Sometimes, many times, the obstacle before us is not the real problem. If all things really are possible to them who believe, and if, we really can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Then the barrier holding us back is not actually the visible obstacle before us, but rather something within us. The real barrier, be it fear, hurts, past failures, or personal insecurities, is in us, and it is the real obstacle, holding us back from moving forward in faith and courage, and obedience.
Find out what it is and face it. Face it head-on. Stand up to it and watch it cower in defeat, as you once cowered to it.
Sometimes we find ourselves waiting for God to remove our obstacles when He in fact is actually waiting for us to take that vital step of faith. We are the real barrier. You may feel powerless – that’s natural – you are powerless in spiritual matters.
The real barrier may be us.It is God alone who wields the power, and He transfers the authority of that power to you when you act in faith, and not a second before.
The hard part about faith is that you have to believe, and then act accordingly – before you see it and before you feel it. Once you start moving in the right direction, then He will bring the breakthrough.
God bless you more and more