sister Billie. God bless you

  5. I really want to get the book Authority of the Believer by John A MacMillian but I can’t find it … Only in one place but for like $54…. Can someone please let me know where I can find this book, please!

  6. I noticed your pdf version of The Authority of the Believer is only 99 pages and it looks on Amazon to be 192 pages. Is your pdf version complete?

    1. Author

      The Amazon version also includes his Encounter with Darkness book. Ours does not. I will try to find it and put it on also. Sorry. Rex

  7. I heard about Mr. MacMillan’s Authority of the Believer on the Kenneth Copeland program on TBN. I attempted to find a biography of Mr. MacMillan online but couldn’t find one. Can you send me a link to one? I am very impressed by all the articles on this website, and I thank you all.

    Thank you, Rosanne Mayo

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