The way to get real-life results in prayer is to seek God with the attitude – “No matter how long it takes, or whatever I have to do, I will not be denied.” Read more…
222 Prayers of the Bible
The following list of Bible prayers is from the Dake Annotated Reference Bible, King James Version (Used by Permission – Dake Publishing). Dake found 176 prayers in the Old Testament and 46 in the New Testament. Read more…
Daniel Nash 1775-1831 – Prayer Warrior for Charles Finney
by J Paul Reno Daniel Nash (1775-1831) served as Charles Finney’s personnel intercessor. He was key to the revival that followed Finney’s ministry. We can all look at the life …
How Do You Know the Answer To Your Prayer Is No?
How does God answer prayer? To the faith filled believing prayer, God says, ‘Yes’ – all believing prayer, always. To the doubt filled unbelieving prayer, God says, ‘No.’ God responds to faith. Read more…
The overriding issue in prayer is whether or not the prayer is spoken in faith. The words you say must not differ with what you are believing in your heart. Read more…
Prevailing Prince of Prayer (Daniel Nash) – J Paul Reno
Daniel Nash (1775-1831) pastored a small church in the backwoods of New York for six years, and traveled with and prayed for a traveling evangelist for seven more years until …
When You Pray, You Must Believe!
by Rex Rouis The Bible tells us that we are not just to pray, but rather to pray believing. If we are specifically told to believe when we pray, then …
If God’s Will Always Happens, Why Must We Pray?
Is God’s will unconditional or is it conditional? Does His will just happen, or at times must it depend upon actions by others? This is the big question concerning prayer. …
You Cannot ‘Out Think’ the Devil But You Can ‘Out Speak’ Him
Forget what you feel like and speak the scriptures out of your mouth. You cannot ‘out think’ the Devil but you can ‘out speak’ him. Read more…
Authority in Prayer – Kenneth E. Hagin
By Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin In teaching on prayer for so many years, I always take two particular Bible texts. The reason I choose these two for my main texts is …
Prayer Is the Transaction – Faith Is the Currency
Think of prayer as a transaction. The trick in prayer, if there is one, is to have a sufficient amount of faith before you attempt the transaction. Read more…
When the Spirit Leads You to Pray – Pray! – Hagin
By Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin I want to share with you one particular experience from my life of a time when I was led by the Holy Spirit to pray. Back …
We Will Pray For You But Receiving Prayer Is Not the Purpose of this Site
You can’t escape the need for faith by relying on someone else’s faith. It does not always work. Your faith will always work. Read more…
You Are the Best Person To Pray For You
God can work through others but the person He really wants to work through is you. Sometimes, many times, God will only work through you for you. Read more…
Praying Is Not Begging – Faith Does Not Beg
God is moved by faith and faith does not beg. Begging is fearful and does not understand the heart and will of God. The will of God is to heal everyone through the operation of faith. Read more…
Prayer of Hope?
There is no such thing in the Bible as a prayer of hope. Hope is a step before faith. Hope considers the answer a possibility, faith knows that the answer is …
Sometimes Actions Are Required for Answered Prayer
Sometimes, many times, during a time of seeking we find that actions are required before an answer will come. Faith and obedience are tied very close together. Read more…
Prayer Quotes
Prayer is the verbal release of faith. A faith for a specific purpose, all based on a specific promise from God. Prayer moves the arm that moves the world. Read more…