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Join us in our effort to bring peace and blessing to the world through faith in God. If you subscribe to the idea of faith, then do subscribe to our newsletter. We love you. Rex
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I want to receive your news letters
Thanks enjoy anything that has to do with faith.
You’ll find when you comment on any topic you look at on this website (HopeFaithPrayer) you may draw replies to comments you make on that topic. Pretty cool, I think, the way the “proctor” of this site set it up. When we comment on something, years down the road, someone else may read that topic for the first time (as you have?) and comment. You will have an email sent your way because of that and you can look and see that comment and maybe see where you’ve grown since making your original statement.
I want to receive your news letters
Hi, I’m Andy. I’m really just like you. I read the topics listed on this site (just like you and many others) that I find interest in. Sometimes I may have a question and I can ask it or I could have an answer and add to the conversation. Mostly though, I read and The Holy Spirit works with my heart attitude (He makes known to me what He wants me to learn and grow in). That is what The Spirit of God does. He wants to teach you (and me). The more we read the Bible (God’s Word) the more The Spirit of God has to work with (in us). I’ve read many of these topics found on this site (I’ve also re-read many of these topics found on this site). It doesn’t grow old, it’s good stuff. How do I know it’s good stuff? If you know Jesus in a personal way then you have the same teacher that I do. He will open up your understanding. I don’t have news letters so to speak. I have knowledge and I’m growing in it thanks to this site, HopeFaithPrayer (Rex Rouis champions this site) and other sites as well. As Rex says, “Look over the many topics listed and stop to read the ones that show interest to you”. You will gain Godly knowledge.
This is a great site ……it’s teachings are purely biblical…. My growth in the word is inevitable…..God bless you for your kindness
I subscribed already but I don’t recall a newsletter. Please send me one
I want to be having your copy daily
Thanks God bless you
Thanks for life changing teachings
Good Day
Please subscribe me .
Thank You Kindly
This is an amazing resource.
Renee – Thank you so much, we love you, and Fred too… Rex
I need prays of hope please
I have been blessed by this site. It is all about Faith. Rex, keep up the good work. God bless you.
Archange – I really like your name. Thank you so much for your gracious words. God bless you too. We love you. Rex
Rex, You’ve done a wonderful job with your website, .. keep up the good work!
And yes I do enjoy seeing anything in my inbox from hope/faith/prayer.
Be blessed
Carl – Thank you so much. I sure appreciate you. Rex
I always look forward to seeing anything in my inbox from hope/faith/prayer. I love you Rex!
Andrew – You are the best. We are going to do much more this year. And WordPress got their system corrected so our new articles are sent out to everybody when they are issued. We love you all. Rex