Regardless of your affliction, you can be healed. If doctors have given you up to die, you can be healed. When your friends say your disease is incurable, you can be healed. Even though the paralyzing hand of death is upon your body, you can be healed. Read more…
How to Face an Impossible Situation – By Faith
How are we to face impossible situations, ignore them and hope they go away, or face them with an overcoming faith in God? Read more…
How Do You Know the Answer To Your Prayer Is No?
How does God answer prayer? To the faith filled believing prayer, God says, ‘Yes’ – all believing prayer, always. To the doubt filled unbelieving prayer, God says, ‘No.’ God responds to faith. Read more…
How to Train the Human Spirit – Kenneth E. Hagin
Central Truth: God will use our own spirit to guide us. Just as the human mind can be educated and trained intellectually, so the human spirit can be trained spiritually. …
Healing Scriptures and Confession for Cancer
Sickness falls upon us without our choice, but we must choose healing. We choose healing through prayer and by speaking His truth over our lives. Speak these scriptures and confessions over your life to strengthen your faith in God for the healing you need. Read more…
How to increase Your Faith – Kenneth E. Hagin
By Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin In teaching on the subject of faith, it is important to show people from the Scriptures that God has not blessed one person with more faith …
If – The Biggest Word in the Bible
Jesus always put the ‘if’ on man’s side and never on God’s side. The Bible principle is this – “If man does” then “God will.” Religion takes the ‘if” off man and puts it on God. Read more…
When You Pray, You Must Believe!
by Rex Rouis The Bible tells us that we are not just to pray, but rather to pray believing. If we are specifically told to believe when we pray, then …
If God’s Will Always Happens, Why Must We Pray?
Is God’s will unconditional or is it conditional? Does His will just happen, or at times must it depend upon actions by others? This is the big question concerning prayer. …
Hearing From God Is Knowing the Future
How would you watch a game if you knew beforehand that your team had already won? Read more…
Dare To Believe, Then Command – Wigglesworth
Smith Wigglesworth – 1919 “Truly, truly, I say unto you; He that believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also: and greater works than these shall …
Faith Quotes
Faith is one of the most discussed issues in the Bible. Faith is the road to God. The following are some of best quotes I have found concerning faith in God. Read more…
What Is Faith? – Kenneth Hagin
Central Truth: Faith is grasping the unrealities of hope and bringing them into the realm of reality. A key verse in the study of faith is the familiar one found …
The Holy Spirit’s ‘Still Small Voice’
Most everything in God comes down to hearing His still small voice. Hearing from Him is more of an art than a science, it must be valued and practiced. Read more…
Speak Your Future To Your Future
We may have inherited much of our past but we can create most of our future. We start in a world created by others, but we can change that world into one of our own creation. Overcome life’s adversity through faith in God and by the words of your mouth. Read more…
Six Enemies to Faith – Kenneth E. Hagin
Central Truth: When we “fight the good fight of faith,” we can step out of the narrow place of failure into the boundless power of God. Our lesson today discusses …
“All Things Are Possible” – Really, What Things?
Search the scriptures, meet their conditions, hear His voice, act in faith, and glorify His name. All things written therein are possible for him who believes. Read more…
Authority in the Name of Jesus – Kenneth E. Hagin
Just before He ascended to be seated at the right hand of the Father, Jesus said, “All power and authority is given me in heaven and in earth.” He then delegated His authority in the earth to the Church. Read more…