Happiness Verses Havingness

Biblical prosperity is all about enjoying God’s deep-seated eternal happiness, rather than indulging in shallow impulsive havingness. Being truly blessed is having God on the inside, and then allowing that …

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Present Time Is a Rolling Stage

The ‘Present’ is where we live, and it is where our actions are needed and accomplished.  This Present is a rolling stage, constantly carrying us one step ahead of the …

Fishes For Men, or Fishers of Men?

Jesus handed out fish to the multitudes but He taught His disciples how to fish. He taught them how to be fishers of men. So, instead of being like the …

Love Believes

…(love) bears all things, (love) believes all things, (love) hopes all things, (love) endures all things, (8) love never fails. I Corinthians 13:7 Love Believes God’s love in our heart …

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Everything Will Melt

Everything that makes up the universe will burn and melt. But we look forward to what God has promised-a new heaven and a new earth-a place where everything that has …