Even in times of blessing, people can experience sudden bouts of depression, like a dark cloud with no clear cause. It is an evil spirit. Recognize it and fight it! Read more…
Psalm 91 – God’s Presence Means Physical Protection
by Rex Rouis Living under God’s shadow is the most protected place in the universe. It takes faith though to stay there, and faith comes only from His word. In …
The Power of the Name of Jesus
Healing in spirit, soul or body, is but a means to an end – abiding health of Body, Soul and Spirit. The healing unites the spirit of man to God, forever.
Cast Out Devils – Kenneth E. Hagin
The very first sign Jesus said would follow any and every believer was: “In my name shall they cast out devils.” Read more…
Even When Alone, You Are Not Alone – This Is a Good Thing
You are never alone. God promised to never leave you nor forsake you. It may seem like you are alone, but it is at these times that you must choose …
Faith Will Keep Ebola From Your House
In the coming days, the only thing separating safety and harm, fear and peace, and lack and provision will be a solid knowledge in the active promises of the Bible – knowing your covenant with God, and knowing your authority before God. Read more…
Christ’s Dominion
It is this spirit of DOMINATION when restored to the Church of Christ, that will bring again the glory triumph to the church of God throughout the world. Read more…
Modern Demon Possession – John A. MacMillan
Demon possession did not first appear in the Word of God; it has been apart of religious beliefs and practices of all nations from the very earliest times.
Faith Frees Us from the Terror of Terrorism
by Rex Rouis Terrorism is nothing more than an organized approach to the spreading of terror. And terror is the fear of personal destruction in one way or another. Fear …
Salvation – What’s It Actually Good For?
Physical salvation in its many forms – bodily healing, demonic deliverance, and protection from danger are an integral part of salvation in Jesus Christ. Read more…
Heading for a Shipwreck – How to Survive the Crash
Paul did not focus on the problem. He focused on getting the answer from God. God has a way out of situations, but we must find it by seeking Him for it. Read more…
Take Up Our Cross – Rejection – Suffering – Dying – Then Raised
We are told to ‘take up our cross daily.’ What does that mean? What kind of walk is the walk of the cross? Let’s get an vision from what happened …
“God Won…We Have Been Reborn” – Mario Sepulveda
by Rex Rouis “We then all believed we would be saved. The Devil was down there and so was God. I didn’t see either but I felt both. They were …