Calvin’s well-known definition of faith:
‘Now we can agree on the right definition of faith if we say that it is firm and certain knowledge of the divine good will toward us, based on the truth of the free promise in Christ, and both revealed to our minds and sealed on our hearts through the Holy Spirit.’
Faith, the Bible tells us, is a matter of the heart, and not just of the brain. Perhaps the initial moment of faith can best be termed in English as a revelation. Faith is a personal revelation from the Holy Spirit to our heart, revealing the divine good will of God on a particular issue or thing. Faith then truly does come by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ (Romans 10:17). Faith is heart knowledge concerning the will of God, based on the potential of the promises of God, as revealed by the Holy Spirit.
If you have faith then why you are not using to earn money , why you are begging at right hand side 3$, this means you are just a hearer, not a doer, Shame on you.
Very interesting