Dr. Price had one of the most miraculous ministries ever seen. So miraculous, in fact, that some of the miracles he mentions in his book will amaze you because they are so astounding. Yet for years Dr. Price was puzzled about something that has probably puzzled you also: Why were some healed and some were not?
After a long and agonizing search he was certain he had found the answer, and so he wrote his book, The Real Faith, to share what he had found with those who needed healing but had not been healed. And what he found could be the key to your healing or the healing of a loved one.
Online Book –The Real Faith – Charles S. Price
Charles S. Price was originally from Britain and trained in law at Wesley College, Oxford. He had a conversion experience at a Free Methodist Mission in Spokane, Washington under the ministry of Amie Semple McPherson. He went to her meeting to gather material to expose her. At a later meeting, he was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues, which was something he had determined not to do. From that time on, he became a blazing flame of evangelism and a channel for divine healing wherever he went. Often more than 10,000 people attended his meetings.
I listened to Dr. Charles Price book on Real Faith.
I will no longer struggle for faith as I have been doing. I will beg God for the mountain moving faith as Dr Price said we should.
Charles Price makes good sense, I confess I need to re-read it though for I desire Gods wisdom to give me complete total understanding. My question on anything new is, “does it make sense”? Yes it does.
It’s a great thing to be in the things of the Lord God, having the desire to read books by the inspired men of God like Dr Charles S Price. Faith movement growth. I encourage you all
The real faith…
If you read Acts 8 and Acts 19 you can see where people were baptized ( this means they were born again , right ?) Next hands were laid on them so that they might recieve the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Read Ananias words in Acts 9:17″ …and be filled with the Holy Spirit . ”
Sir, if you don’t want all God has for you He will not force it on you. If you don’t I am sorry. It is too late to tell me I don’t need it because the person with the experience is never at the mercy of the person with the argument.
I dont know about you but Im looking forward to seeing people saved and healed
Great Man of God. I love him.
I am not from a Holiness background, quite the opposite. My Background is Mennonite. Over many years now I have been searching for the true meaning of Christianity. I have much more than read many books, I have studied books like The Spiritual Man by Watchman Nee , which is a three volume book, and his smaller book, The Normal Christian Life. Ive read Tozer, Andrew Murray, Hannah Witall Smith, O. Chambers, R A Torrey etc.
It seems to me that the Christian Faith has overlooked a tiny detail, correct me if Im wrong. This includes every writer that I have read so far including guys like Bev Carradine. Reading the book of Acts, and Romans, I see salvation as one unite ideally, thus a second blessing is not necessary. In Rom 6 it is very clear that the Old Man is dealt with in Water Baptism, which then was done Immediately upon conversion, preferably the same day. When you study Acts the Baptism of the Spirit also happened AT conversion. It is clear from firstly the original call to salvation in Acts 2:38-39. You have Repentance, Baptism, (for remission of sins and removing the old man) and then the Gift of the Holy Spirit, which after pentecost, and according to R A Torrey means “The Baptism of the Holy Spirit”. It seems that we are getting people out of Egypt, but rather than immediately ushering them into Canaan (This was an 11 day journey) we steer them into the dessert simply by neglecting to “close the deal” with a full salvation which includes dealing with the old man AND receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Since we have the mentality that “Someday they will need to search for the Baptism of Fire” to enjoy the second blessing, instead of giving out the full deal AT SALVATION, we encumber ourselves with a big chore that was never the original intent. The chore of recovering people from the dessert to bring them to Canaan.
Wouldnt it have been SO much better for the Israelites to go into Canaan at Kadesh Barnea than to turn into the dessert for fourty years? Yes. AND in their case only about 15 % made it in. If we brought them in as they were willing to give their hearts to Christ, we could save them a lot of lost time, a full conversion from the beginning, and it is much easier to go right, stay right and end right than to start with only a starter package that is sure to bring you to the dessert, then to wander for who knows how long, then seek a second blessing to deliver you from the dessert.
My view of full salvation is first, repent, turn from your former way of life to Christ
Second be baptised immediately for the remission of sins and to symbolically go through death burial of the old, including the old man, and resurrection, which upon completion is not symbolic but by faith, reality. The resurrected life imparted.
And the fullness of the Holy Spirit by which to live this life and be a witness unto Christ via Acts 1-8.
Now you have a saved and sanctified soul, ready to meet the world.
You will clearly notice that thats the way the first Gentiles experienced salvation: Acts 10:44-48 and Peter tells it again in 11:15-17.
Please reply, I have yet to read of this concept anywhere, though Im an avid reader and have read I guess hundreds of books. It seems so simple, so logical and so complete a salvation. Pete
Your right it hasnt been taught properly. That is the reason so many living a non productive,sometimes defeated Christian life. Some think they are Christians when in actuality they were never fully taught what repentance truely is: seeing your sinful ways and wanting to turn away from that way of life and start living a humbled, yielded, obedient now submissive life to God. If we are single eyed focused on God and His book that is how we reverance God with our lives and He in turn Can baptize us in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can only enter into a fully submitted person. And after His infilling and after He bestows His gifts, can not remain in that person if the person takes their eyes off him and completely starts living for themselves again. The gifts remain but the full power is lost. The true Bible Apostles could only be used like they were because they learned how to live with the Holy Spirit making decisions, leading where to go next, what to say, what to pray, fully devoted to His leading. Thats when He can put his power through us to convict people of sin. He gives us the words that person needs to hear and he brings them to repentance not us. Then there should be a brief teaching as to this new life God expects of yeilded obedience to Him and His leading, then follow with believers baptism in water and the laying on of hands to recieve the Spirit if needed. I think the reason some recieve at moment they believe for salvation is because they are full of faith and ready to fully submit. The Holy Spirit falls and these can immediately go. Focus on the Bible. Thatis where God speaks to you. That is where His wisdom and power are found. That is where his love encapsulates you and your hunger and thirst remains. Where you grow into a passionate life for God and compassionate life for others. Where led by the Spirit, set up by travailing prayer for sinners, can produce lives completely changed and on fire for God and His Word. I wasnt taught this and Ive been in church my whole life. God revealed all this to me and I have been like you reading other peoples books. Now Im learning to evaluate daily my single eyed focus on God, Gods Word and proper prayer for me and others, daily communion, and always asking where when who.
No, no, ALL mankind is out of Egypt by the Grace of God. ALL mankind is in the Wilderness (& “Dead”) until they are Born Again & raised to Newness of life “In Christ”. There is ONLY one baptism, according to scripture, so which one is it? John the Baptist, “I baptise you with water BUT One is coming…….& He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit” – That´s it! Glory to God who “Does NOT give the Spirit by measure” – It´s ALL or NOTHING, according to the Bible!
My experience, like many Pentecostals, was, I received a baptism in the Spirit about 3 months after conversion, and was baptised in water about 2 years later when I heard it was necessary. In the US I met a woman who received the baptism of the Spirit and spiritual gifts as she read scripture trying to understand how to be saved (like Cornelius and his household). She was subsequently baptised in water much later. I met an Australian who insisted the baptism in the Spirit *is* salvation.
I think that what you present is the ideal—nice and neat, and should be practised where possible. However, as with many who seek the baptism in the Spirit for years, sometimes that ideal may not work out. I think the ‘second blessing’ concept emerged because until about Azusa Street, the baptism in the Holy Spirit was assumed to be a less than literal experience. All are necessary for every believer I think, but certainly not everyone today accepts this.
I read the book Real Faith by Charles Price. I could not stop reading. This is the best book I’ve ever read on the subject of faith. I would encourage all to read this book and re-read it. I so enjoy this website. Thanks….
Awesome, I studied under Brother Hagin and have great respect for those who dare to believe God